Quebecois separatist here. AMA

For those interested, I'll try to be as honest and accurate as possible, rather than shitpost furiously like we usually do.

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop bombing mailboxes


How do you feel about the BQs hilariously pro-immigration policies?

I've never done it, personally.
I am not up to date with the BQ platform, as I don't really care about politics on a federal level. To me, it's all the same shit, whatever the ruling party is. However, the BQs originally was created to defend our interest on a federal level (whether or not they do is another story) and the leftists have hijacked any national pride we had, distorted it and then claimed national pride shouldn't exist while still claiming we have to defend our interests.

Why do so many separatist movements become disgustingly left-wing and tarnish the movement?
Sinn Fein, the SNP, whoever the fuck in Catalonia
It's confusing, usually nationalism is associated with the right-wing, but for some reason European (and Euro-American, save for Texas) independence movements are insanely cucked.

At any rate, on the topic I have no qualm with Quebec, a Francophone Catholic region, become independent of the rest of Anglo-Protestant Canada
The English seem to have an issue where they don't have the wherewithal to actually convert and integrate Catholic subjects, such as the Irish and Quebecois, but still want to keep them around, and it just ends up a problem for everybody.
I say this as a Protestant myself.

How do you plan on a separatist movement working at all when even the BQ, the party that was made by and for Quebec, has gone far left?

Do you think the biggest obstacle to independent Quebec is the fact that everyone in Quebec knows that you wouldn't be able to beat the rest of Canada in ice hockey and it would be too much of a shame?

It's hard to say. My guess is that we tend to be on the socialist side.
We love our people so much we're willing to sacrifice our own personal wealth for social services. While I don't disagree with that idea under certain circumstances, the issue is the fucking commies jumping on that wagon, trying to bring as many people as they can in our socialist system then destroy national identity because it's racist and because current year.

Also, Quebec is no longer a Catholic state.

The BQ is on a federal level and while it has separatist ties, it doesn't claim it will push a separation. It will be done on a provincial level.
If you look at the proportions, we are over-represented in the NHL, so no worries there, bud.

Why don't you just leave already? Oh right, you can't.

Is it true that non-Quebecois were shipped in to squash the independence vote?

Pls don't leave we need your hockey players and food

BQ is by far the most successful political entity Quebec has ever created. If the BQ isn't going to push a separation, who is? You can't expect a pro separation act to appear out of nothing in the near future.

It's a bit more complicated than that. The federal government, at that time, found a loophole, or created one (I don't remember the legislative specifics on that). Basically, if someone had lived in Quebec in the past 6 months, they were allowed to come back to vote. Which means anybody who left Quebec because they didn't want anything to do with it were allowed to come back and vote.
There was also a few duplicate votes, caller fraud and a few thousand dead voting.
Overall, the yes camp should have won by around 25 000 votes, as we lost by 50 000 or so and it's estimated 75000 votes were cheated.

The PM of the time, even admitted to it, subtlety.

fuck quebec f a m

We'll mail you some with pictures of the kids and their new dad.
While I agree it was successful up until two elections ago, it's not the one that is going to push separation.
Historically, the party who dumped down two referendums was the PQ on a provincial level, where it should be done.

Right back at you

You are sooo soo wrong.

>Brazil thinking they're superior to literally any other place
I'll trust a Brazilian's criticisms of a garbage dump, but no more than that

As a previously long-term resident of Canada, you're the only Canadians not cucked as fuck. Please keep it up.

i just hate the brits and the canada anglos not the USA

try again

the independentist movement was pushed into relevancy in the last 5 years by the right wing christian democratic party

previously, the only party that was publicly independentist was republican left wing, considered somewhat 'marginal' in the region, though they had quite a lot of followers

In spain you need to understand the main historical divide: right wing for the centralist spanish government in madrid (and the previous military dictatorship) and, in contrast, left wing for less centralist options, usually with regional nationalistic roots in each community

Makes sense then that independentist movements, both catalan a basque, tend to have a leftist tone in opposition to the madrid right wing, even though you also have nationalist right wing pseudo-independentist parties in both regions with lots of political success, who tend to be to most voted in those regions

Spain is a mesh of different regions, therefore spanish identity tends to exist by the negation of the different regional identities and languages

>usually nationalism is associated with the right-wing
depends of the country

If you expect the PQ to be the party to separate Quebec from Canada, what are your plans to make the party gain popularity? The 2014 election was a pretty serious blow to the party in general.

come take these fingers you Frog bastards

This, most of us actually like Americans, if they stay on their side of the border.

