France and italy have never contributed anything good to this board...
France and italy have never contributed anything good to this board
France contributed some tier 1 happenings.
i wish we had great relations with russia instead of fuckin france.
Don't worry, your grandmother already had a great relationships with russians.
>Implying Krauts are useful on this board
kek that fucking face on france
Atleast our grandparents fought in the war
he just has to look outside to see that france did not win
>What is the battle of France
By the way when you see the pathetic results they better should have stayed home.
Yes they did
Kek, poor kraut.
I agree on Italy with you, however a few French posts have made me laugh
Pierre serving the frog legs spicy today
french characters in dostoevsky novels were always giant trolls. they were usually intelligent and rich too doe.
I cant see many italians irl using Sup Forums. Probably not many of them
stone cold
And they lost too Ahmed.
>russians cucked germans
>germans cucked french
but who cucked the russians?
Karl Marx
>German trying to be relevant and not be the resident cuck
mongols and gommunsim