Do you have any friends that are as redpilled as you? I have a good friend that I regularly blast with Sup Forumsshit...

Do you have any friends that are as redpilled as you? I have a good friend that I regularly blast with Sup Forumsshit, but he's just averagely aware, not someone to discuss Zion's games with. I wish I knew some kankermongool that I could discuss real things with.

>Do you have any friends that are as redpilled as you?

>horse girl

You've been warned.

What's wrong with horse loving girls apart from the fact they are usually spoiled rotten?

No senpai

> girl

Maybe she lives in an area where horses are more common and horse riding is a cheaper hobby? But yeah, she probably craves major horse cock and won't settle for anything less.

I met a girl thats racist like me. Life is good.

Fun fact, I'm an 84% match for her. Oral is cool with her and she has no problem squealing like a dolphin during sex.

>54% match
you are filthy degenerate user.

My friends and I "meme" about this kind of stuff all the time. Little do they know I'm not joking.

*congratulations and wife her once you feel like you're man enough to fight for

>tfw ironic profiles are look more appealing than the sjw's on the site.

Horse girls from my experience are either bat-shit crazy or horse fuckers.

t. Calgarian

daar is Sup Forums voor.

but were is proofs?

she can suck you off while standing.


Not as redpilled, I can go about 80%. Eventually they just think I am trolling and laugh

This man speaks the truth stay away from horse girls

what about the oral?

Just knowing there are girls out there like that gives me a warm feeling in my stomach. Like no matter all the shit going on out there, everything's just going to be ok, because she exists.

I'd go through the trouble to edit out my profile pic and all that again but I'm busy at the moment. Regardless, she's quite a few states away from me, as well as the fact she hasn't logged on since March 2015

All of my friends are more or less redpilled. I don't know about jewish trickery but boy do we hate niggers. Some of ud have even convinced normies to like Trump and Assad.

>tfw she's almost perfect, but she's 26 and not a virgin

Need to find a girl like this, but younger and less whorish. I'll even bite the horse-girl bullet.


cool emoji you fucking nigger

I work in the horse business and there are some great women in this industry. Typically pretty red-pilled, not afraid to get their clothes dirty, confident and usually pretty well off. I know half a dozen girls like in the OP's pic. Hell, I'm dating one but she's an actress who just rides occasionally for fun these days.

Nah, blue eye'd aryan reporting. Thanks for playing.

Scanning your iris right now and sending it to the FBI

Good luck with that shit as potato photo.


I have one friend who browses Sup Forums, and he is the only person I can have an intelligent conversation with. Also, I'm almost positive that my boss browses Sup Forums too.