Je vous supporte à 100% les gars, continuez le combat.

How do you expect Quebec to function as an economic unit given that it's unable to meet it's current obligations without transfer funds?

I assume that an independent Quebec is going to leave Canada holding the balance of federal debt, but even then Quebec isn't viable at the standard of living it's citizens have become used to.

Are Quebecois like the French minus all the revolutionary bullshit from the late 18th century?

Don't leave now, you can get even more from the canacucks, when their economy goes to shit and when Toronto is majority Chinese will be the right moment. Remember to always threaten the anglo cuck with independency and grab the more you can before Canada commits suicide.

>How do you expect Quebec to function as an economic unit given that it's unable to meet it's current obligations without transfer funds?
I'm of the opinion that the liberal elites' insistence on maintaining the status quo, i.e. a large state apparatus with multiple govt programs, is a conspiracy by the pro-Canada "federalist" party to keep Quebec dependant on transfer payments. If you persuade the population that social justice in in Quebec society's DNA, it becomes haram to attack this sacred cow and trim the fat, as it were.

Please do separate :)

I'd love it if the quebekikes fucked off for good.

we ship a shitload of money to the federal gov dont believe the anglo lies

>I assume that an independent Quebec is going to leave Canada holding the balance of federal debt
It might sound counter intuitive but we're not obligated to do that

quebec would never survive on it's own.

it would be canada's biggest receptor of foreign aid


>we ship a shitload of money to the federal gov dont believe the anglo lies
Sure but you get more back than you ship out.

So for example the transfer payment program Quebec has given about 200 billion but got 500 billion back. Net gain of 300 billion.

Sure a shitload of money went out but far more came back.

>>I assume that an independent Quebec is going to leave Canada holding the balance of federal debt
>It might sound counter intuitive but we're not obligated to do that
A lot of it was spent on behalf of Quebec, in Quebec and with popular demand from Quebec. Not accepting the debt (in fact the majority of the debt) is Quebec's is well the exact sort of thing you would expect from a shiftless layabout that never stopped mooching off of others.

I don't support that party though, not in its actual state. What I am saying is that it will happen on a provincial level, if it does. There is no other way around.
We'd actually be richer out of Canada. There is a lot of duplicate bureaucracy done right now to "boost" the numbers to make us seem dependent on them. Estimates are at 2 billions dollars lost per year because of it.
Also, Quebec can be self-sufficient.
Somewhat, I guess.
Except we're losing money, demographics and culture with every minute we stay.
Thanks man.
Find a non-Anglo source before you spit anti-Quebec propaganda.

Inb4 that tranny-loving, Eugenie Bouchard posting, muslim manlet shitposter comes and ruins the whole thread

>Sure but you get more back than you ship out.
Fair enough, i'll concede. That being said, Quebec currently has a similar GDP to italy - it would be more than a little naive to assume that, after some financial restructuring, and a sharp turn to the political and economic right, that somehow we'd be doomed to third-world oblivion.. Especially considering we'd have territorial control of one of NA's most important waterways.

ffs I hate that guy, but he's bond to come here at some point.

>We'd actually be richer out of Canada. There is a lot of duplicate bureaucracy done right now to "boost" the numbers to make us seem dependent on them. Estimates are at 2 billions dollars lost per year because of it.
The duplicate bureaucracy is the province of Quebec pretending to be the Nation of Quebec. How many national this or that has Quebec made?

Transfer payments were a net 11 billion to Quebec.
The other transfers; health transfer and social transfer are also net in favor of Quebec although to a smaller degree when you take in the taxes out VS returned money.

>Also, Quebec can be self-sufficient.
Sure in a steady declining standard of living.

>and a sharp turn to the political and economic right
What is going to buck a 80 year trend and cause that to happen?

>Especially considering we'd have territorial control of one of NA's most important waterways.
You will only collect maintenance of the locks and nothing else. Anything more and you can look forward to military conquest to secure the seaway for all lawful commerce and maybe liberate the English speaking population. (or however the US would phrase it)

Trying to hold the commerce of the great lakes ransom is a great way to get your teeth kicked in.

I'm an immigrant, what is your opinion on the current level of immigration in the province? Do you think you get more "good immigrants" than the bad ones? What do you think should be changed?

Stop summoning that inbred

>facts are anti-quebec propaganda


>Quebec education

What would happen to the Maritime provinces if Québec separates? It would split Canada in half. I'm pretty sure Canada would want access to parts of the Atlantic and St. Lawrence river that aren't frozen half the time.

