Kinda shitty
guy on the left: rural and suburban retard
guy on the right: city person
>mexican intellectuals
>tfw to intelligent too get this comic
False dichotomy
>Implying the two are mutually exclusive
> tfw to intelligent
yes it does make me think
>beta orbiter power fantasy
Please stop with this shitty meme
edgy 12 year olds
It makes me think.
>big headed is literally an insult for arrogance
Lazy fucks that eat snacks and drink soda everyday usually believe in that.
You know, the type of people that read some wikipage articles and enjoy reading low-level books like asoiaf thinking they're intellectuals.
Weak body, weak mind. The greeks of old knew it.
A lot of people hide their body insecurities behind a veil of smug self-importance. Think of people who say "One day they will work for me" or use the word "dude-bro"
So many people love to compensate for their bodies and social skills by over-inflating how intelligent they think they are. The reality is that if they were as smart as they proclaimed to be they would know that it is easy to master both the mind and the body.
Why can't you have both?
its the same fucking leaf who does it every fucking time
based version
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes it really makes me think
Gave me a giggle and those digits are superb.
>Guy on the left: Rural and suburban retard
>Guy on the right: City person
if he actually did any reading he'd realize your head doesn't grow like a muscle when you read books
fucking retard
>implying you can't be educated and buff at the same time.
Implying you know what mutually exclusive means
>Don't use terms you don't understand brainlets boy.
Why not both?
Thx senpai
>Wake up early
>Work or study
>Go to gym
>Back to home, read books, article, etc.
>Sleep tight
>jason blaha here
me irl
It even got into the /fit/ meme pic of the year.
This is what brainlets actually believe
That joke took no effort, it is both trite and mundane.
Exercise has been shown to help brain activity
It takes an hour to work out every day. You can work out and read. If on a bike or something you can read and work out at the same time
Both of these people are idiots.
I swim in a pool with my smartphone in a ziplock bag.
It works well. Just don't bring it underwater.
Sir is based.
Heh, that's me! I'm still an aspie weirdo but I work out. A little bit of fitness goes a long way!
No girl looks at a guy and says "wow, he's smart. I want to fuck him!" So guy on right is fucking stupid.
And most smart people will have a strong body to go with a strong mind. Stupid comic.
They both suck at balancing mind and body.
lol the filename and everything. At least it's evolving, here's your (you)
>compares commercial/tourism area to residential
Are all leafs so retarded?