Fat acceptance, and by extension fat fetishism, is becoming more mainstream by the day

Fat acceptance, and by extension fat fetishism, is becoming more mainstream by the day.

What can be done to stem this tide of degeneracy?

>he wouldn't fuck a hamplanet's belly button


Looks like a pregnant belly retard

Remind them Adele lost weight and people still love her. Bitches love Adele.

Perfect body type tbpfh familia. Made for impregnation

>tfw your into feederism

this shit is so fucking niche you have no idea
granted I have noticed it growing which is pretty exciting

>granted I have noticed it growing which is pretty exciting
I saw that you sneaky leaf


See what I mean? Not even wholesome children's entertainment is safe.

just make the fat fucks go away
reduce tax from the production of healthy food and increase tax for the proudction of unhealthy food to make up for what the government is losing from healthy food tax cuts

diabetes and heart attack is enough for them

What can be done?

Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0, Iodine, Super Male Vitality or Super Female Vitality (Depending on what sex you are.)

Go to the gym at least 4-5 times a week. Run at least 1-3 miles per day, lift weights, stretch. Your diet needs to consist of fish, chicken, rice, beans, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and berries. No more chocolate cake, donuts, coffee loaded with cream and sugar, no more potato chips while watching T.V. or while watching your kid play Wii Sports.

Pregnant bellies are tight. You can tell its fat

Somehow I can smell your loneliness through my computer screen.

> "hey guys fat girls are disgusting, dont be a degenerate"
> posts pic of a sexy fat girl that demands I wank my dick immediately


>Bitching about degeneracy
>On Sup Forums

Toop keek

accept the fatties

Fat people are unattractive. Fat women are infertile.



I miss the time where Sup Forums didn't complain about this stuff, but instead created #bikinibridge for the lulz

Fat people will always be laughed at, deal with it OP and take your so called fat acceptance meme with you back to Mcdonalds where you belong.

I'd fuck her until she was skinny again.

Desperate men are to blame for this.

They fuck everything and anything that will give them the time of day.

In turn, this boosts the confidence/ego of landwhales and gives them a sense of entitlement.


>Fat women are infertile

dude women have to get to like 650 pounds plus for that to start happening and even then some conceive.

Is that Boxxy?

Fat acceptance and fat fetishism is a jewish psy-op meant to weaken men and make men content with subpar hedonistic women.

Aren't you one of those leftist shitholes that gives free housing to ISIS fighters?

Is she fat now? One of my favourites...

live and let live i say

t. bbw lover

Fat is not healthy and not to be seen as normal

Never date fat girls.

lil bit of pudge like this is sexy

She's supposed to be a failure anyway

Tits and ass is the only acceptable place for body fat.

Men need to stop putting their dicks into fat women. This includes the ones with the big asses, those girls are still fat.

welcome to Sup Forums. Please leave your sick attitude back in Sup Forums you stupid fuck.

It's not.

Fat women make my pee pee sad.

Provide free, federal healthcare, but completely exclude anyone that qualifies as obese


The things I would do to those crooked teeth. Call me the dentist baby.

imagine the smell. Like in the middle of english fish market on sunday morning.

She cleans herself
She's not THAT big yet. I don't see any big rolls on her

Since when did it become okay to abuse your body and be proud of it?

And this ladies and gentlemen is a retard that doesn't understand how being fat works and just does what the fit nut coolaid tells him.

Sup Forums isn't what it used to be

Get a time machine and go back to the 90s and stop whatever got all our brains cross-wired as boys?

t. chubbychaser

Encourage idiots that buy into fat acceptance to eat more and more until they either:
1) have an epiphany and get thin
2) die of obesity-related complications

you do realize how fucking fat you have to be once the smell starts

and that's if they can't clean themselves which is even rarer, Waldemar

>I don't see any big rolls on her

Not THAT chick
I meant THIS chick:


>tfw fat
Fuck off skinny shills. Being fat is the redpill and the only way to bring back our ancestors' traditions.

The only reason being fat was accepted back then was because it meant you had great access to food because your family was filthy rich, thus worth marrying into.

Exactly. Now fuck off back to starving.