Can you guys explain to me why the following are bad for society as a whole? Try to keep the arguments secular

Can you guys explain to me why the following are bad for society as a whole? Try to keep the arguments secular.

>LGBT acceptance/rights
>government assistance (welfare, food stamps, section 8 hoursing, etc)
>gun control

Because as it stands it seems like what I listed helps society function?

>LGBT members are still a part of the community and should not be ostracized/discriminated against
>immigration helps those in other countries have a better life and live the American dream. Skilled immigration fills a labor spot that may not have been filled in country and unskilled labor can take up the menial jobs no one wants to do
>members of the poor community who live below poverty line have a chance to live in a house/apartment, have money for food and other expenses
>people get murdered by firearms every hour of every day in this country, whether it be a legal or illegal gun

Well Sup Forums?

Many people are weak and insecure. They look for someone else to blame for their problems.

>Try to keep the arguments secular


all people should have the same rights but shouldnt expwct everyone to accept their lifestyle

immigration is ok given that its legally done and it doesnt drastically change the demographics of the host country

gun control is what exactly? not being able to have guns? that is too much power in the hands of the state.

>devaluing marriage and the nuclear family
>destroying monogamous productive societies
>giving an incentive to lazieness
>removing the right to self defense

well /shill/?

1. Transexuals have an attempted suicide rate exceeding 40%. This is much higher than people with depression. This is much higher than people with schizophrenia. They are mentally ill and everyone pushes them into their deluded fantasy world.

2. When people come to the U.S, they are middle class or rich people from their country of origin because poor 3rd worlders can never afford to come here. They are hurting their country by bringing talent here instead of fixing their former shitholes. It's good for us and not for them. Unless they are Mexican. Then they are probably illegal and its bad for us.

3. People will abuse the system. My father got food stamps for us in high school. We happened to have the same last name as someone important in our state government. When he called for food stamps we got the maximum amount. We had food for a family of 10 and there was 3 of us.

4. Most murders are committed by illegally obtained handguns by young black males. Gun control won't stop any of these murders from occurring.

>LGBT acceptance/rights

Death of the family unit, resulting in poorly raised children and declining birth rates


Immigration of skilled workers isn't bad, mass immigration of unskilled immigration is bad. Bringing in bad people to do labor we already have enough people to do makes our country more dangerous and drives wages down.

>government assistance (welfare, food stamps, section 8 hoursing, etc)

Empirically tested, it just creates a perpetual class of welfare dependents.

>gun control

All men have a right to self defense, and if you look at the historical violent crime rates in countries which have implemented strict gun control, it does not make anyone safer, and in some cases causes briefs spikes in violent crime.


On the LGBT point

What if a gay couple wants to adopt a kid? And the couple is perfectly decent and can provide a good upbringing?

What then?

>LGBT acceptance/rights
No one cares. The only people that do are the cancerous and rampant special snowflakes that think their whole life revolves around their sexuality.

If they want to live here they have speak our language and to be accustomed to our way of life. This is no longer the case today.

>government assistance (welfare, food stamps, section 8 hoursing, etc)
Nobody deserves anything from anybody. If someone wants something they have to work for it like everyone else. (see: the blame game)

>gun control
It puts law abiding citizens at a vulnerable position to criminals with illegal firearms. The argument for it makes as much sense as car control. Who needs 12 cylinders or 500hp. Only people that would need that are people who want to drive drunk and run over people

Nahh no thanks, do it some where else.

If you wanted to debate with real arguments, try one of them at a time so we can tear you apart. Not that you would be open to listening to our view points anyways. But no, you group them all together and no one wants to bother answering 4 fucking essay questions all at once. Then you think in your head that you're right. The fact is, we've answered all these arguments before. But I'll give you a sneak peak short answers.

What's there to accept? Government shouldn't be involved in marriage to begin with. What don't care what you do in your own home. Even then gays have civil unions that grant them all the rights of marriage.

Most of them end up on government programs and lower the standards of living of everyone. They are a burden on society. Illegal immigration is illegal for a reason. There are legal avenues for immigration, they should stick to those rather than cut in line.

>government assistance
Burden on society, why should society take care of others (inb4 they'll all be criminals and rob you).

>gun control
Our rights to self defense. People get murdered by them? No shit. But cars murder 3 times more people per year. Will you be pushing to ban cars and save lives? What you don't care about lives?

