Tell me one thing wrong with Judeo-Christianity?

Tell me one thing wrong with Judeo-Christianity?

Other urls found in this thread:;,Judeo - Christianity;,c0

nothing wrong with Christianity. It was the Jews who denied Christ and follow the Talmud that are going to burn in hell for eternity.

I hate it.
t. real christian

The judeo part

christianity is about the catholic order and traditions and it's morals, nothing else.

Christianity part.

it's not a real thing

>it's nords
>it's meds
>it's christians
>it's atheists
>it's capitalists
>it's socialists
>it's fascists
>it's rich people
>it's poor people
>it's communists
>it's liberals
>it's conservatives
>it's short people
>it's tall people
>it's whateverthefuckism
>it's whateverthefuck arbituary trait
they all attack one thing, the white race.

NEVER attack a white or Evropa tied people.

Some people who call them selves it believe in both.

same as mormons or islam then.

Meh, Europa is way over-crowded anyway (compared to US, Canada or Aus). And yeah it was over-crowded before the rapefugee thing.

No false

Judeo Christians/Christian Zionists are oxymorons of the Synagogue of Satan and thinks they are going to use "Jews" as "Rapture Vehicles".... Jesus said it best john 8:44 'Jews are the children of the Devil' Oy vey! Those Jews in Palestine are Khazars, speaking not Hebrew but Yiddish and following not the Bible but Talmud, Zohar and Kabbalah. They have been the chosen people only of a Demonic Force named Moloch, Yawah El. The Church of Israel is God’s chosen people… How many millions are out there believing we should keep quiet and not criticize God’s chosen people? Yes, don’t you DARE criticize me you rotten Jews!

"Judeo-Christianity" is NOT Christianity, but is a control mechanism developed during the rise of Zionism, & which only really gained currency & was implemented by Judaeo-Bolshevik & Judeo-Capitalist globalist elites exploiting their strategic victory in the last "Brother's War" (WW2):;,Judeo - Christianity;,c0

Bible was written centuries after Jesus.
Not exist in original Christianity
>following not the Bible but Talmud, Zohar and
First christians was just some kind hardcore hebrew, one of many of branches

The Jews did not do this.

came in to post this

fuck off kike


My mom is really into this stuff and involved with a very pro zionist megachurch, she even wears a star of david. Should I drop the redpills?

fucken saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaveddddddddddddddddddddd


No such thing as "judeo-Christianity" it's a (((made up))) term to get Christians to side with the. The ones that do are called "Evangelical TV ChristCucks"..

In reality, Christianity has nothing to to with jews.. They hate Christ, and Jesus was not a jew contrary to what we have been told.

jews are lying cheating scum while Christians, (real Christians not Christcucks) are based. Now fuck off you dumb kike!

>catholic order and traditions and it's morals
Christianity existed 300 years before the Catholic Church. Papists brought in heresy and pagan influences.

I'm so fucking tired of seeing this blantant lie.

the catholic order burned people alive for reading the bible, and created Islam in order to destroy Christianity. the dark ages were because of muslims, and the catholic sabotage of the roman empire. catholics are pagans who pray to the virgin mary, which is idiotic because Jesus is of Davids line from Joseph.

All lies, Sergei.

>The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said. 26But Jesus replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” 27“Yes, Lord,” she said, “even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”…

Fuck off christcucks


This. It's like saying Islamo-Christianity, doesn't exist.

Muslims call Jesus prophet Isa. They have many respect to him but they don't call him god.

I think Islam has the upper hand in anti-semitism. Muhammad wasn't a jew. Jesus was a jew. Therefore Christians are Judeo and Islam isn't.

Sorry christcucks. Islam is the next step to de-jew the West.

Don't call them the K word, just call them Jews. Its the most insulting thing you can call them. A Jew. They don't like the connotation and they know it.

morality based on tribe not rational selfishness

see ayn rand or more fun Yaron Brook on youtube

>Jesus was not a jew
I have my scorecard ready. You may begin your mental gymnastics.

Slave morality. They are literally proto commie leftists.

No. The second coming of Christ will be the great warrior leader the Jews are looking for you mong.

Judeo-Christianity is a made up term.

>jesus was a jew

except he wasn't

jews didn't exist back then; it was simply a way of referring to people from judea

good ole days

>jews didn't exist back then
What is Torah
What is Temple of Jerusalem

That is the definition of Jew. Are you going to argue semantics here? Be specific.

believing in god is a redpill

made up stuff

>made up stuff
Which part exactly?
Help me here.

Monotheism. It's all fun & games until you start flying planes into buildings.


yes because it's actually really important. in fact, i have to correct myself a bit because of it

to make a really long story short, jesus wasn't a (((jew))), he was a jew. (((jews))) and jews aren't the same thing.

Judeo-Christianity is an oxymoron.

They both represent mutually exclusive beliefs.

I get it, you are trying to split straws and say that a person from Judea was not necessarily a person of the Torah. However the New Testament references the Torah, so how is Jesus not a continuation of that tradition?

In other words, when did jews become (((jews))), in your view?

I've seen enough.

Its just not true.

Thats the problem with Judeo-Christianity.

i couldn't give you an exact date, but it happened before jesus came into the picture.


this is where the (((jews))) and their ideas you know today originate from. the talmud is heresy

Correct on everything except the sodomy and homosex things. See Shekinah and what Christ said would be worse off than Sodom. Then that none of these words but the terms existed. Then centurion. Born eunuch. Ethiopian. David Jonathan. Only Lucifer has tits. Plato fucked with this too. And angels have no gender. Sodom was not consensual activities at all. It was inhospitable rapes and it is zionism that places this above lots

> Christianity existed 300 years before the Catholic Church

lol okay

So (((jews))) existed since at least the Hellenic period (300 BC). They seem to be the sole inheritors of the Torah. Are you saying that they stole it from the 'true Israelites'?

The existance of the Talmud does not mean that (((jews)) are disconnected from the Torah only they took a different path that Christians in its interpretation. Before Christians, there was only Judaism.

I honestly cannot pinpoint where the (((jews))) stole the Torah? There are no alternative custodians in history. If the are not the Israelites somehow they would still be very closely related.

ok kiddo... personally...
i reject the old testament, it's jewish, backwards and hateful
christ was a jew in flesh only but filled with the holy spirt and thus is an honoury goyim
he spoke the truth and was murdered for it by triggered kikes.
judism although coheirment for daily life at it's core is evil, chirstianity isn't so please don't muddy the water with your religious diversity.