How is Trump going to make our armed forces great again?

How is Trump going to make our armed forces great again?


By arming them

Oh wow holy shit.

By kicking out the fags and trannys m. Then replacing liberals in the officer core with fighting men. The military is not a social experiment its a finely tuned killing machine liberal beliefs and policies have no place there.

Niggers in the navy kek. Everyone knows biggers cant swim.

what liberal beliefs and policies?


Is that you John Burk?




You cant openly have political opinions and such, but you can openly be a massive faggot and have a stupid gay voice that just tells everyonw how many dicks you sucked that day

pic related. name me one person in this or your countries equivalents thats not gay

The nigger navy is serious. Please respect its proud traditions. So no jokes. We won't stand for it.

Seriously though, we need to make sure the vets get medical and mental health care. As well as temp housing and shit.

A black dude (yeas a nigger) helped me move my furniture. And he was due to have an operation and was homeless until his appointment. What the fuck. That's cold, too cold for a great nation.

If it helps pretend he was white. Whatever.

#NiggerNavy #BlackedSeaman

How would you enforce this "fighting men only" policy? I get what you're saying and why, but how can this be achieved? You can just make any rank above Colonel or whatever have the requirement of being an 11B, that's inefficient for non-combat units and bases. I think that there needs to be a shift onto a fighting army rather than a defending army, right now we're are a defending army and everything we do doesn't really matter since we're defending, we can afford to cuck our soldiers and allow them to be fags. We need a change of mind to how it used to be, the army doesn't conform to you, you conform to the army. If a drill Sargeant calls you a fag, you were probably being one, if they call you a nigger you were probably being/are one, too fucking bad, at the end of the day that Sargeant is going to expect you to take a bullet for him because he'd do the same for you, that sense of Brotherhood is gone.

>black semen
But what you say is true, our vets are getting ripped off by a retarded system of infinite paperwork and bureaucracy, where it doesn't need it. Trump's idea of allowing vets to bring a waiver to a normal hospital and get operated there is going to save many vets lives, specially since army doctors suck ass

#niggernavy has to be some of the dumbest fucking shit I've seen. They use pictures of fucking marines/soldiers or get the ranks wrong.

Checked, and oh shit it's real!

Un-fucking the VA by axing the administrators who think art curation is a good use of funds and are willing to pay ~$500k for a fucking boulder that any landscaping company could have installed for 1/20th the cost.

>be VA administrator
>have friend who sells "art"
>use VA budget to purchase the "art"
>get kick back from "art" dealer

I'm no lawyer, but I think that's called embezzlement.

Military docs get cucked by the higher ups
>which happen to be nurses
>which happen to be women
>which happen to enact all of their power-tripping over docs that they could never do in the civ world
the men of the military get the brunt of it.

It has gotten so shitty, that other military docs tell you not to join as a medical student/resident because you'll have to deal with a system so backwards that'll make your head spin (making specialists do work outside of their expertise, etc)
The medical corps is fucked up senpai

I'm not, I know several who aren't. However, the situation is getting bad. I'm involved on the training side of the house atm. There is a huge crack down on "problematic language" and the brass are trying to integrate the silent service for some reason. Huge anti-hazing push with a chaffing definition of hazing. I'm not advocating broom handle sodomy but if you can't handle being called a faggot, when you were in fact being a faggot, gtfo the military. I'm going to stop because I could go on all day.