where would we be without styx-sama to tell us what to think?

>implying I even know what spqr means

Other urls found in this thread:

Styx is a civic nationalist, all of his opinions and arguments are therefore automatically invalid.

Alright dinosaur it's rather the way of the youtube peace out

Thank you and good bye.

*spoon rattles in mug*
*clears throat*

So I was reading some article just now, and uh, heh, y'know, it's actually quite funny really



He looks like a true ubermensch.

Alright, I'll admit that was pretty good

>"new" Styx video
>Not watching Styx within the hour of the video being posted
>Being a filthy potato nigger
Just end your pathetic miserable life maggot senpai

>youtube celeb
Just a guess but you guys are virgins too?



he casually plays minecraft while at the same time not falling into the fucking aspergers tier typical youtuber while playing it
take from it what you like

Alright Youtube.

Le Pen is still marching along in France.

That's about all,

Peace out...

Oh. I don't know how people can play that. Even with mods it's boring as shit. Styx confirmed autist

>Not playing on the Sup Forums autism blocks server with an anime avatar and joining the fascist group

kek wtf are you even doing with your life nigger like wtf I cant even hahaha

underrated senpai

ITT: Styx on several Proxys simultaneously.

>that video with multiple bodies falling past his window

This man possesses the full power of KEK. It would be unwise to stand against him.

That's about all, peace out.

Keep watching Styx

*spoon rattles in mug*
*clears throat*

So I was reading some post just now, and uh, heh, y'know, it's actually quite funny really. You're a stupid bitch

Imagine how bad that leather jacket must smell.

Aaaaaaaah, the smell of leather and sweat :))))

no doubt. his cats sprays allover it too and his grandpa never washes it for him

>that video with multiple bodies falling past his window

Do a show with Ghost already Styx!