Because all those terms you said are intentionally vague so that they can be bent to fit whatever is needed at the time.

>What if a gay couple wants to adopt a kid?


>And the couple is perfectly decent and can provide a good upbringing?

they can't.

>Because they're faggots.
>Because they're terrorists.
>Because it enables parasites
>Because it enables bloodshed

Nice arguments

>LGBT acceptance/rights
The most important part of maintaining a successful and high functioning civilization is having the traditional family model of a nurturing feminine wife and providing masculine husband raising their children. This is the only way to properly raise a child.
A nation is it's people and multiculturalism does not work as proved by horrible experiments such as Sweden where there is nothing but cultural ghettos. People need a volk, culture and religion. A place to call their own.
>government assistance (welfare, food stamps, section 8 hoursing, etc)
Creates dependency but overall I agree that this needs to exist so people don't turn to crime or become homeless. Though it should be more limited than it is.
>gun control
No reason to have anything other than a shotgun/rifle for hunting and basic home protection. Most everyone should have one. Handguns and automatics should be limited to only law enforcement and military. No civilian has a use for them.

>members of the LGBT community are prone to patronizing those of different sexuality, not to mention that they become more and more uppity about their beliefs, but that is due to a huge increase of support to their cause

>Not all immigrants are skilled and they usually obtain a free pass on welfare checks. First gen immigrants are more prone to having conflicts with the population expecially between cultures so far apart

>welfare is very often abused by lazy who end up essentially milking taxpayer money. That is why all nets need to murder themselves

>gun control is necessary to an extent, owning small firearms is necessary for self defense, people smuggle guns everyday thus contributing the spread of gun owners, the problem comes once people start asking for higher caliber guns when there is no real threat, people kill, not guns. Menthal therapy is necessary for those who want to own a gun and had a violent past

LGBT: It helps you slide down that slippery slope that the left denied exists: Issues today are the rights of pedophiles, animal-fuckers, and people who practice incest.

Immigration: SEE GERMANY

Govt. Assistance: Anti-darwinist

Gun-control: SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. The 2A Guarantees 1A and all of the rest.

OP: Is a faggot

Sup Forums isn't anti-immigrant for the most part

Just anti-non white illegal immigrant

We should have quotas like we used to

>LGBT acceptance/rights
destruction of traditional family, normalizes mental illness
destroys whole societies, crime
>government assistance (welfare, food stamps, section 8 hoursing, etc)
dependance on the state; but I believe these should be some degree of welfare for those who genuinely need it
>gun control
if you're not a convicted criminal, you should be be able to buy a gun and use it to defend yourself

>LGBT acceptance/rights
I'm for their rights, a state shouldn't have a say in what goes on in their privacy. But the acceptance bit is iffy. If they're respectable people and keep it in private, then we wouldn't be having these problems. The problems come about when their fetishes are exposed to children, in things like gay pride parades and child molestation which is more common among gays.

Benefits the super rich (cheap labor, more wage slaves, more loan slaves, increases GDP) at the cost of the middle and lower class (keeps wages low due to more labor competition, increased crime, increased traffic, strain on environment, middle class forced to pay more welfare to keep low wage immigrants functioning). The middle class is always the native white population. It throws off the balance we once had, where young people would temporarily occupy low wage positions, now many young people are out of a job while immigrants occupy them indefinitely as if they were careers.

Sovereignty, we have the right to be an individual and unique culture, as does everyone else. The concept many immigration supporters have is that white people should be punished for what dead colonists have done, that's ridiculous. Let's go punish the Mongolians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Mayans, Chinese, etc too while we're at it why don't we?

Don't even get me started on crimes. Importing third world people is importing third world problems.

Comment too long, will continue

>government assistance

Parasitism. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?


>LGBT acceptance/rights
If someone is gay, they should keep it to themselves. While I don't think it's fair to ostracise someone for being gay, it should not be a political issue, and it should not be celebrated. Homosexuality is, on a purely biological basis, a mental defect, like Autism or Schizophrenia.

Immigration only works well in four distinct criteria.
1. Similar race/ethnicity
2. Small numbers
3. Same culture/religion
4. Countries built around ideas rather than ethnicities.
If a group of immigrants don't meet any of these four catagories, then they're useless and will only cause internal problems for the country. A radically different group of immigrants in large numbers will feel entitled, like they're being discriminated against, or they don't respect the country they live in and prefer where they came from (but won't want to go back), or maybe they hate the country's religion and will seek to change it. Immigrants like these are the death of a nation. In the latter case, countries like the US are better for immigration, because it began as a colony rather than an established region that has been inhabited for thousands of years. That's why the US makes such a good Melting Pot while Germany doesn't.

