Cannot counterfeit these faeces

Cannot counterfeit these faeces

How the fuck is 72% the whitest city in America?

>whitest BIG city

It's a big town. I come from a small town that has 98% white pop. Had 2 black kids in my school.



Urban centers attract non-whites since those places are willing to hand out free money and what not to them.

HAHA this is so fucking perfect considering how all of the anti-trump riots were done by whites after Trump was elected.

Keep hating yourself and your people you stupid fucking neocucks.

Don't come to Portland. It's full of lebs and safe zones. This is the capital of Hillary.

It's true.
Oregon is one of the most liberal states in the US but there's about two black people per square mile. There are loads of Latinos and Asians though.
>t. Oregonian

The democrats moved blacks from rural areas into commie blocks in the cities in the 60's

Took them from areas where they could accumulate land and wealth and put them in coffin apartments where they "rent"/gibs.

>move to Portland because it's mostly white.
>face more anti-white racism than where you came from

>Don't move to australia its a hellhole of spiders
t.fuck off we're full

Fuck you

Are you saying that blacks are complaining that white liberals are being too racist towards...themselves?

>all of the anti-trump riots were done by whites after Trump was elected

Oregon is trash. Nothing of interest.

t. moved from So Cal (paradise) to this utter shit hole at 13

Bro I live here. It's already full hipsters and gender queers. If you are trump supporters people won't have open conversation with you.

All big cities (within the proper city limits) are packed with non-whites, same goes for Canada too (except Quebec [except Montreal])

The entire surrounding area went red for le Hitler man

t.fuck off we're full

>So Cal

Fine you can come.

>he can't handle a little bit of rain
>His degenerate SoCal parents couldn't help him get on his feet in a new area
Go back

I know when I'm not wanted

Just in case you wanted the breakdown

I live in manhattan now, definitely want to live in LA again at some point though.

Jewing got a little bit out of hand

>Living on any of the coasts

I know #4 irl Holly fuuck

it's funny how the cities that liberals claim as bastions of progressiveness don't have many black people in them