If Quebec was going full retard access from the USA is easy enough.

Annexed to America with the rest of Canada soon to follow

Not OP, but you have to go back.

What is your opinion of the wheelchair assassins?

>What is going to buck a 80 year trend and cause that to happen?
More like 60-years - Duplessis was decidedly conservative. What's going to buck the trend? What was the saying : necessity is the mother of something or other? Stranger things have happened. Just have to take the unions down a peg, multiple PMs have been elected here with the mandate of trimming the fat, but the unions mobilize people to protest and give the impression of massive popular support for state socialism, and the PM tempers his message..

>Trying to hold the commerce of the great lakes ransom is a great way to get your teeth kicked in.
By whom? Justine? Either you have territorial sovereignty or you don't. Speculating that QC would only collect this or that portion of revenues from the waterways is presumptuous.

Quebec isn't keeping all that clay.

I know we're responsible for the duplicate stuff, but that's because our government for the past 16 years has been setting us up for it: they greatly benefit from us being fucked up.
They keep getting reelected on the separation threat, so they at every opportunity they will create a money blackhole.
We should shut our gates to immigration.
They could from the north waters for all I care.



Post more information on them, I am not up to date.

>We should shut our gates to immigration.
On all levels? Even for the "travailleurs qualifiés", which seeks specialised people with a specific set of skills? Care to elaborate? I'm genuinely interested. Even as an immigrant I think immigration policies are kind of fucked up and there's a lot of opportunity to shit people coming in, such as rapefugees and shitskins who are not prone to cultural immersion.

>Some skilled laborers should be given working visas if we're missing said skilled laborers.
>No citizenship given unless at least one parent has it
>Can't vote unless you have said citizenship
>Promote birthrate of couples where both parties have citizenship
Such as free, or funded housing if they have 3+ kids.
>Shut down immigration, unless they have a particular set of skill we need, to all other workers until we have 0% unemployment rate

>Push multiculturalism "muh Quebec identity"
>Want to separate when their baby spirals out of control

Quebec elitism gave birth to Trudeau ...both of them.

Now to my question how do you expect to survive without getting all that welfare money from the other provinces?

Goddamn, saved that pic
This is one of the things I'm most proud of my country for, that despite some periods of conflict and discrimination conflict between whites has never gotten so out of hand. Franchophone identity in Louisiana has made quite a comeback in recent decades.

>How do you expect to survive without getting all that welfare money from the other provinces?
1.Bureaucratic cleanup, which will be partly done leaving.
2.The most corrupt party that has ever existence throughout Canada's history will lose its whole platform: "We want to stay in Canada"
3.Taxation of any goods going from Ontario to the maritimes

Bonjour, je suis québécois et je suis contre l'indépendance.

>Bawnjawr, yé schui qwébwécoä et yé schui conte l'windépwendance
maintenant, retourne dans ta jungle, babouin.

>tfw we're stuck dealing with France's African colonies too

Name one redeeming feature of the french quebec people

Honest question, what do the separatists expect to happen to Labrador if it succeeds?

>french quebec
You could say Quebecois, Quebec people, French Canadians.
Anyway, looking at fields of work where we excel internationally: we're great coders.
We don't really bother to question ourselves about it. Neither do the 10 people living there I'd guess. I suppose it would stay there and still belong to New-Foundland?

Catholic mindset basically makes helping the poors the main pillar of faith and being rich a sin, it's easy for socialists and communist to use it to infiltrate the catholic movements.

However unlike protestants the catholics tend to be very conservative on social issues because of the inertia of a centralized structure (that's why for example protestant countries are at always the edge of progressism) and less materialistic (so individualism is reduced but the communautarism is stronger, making it more resistant to foreign intrusions).

But anyway this opposition is slowly eroding, protestantism with american domination obviously rules the West now and the catholic church has been reduced to grasping at straws and more or less following the protestants (see Vatican II).
The fact that the Vatican lost France in 1789 (its most powerful stronghold against protestantism) made it absolutely unable to recover in Europe.

The first election I was old enough to vote in was the Charlottetown Accord. I voted stay, but now 24 years later, learning confederation was just a shot gun wedding in fear of American domination, I would vote leave. I'm in favour of a separate west anyway. Cascadia

Everything west of the canadian shield can unify, Quebec can be sovereign and annnex the Newfies. The maritime's can be given to America in a peace offering, and Onteribble can just wallow in its own misery. Canada Solved.


>Quebecois separatist here.
Posts in english

it's an English board

Sounds fair to me.
Why not?