>Government assistance
Benefits here in the UK is like a cancer. All it does is enable lazy fuckers to sit around and recieve their checks every week. The Job center will try to force them into getting a job, but they don't force them hard enough. There's also cases where people on benefits buy flatscreen TV's and the newest iPhone, on wages that are only supposed to support their absolute basic needs. The worst part is that it doesn't eliminate poverty. For one, Council Estates are rough. Two, far too many people are homeless to give any credit to Benefits. It also attracts economic migrants that leech from the system like everyone else.

>Gun Control
If you can't obtain a gun legally, the black market will still serve your needs.

>Government assistance
Again, it's white people fronting the cost for the cheap labor for the rich. By design, wages are kept low and the taxpayer pays what the corporations refuse to. It's a fucking brilliant scheme to raise the GDP and corporate profits if you think about it, but it's at our expense and so many of us don't see how were obviously being ripped off. They'll take advantage of your emotions, telling you look how bad these people have it, well they have it bad because they came here to be our wage slaves, that's the purpose they're intended to serve, and you're the one who's going to pay the portion of their salary that the corporation will not.

>Self defense rights
Gun violence wouldn't be such a problem without immigrants, especially black immigrants. Again, don't blame me for what dead people did, bringing them here was wrong and we should return them to their rightful homelands.

Every human being has the right not to be the victim of violence and oppression. If you don't understand that, I can't help you, I guess the only way for you to come to that understanding is for you to be the victim of violence or oppression yourself. Or just pretend like your brown pets are the ones being oppressed, don't you want them to be able to defend themselves against the evil white male nazis?

Your solution is to ban guns as a whole, mine is to deport the problem. My solution actually works, so you're whining about saving lives yet refuse a solution that would actually, physically, non-theoretically save lives. Wat.

Fags have the same rights as everyone else. People can't be forced to accept them though.

Legal immigration is okay and no one argues against it.

Don't take my money and give it to some jobless him with ten kids. People should learn to save money themselves instead of relying on the government for retirement payouts and such.

Come and take it, statist fuck.

Would like to add. This tard probably doesn't know why whites vote Republican.

>'B-but you poor whites are voting against your interest!'

We vote Republican because we know the taxpayer money, is going to come from whites, and be used mostly on shitskins. We pay in and get little out of it.

> lying

stop lying.

> lgbt a/r

that's a form of lying

you're implying what exactly?

but under that banner comes hundreds of evil bullshit

> try keep arguments

more lies, lies by strawman

give us ONE granular, __________DEFINED_____________ issue you fucking (((faggot)))

Homosexuals are mentally ill and cannot provide a healthy environment for raising children. Check your non-PC edition of the DSM.

Mentally healthy children require upbringing with a synthesis of Mother and Father. (SEE BLACK PROBLEM))

so, men have much higher & in real amounts than women and trannies



>wages are kept low and the taxpayer pays what the corporations refuse to

Quoting this because it's a key topic I'm going to have to redpill all of Sup Forums on at some point.

There are two types of benefiting the rich, the Republican method and the Democrat method. Think of Republicans as nationalist corporatists, their policies are aimed st supporting American companies. Think of the Democrats as globalist corporatists, who's policies benefit global corporations and banks. They're both fucking corporatists, we're failing to see that and it's fucking us all over. We argue and argue yet we're all in support of one or the other of the same damn thing.

The Republican model is to just give money to American corporations directly, through tax breaks and the like to keep them competitive in the world market. The Democratic model is to import more wage slaves (more poor people also = more loans) for the corporations and thus stagnate wages due to laborer surplus. Take advantage of the voter's emotions so they'll increase funding for dem programs, where they the taxpayer foot the bill that used to be footed by the employer receiving the benefits of their labor. Then after making it impossible to increase wages by cucking the companies, they call for increasing wages. With the protections they take away from the companies it would only mean more people being fired, thus ending up on full welfare OR taking out loans, hmmm.

I'll have to make this more coherent at some point. Just know you're all being ripped off, both the logical thinkers and emotional thinkers. They've had a long time to work out how to fuck you over no matter how your brain works.