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>African philosophers

>School of oriental and african studies.

They shouldn't be teaching Plato. and Descartes.
They should be teaching how to build mud huts as far away from water and food as possible.

Therefore, WE AM

if your playdoh gets hard you can soften it up again by mixing it with toluene and kneading it with your bare hands

>African Philosophers

Name fucking one.

This one

Are there even any African philosophers? Don't they have trouble thinking abstractly? Their languages lack words dealing with abstract concepts, I don't understand how anyone would think they would make good philosophers. Unless they're talking about North African or Ethiopian Caucasians.

King Booga was a leading free-thinker in his Zimbabwean tribe in the late 20th century. He introduced and popularised the revolutionary concept that the Earth was round and that the big ball in the sky was made of something hot. To this day he is hailed as one of the founding fathers of African philosophy, a true cornerstone of modern civilisation that has been preserved for tens of years.


Technically, the Egyptians would count.

Roger Scruton is the last real conservative philosopher in Britain.

holy shit top kek

Documentary about the abomination that is modern art.

Plato is a faggot

these people should be executed for their crimes against humanity

how can someone seriously delude themselves into believing this jargon

Saint Augustine lived in Africa, specifically the area known today as Algeria and has had an enormous impact on philosophy and Christian religion.

Niggers will, of course, insist that he was black.

Noice m8

But Socrates was also literally a faggot.

>University adds Egyptian philosopher to syllabus
>SJWs chimp out because he still has light skin

Here is a black philosopher =-)

socrates was a NIGGER

>wuz hippos

Seems like an interesting guy. Thanks for the links.


Black philosophers are a goldmine of wisdom


Seriously, are there literally any?

Yeah, but...that's Christianity, a (((problematic))) religion full of bigots.



Please tell me his first name was Ooga

Have African philosophers added anything valuable?
All I remember was it always relating to Race and how the system is keeping blacks and coloreds down.

>Seriously, are there literally any?

According to the article, the one of the main proponents of doing away with white philosophers is a man named Ali Habib (surprise, surprise). Habib suggested the study of Frantz Fanon, the Martinique-born Marxist thinker whose book The Wretched Of The Earth is a seminal work of revolutionary anti-colonialism.

Habib, who sits on the board of trustees at the college, is also a proponent of (((critical theory))):

>"White philosophers should be studied only if required, and even then their work should be taught solely from a critical standpoint: For example, acknowledging the colonial context in which so-called “Enlightenment” philosophers wrote within."


Lest anyone think otherwise: This is an invasion. We are under attack.

to bes or not to bes, bitch

>if your playdoh gets hard you can soften it up again by mixing it with toluene and kneading it with your bare hands

that works with your dick too

It has the added benefit of preventing it from getting hard again in the future

Holy shit nice.

Shes slav tho

>Have African _______ added anything valuable?

>african philosophers
>unga bunga studies

Who next? Abo philosophers?

Do they count chinese as white? i hope so, so they will learn philosopy of slave and mudhut builder

Cucumbers are from Africa...So, yes?



Leibniz was black and he invented calculus, checkmate.

Thomas Sowell is the closest I can think of. He's not liberal though so they wouldn't want him.

Isn't this why they have Eastern Philosophy classes? So hipsters can masterbate how now Western they are?

Confuscious say live long and suck it.

Muslims are only second to jews in doing this shit and even jews didnt go that far. They are trying to destroy western education gradually and look at the suggested anti white colonial guilt trip spin on it. Perhaps should be taught 1400 years of muslims enslaving africans or similar period of muslim agression against europe and many others. This fucker might then suggest burning down the university like muslims torched entire libraries in the past.
>african philosophers
There arent any. The first library of sorts in africa timbuktu (literally meaning hole in ground) was in something like 13th century. And has the typical african clay architecture. Egypt wasnt black but too long story (they were middle eastern not arabs) subsaharan africans barely invented the wheel or had a writing system and walked on gold and other things not wondering to use it. Lets just say they werent doing a lot of thinking or much of anything spectacular in those places.

Leaf cant you get something right just once in a while.