MTV white guys

I don't get what the whole outrage is over this video, they are completely right here.
Its time for white guys to recognize their privledge and set down to let some of the oppresed minorities have a go.

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I agree.

neck yourself

[Controversial image]

[Sup Forums BTFO/what did they mean by this/cannot be disproved]


Then can you tell me what privilege I have if I am white compared to any hard working american who has no crime record who is a different skin?

*Presses lips together*
I'm lookin' atchoo, fahx nooze

Have a go at what exactly ?

>Its time for white guys to recognize their privledge and set down to let some of the oppresed minorities have a go.

What does this even mean?

We had a black president for 8 years, there's thousands of large companies with PoCs in executive positions, Affirmative Action, welfare, handouts, etc.

What else could they possibly need?

There's a wide world out there, most of it without white people. Let the minorities have a go in shitskin countries. Niggers add nothing to our country. They take, and take and destroy and complain. Exactly what you would expect from stupid animals who we must pretend are human. There are a lot of nigger and spic countries where our shitskins could go to enjoy the peace and prosperity prevalent in nations run and inhabited by niggers.

>shit tier video got down voted so badly that MTV had to take it down, reupload it, and take it down again, and reupload it again to clear all the dislikes

That nigger's blockhead is fucking ugly.

Running the country

They want us to be THEIR slaves. When it would be more sensible and a lot more fun for us to just kill them all.

Yes, it is my country. I have certain privileges here that minorities don't have.

U mad lmao

When I look at them, they are caricatures of themselves. All I see are lips, noses and black eyes with yellow/brown around them.

I'd rather not.

>we are the only race that would put up with this bullshit.

Thank goodness I live in a based state that does not swallow this bile.

Gave you a chance in Obama.

Complete failure .

Are you saying the OP is posting retarded shit just to get replies...?

you guys, are just so white. lol

your pasty white skin gives me the hibby jibbies.

Talk about white privileged,using expression like redneck or white thrash.

y u mad doe


why aren't you?

It's time for you asshole that live in and enjoy the society we created to show some respect. You sick fucking mongrel

Just a reminder that Love Drumpfs Hate

lol why arent there Dear Black People vids?

America u cucked by niggers lell