I want the US to annex Canada and let Quebec remain independent

t. acadien

Quebec libre mon frere! Pour quel parti votes-tu?

We only hate self-hating leftist anglos. Aka 90% of Montreal's anglophones.

Trop tôt pour dire.

How is life in Acadie ?

We don't talk shit about the english language.

Do you believe Canada would peacefully secede control of the St. Laurent if Quebec attempted to separate? It's a key artery for the country, both in terms of connecting the Atlantic provinces to the rest of Canada as well as providing the avenue for Atlantic trade for Ontario industries. Would Canada peacefully cede sovereignty over such an important waterway, even if they could accept the notion of a sovereign Quebec? This is not like Scotland seceding and the UK losing out on a bit of North Sea oil. This is strategically and economically key.

If Quebec were willing to negotiate and allow the southern half of the St. Laurent remain Canadian while the northern half would be part of a sovereign Quebec, would that sovereign Quebec still be economically viable? It would give Canada huge leverage in any trade negotiations as it would effectively cut off Quebec from trading with the United States without passing through Canadian territory.

I don't think a sovereign Quebec would accept a split St. Laurent, and I don't think Canada would ever accept a St. Laurent under Quebecois sovereignty, regardless of referendums. Is there any reason you can think of that would motivate the United States to intervene on your behalf rather than on Canada's? If not, do you think it is possible to separate by armed rebellion? Is there seriously the will to do so among young Quebecois?

The ones that moved to Louisiana are doing okay

Best of luck to you. I support all secessionist movements. The most tolerable government is local government.

Catalan nationalist here. I wish you luck.

If being a leaf is already bad, how is it to be a French leaf

At least your girls are hot af

> Is there seriously the will to do so among young Quebecois?
In Montreal, most of them are the generic vegan/stoner federalist leftist. They don't care about sovereignty as they are against the concept of nations. My school's student association is so cucked, they hide our nation symbol, la fleur-de-lys, because it's a symbol of hate and colonialism.

Got my Catalan's flag in my bedroom!

is it true yall speak french up there? if yes why you speaking english?


I agree on the importance of our river and I rarely talk about it, as most North Americans aren't aware of how much they benefit from it.
If we kept control of it, we would get extremely good trade deals, due to the heavy leverage it provides.
Without its current hold on the river, Quebec would fail economically, that's for sure and giving any of that clay to Canada would give them too much leverage to call us independent.
However, for two reasons, I don't think Canada would challenge the claim.
1.If we democratically declare our independence, the UN will recognize us as a state and would condemn any military actions taken on our soil as well as any attempt at economically destabilization. Canada, beside under Harper's rule, as always been the UN's lapdog, so any attempt to fuck us over would be unlikely.
2. If Canada try to take control of that river by any mean and the US refuses to intervene, they would risk us turning to Russia, which would give them a solid foothold in North America if an alliance was to happen.

Don't you remember what happened last time someone sperged out over "muh land corridor" while the land they were demanding was full of the other country's people? Poland got all of that and even more.

It's an English board, but a lot of people in Quebec don't speak any English. I think there are even countries in Europe that have a greater proportion of English speakers than Quebec

Sorry, forgot about the last two question.
> If not, do you think it is possible to separate by armed rebellion?
It is, but it's not our way.
>Is there seriously the will to do so among young Quebecois?
It's quite split and they've forgotten the potential we've had and shown we had. So give them some history books and it will come back.
You too, beautiful.
I'm a flower. Pic related.
We do. And why not? Germans post in English here.

I blame muliticuluralism as policy for why u want to seperate. French Canada is allowed to preserve their identity against English Canada. For example a sign in Quebec must contain French. We should have never let you keep french when we conquered you. Next we will have Richmond BC seperate back to china due to language issues.

vid expalins the follies of multicultalism as policy

You're a flower-leaf? You're a full plant?


Why don't French people care about how they smell?

The part of Mad Men with Megan triggered me pretty hard. They had a French Canadian actress from Montreal and somehow they made her and her parents act like typical Parisians.

I was disappointed that Weiner could do so much research for everything else yet completely neglect this

It's more complicated than language and you should know that. Language's symbolism for the whole culture behind it, but it has been forgotten, hence why now you have dumb "nationalists" defending French while having no clue about our general culture, history and common values.
But I totally agree multiculturalism is the roots of the problems we're facing.
I'm whatever you want me to be.

Except for most of our history you actively suppressed the French language, especially in provinces like Ontario and New Brunswick, and look at how much of a difference that made

But user, we wuz Parisians
