You're alone with Trump in a room.
No security guards, no cameras. You won't get caught no matter what you do. Restricted for 20 minutes.
What do you do?
You're alone with Trump in a room.
No security guards, no cameras. You won't get caught no matter what you do. Restricted for 20 minutes.
What do you do?
Ask him if he likes anime
Kneel before the God Emperor.
Let him grab my pussy
Travel to the states from Aus and shitpost while pretending to be a burger. Just like OP
Congratulate him on his victory and have a pleasant conversation with him.
Ask him if he could get me one of those MAGA hats, maybe even signed
Shake his hand and tell him we believe in him. But, if he should fail to uphold his promises, he will be held accountable.
Come with me if you want to live.
shitpost on Sup Forums
if he's aware that nothing will ever leave the room, no matter what is said, I'd ask if I could interview him on his absolute honest opinions on particular things
Ask him for nudes of his daughters and offer to suck his dick for 5 million dollars.
I'd hug the motherfucker real tight and smell him. I bet he smells good, like rich mahogony and over cooked steaks.
>tfw papa trump will never hug you
print out my best handmade pepes and ask him to sign them, hoping he thanks me for all my hard work and dedication in the first memewars election.
"Could you give me $20?"
"What's your favorite movie?"
"Are you actually going to build the wall?"
>You won't get caught no matter what you do.
I'd motherfucking kick his ass at hide and seek .
mess around on my phone for 20 min and leave
don't give a shit about Trump and not and edge lord
He probably already knows all the good hidie spots
Assassinate drumpfy
Ask for this job
Will work for room and board
suck his dick
Tell him to move the embassy to Jerusalem.
have him sign my favorite pepe
ask him about finances, personal motivation, and investments desu
Doubt Trump would tell any one of us the Truths of this world. After all Trump may not even know the actual truth and may just be a talking head.
t.welfare kike
Ask for a small loan of one million dollars
I break out Epsteins flight logs and point to his name. Then I say, "#PIZZAGATE."
Ask him if they've already disclosed him about aliens.
He'd break your goddamn neck. Fucking kraut.
ask him for a job
Walk out with a cozy new job. I'm not fucking stupid. Capitalize on that shit. Thats a 20 minute opportunity to become more than you will ever be.
also ask him to sign my hat
Shake his hand for 20 minutes straight
yes! make sweden great again!
>ask him which company he will attack next on twitter
>take short position on stock
>*tweet happens*
>acquire millions
>no proof of insider information
Ask him to strongly encourage a coalition between America/Canada/Europe/Russia/Australia/New Zealand.
Propose a single language, a single currency, similar conservative governments, a low immigration rate (only comprised of Caucasians who are stuck within South America and Africa), and for those who choose religion a faith based around Christianity.
It's time to form an unbreakable alliance.
>cuck thinks he can overpower an actual man
Tits or gtfo
Trade waifus
Ask for a small loan
Redpill him
and then
>takes him to you basement
>makes him your sex slave
You realize the majority of our latino legal immigrants already come from those "white middle classes" right?
You dont have to be strong to be an actual man, trump is a man, he's done something with his life, but he's also a fat old pile of mush that would not be at all difficult to overpower
Obama would wreck trump in a fight, doesn't mean Obama is a better president, but it's the truth
I'll give him a hug.
Crack a beer and talk.
Seeing that politics is the main thing on his mind atm, we'll probably discuss political shit, forward with some batnz too. I'd definately mention Israel and Kikes though. Still not sure weather he's a zionist shill or not
That, or just talk about times, slats, or some funny stories about family and life and shit.
Ask him questions about his real beliefs, intentions, and policies, hopefully he'll give truthful answers.
After all, no cameras, no one else to hear or see him, and who would believe me if I said I met Trump and he said X?
give him a high five
>and offer to suck his dick for 5 million dollars.
I don't understand what you're saying. You want him to pay you for you to suck his dick, or you want to pay him for you to suck his dick?
I mean actually white people. Not "American white" people.
Shake his hand and then work with him on the logistics for suiciding the Clintons, Bush's and Podestas.
I'd ask him for a job helping to make america great again.
can i get tree fiddy ?
Suck his cock.
ask him what they told him during that meeting after he won that made him look so shell shocked after
t. McCarthy
Extreme Austism
Ask him if obama smells like a nigger
>Cut off his younger
>Cut off both of his hands
>Stab one eye until it's completely gone and damage the other one
>Shove a chopstick deep into each of his ear drums
A Trump that is partially blind, deaf, mute and handsless is 1,000,000,000x better than a Trump that functions "properly". If whatever the fuck he's doing even qualifies as functioning properly.
I'd look him in the eyes and ask him how he'd be able to live with himself if he spends the next 8 years in the White House and doesnt expose the mass pedophilia and child trafficking.
>Cut off his tongue*
I guess i would shake his hand and say congrats on the election. Not much else to say. I mean i could ask for a loan or something but i'd feel like shit doing that.
How can one feel bad asking for money?
I'd suck his dick. N-not gay tho...
Ask if he has a minute to talk about PEPE and the church of KEK
Thinking Kek's choosen vessel would lose.
I would tell him he needs to kill himself because he's a racist and a loser. Then I would kick his stupid fat ass with my bare hands and tell him that he just got his ass kicked by a black man, who is going to fuck his wife next. Then when he starts to cry I'd just laugh at him because he a bitch.
hypothetically, kill him. I would have 20 minutes that would be sufficient. A hero to some and a villain to others it will be the trial of the century and i would have center stage
Says the sheckel collector
drink a diet coke with him and laugh about how stupid democrats are together
Obama so stronk. He's empty threats and red lines.
I'll ask him if I'm making things up or If he is actually a German plant
Ask if I can have Tiffany's hand in marriage.
When he says no I agree with him she's out of my league but worth a shot.
Then we just talk about memes.
have a great conversation about his plans for the next 8 years.
So, basically, you'd ask him to betray our country and destroy either Anglophone or Russian culture in exchange for his commitment to destroy European freedom?
... Why would you waste your 20 minutes getting him to recommit to something he apparently already promised? If he's going to enslave the West he's going to do it; if he doesn't want to enslave the West, there's no way he'll consider his promise to you more binding than his earlier promises.
Same thing I'd do with any other common anti-white kike shill.
Trump would break Obama in half, he is taller and bigger
I had a dream about this, I talk to him about how dangerous SJW's are to America. At the end he gives me a job in which I work for the NSA. My division monitors SJW twitter, tumblr, and YouTube and waits for the second they violate a law. Then get them arrested or get then into mental hospitals.
that sounds pretty cucked
Keks champion prevails
I bet he cheats when he plays and doesn't close his eyes whe counting
Beg him for Steam games
Redpill him and get him to let me marry into the family via tiffany
What exactly would you say to get this job?
Show him my rare pepes. Drink a shot of whiskey and maybe a beer, and talk and laugh about how butt devastated all of the libs are.
Trump doesn't drink, degenerate.
suck his dick
no homo
I would laugh my ass off with Trump over the epic asspain he delivered to Hillary.
ask him how i can be successful in my current circumstances
he probably knows a lot about how to maximize the potential of the autistic because of barron
based on his flag he'd show trump his shitposting skill and get the newly created Whitehouse Shitposting Secretary position
NSA entry #0-89290725-DR
convince him the 4th reich is the way to go
He would send you to the 72 virgins, Muhammad.
Fondle his 9 incher