Like Jesus Christ, why is Reddit so shit? Its like you aren't allowed to have even one ounce of positivity for Trump on there outside of T_D.

Other urls found in this thread:

you have to go back

>unironically using reddit

They have so little to talk about they have to bring back stories from months ago.


Isn't this a topic for reddit?

is this the (((politics))) board? Jesus fucking christ.

Go back.


>t. salty cuck

Deal with. Or do like your president, go bitch about it on twitter.


>using reddit
there's your first mistake OP

You sound triggered. Sup Forums is the safest safe space there is!

>why is Reddit so shit

ITT: posts that trigger Sup Forums

I'll start



Here's a better idea. We should ban fags like you from posting shit from reddit here.





>everyone should have the same opinion that I have
Fuck you


I agree, let's zap FagOP good and hard!

Me on the right

So annoyed by that "Mocking disability" story they constantly force, it literally didn't happen.

He mocked the reporter using the EXACT hand motion and stuttering noise he uses to mock anyone he thinks is indecisive and/or confused, he used in on Jeb, Cruz, O'Donnel, himself, and MANY other people he's insulted over the years. I saw an interview from the 90's where he used it. It's so ridiculous that they would take that and twist it into "Mocking a disability", then push that story on every damn outlet.

Anyone who starts out like that, makes me think of mister slave from south park.

Garbage in = garbage out
Why do you spend time on r3ddit if you hate it? I stay away from all forums regarding opinions. If I need programming info, it's been a great resource. The boards are utter garbage, other than that.
You don't need to post every Facebook and plebbit post that gets your panties knotted. We don't care.

Also known as the republicans who encouraged people to vote for Clinton.....

Prove it. Show me an example of him using that same gesture in reference to anyone else besides that reporter.

who cares, let them be. they're gay retards just like the people who go on the_donald

fuck r*ddit, it's a liberal knee jerk site that has a retarded conservative knee jerk corner in it. i saw a post the other day on the_donald that was just upvoting the israeli flag, what a fucking joke. they use the term "red pill" and all this other shit it's just embarrassing. cripplechan is full of these retards now too. it's like a cancer

Here's something neat. An original mod of /r/The_Donald, a guy named /u/NYPD-32, is now a moderator of /r/EnoughTrumpSpam!
Really makes you think!

>having a reddit account
>caring what faggots in their echo chamber say

here's another angle. what if. . stay with me here . .what if it's not even a big deal?
who honestly cares about some dumb reporter?

2005 - in reference to himself

2015 - in reference to a bank president

2015 - in reference to a General

2016 - in reference to Cruz

2016 - in reference to Donna Brazil

Do you want more?

Is that enough to prove you retarded and mainstream media shameless propagandists?

Its like the antithesis of Sup Forums during the election campaign. Glad we got over it

You didn't even need proof, unless you're a liberal cuck who believes MSM.

So instead of acting like an immature child in reference to a reporter, he acts like an immature child all the time. So very presidential! Thanks!


>reee my secret club and exclusive memes reeeeeee

T-d is full of leddit plebs but they are not your enemy

me on the left

>using reddit at all


I never fully knew what it meant to move the goalposts until I read this shitpost. Now I know. Thanks.

Yes, we should ban reddit from here

They don't realize that all they're doing is pushing more people into Sup Forums to avoid their retardation. A side effect of their existince is more Sup Forumsified military aged men.

Let them have their fun.



subreddits are literally just echo chambers.

And you have to go back.

BTFO and still complaining. Truly an inspiration to the intellectually dishonest.

It's okay to not have to defend the immature actions of a manchild.

My sides flew pretty far after reading this post
but not as far as the goalposts


What did they mean by this?

It's okay to admit you were wrong and that you are trying to move the goalposts so you aren't compelled to admit you were wrong.

In case you are unaware of what moving the goalposts means:

>gets evidence requested
>still mad but changes what the subject is after the fact