Ummm..guys..should we be worried about this?
Ummm..guys..should we be worried about this?
if you were only white, then no problem, population growth has cycles, but since you are also being replace and interbreeded, then,,,,yeah you are fucked, the US will be like latin america in 10 years tops.
Depends on if we want white people around anymore or not???
Are you white? Its your fault.
I want more galapagos turtles around the world.
There is this guy that tried to introduce them in pitcairn islands, he put 5 of them there in the 70's. only 1 of them is still alive.
Everything's fine goys.
the country is 100% fucked
anyone who doesnt see this is in denial
look to leave
You are correct except for the leaving part. Where are we supposed to flee? Usa is the only country in the world where whites can make a stand. At least here we have a fighting chance
This country just elected Trump, don't give up so fast.
White isn't what is so important as it is uniting the country under American values. We haven't been able to do that with liberals in charge of the institutions.
I look to Texas as a good example for a future America. It is minority white, but many of the minorities there vote conservative due to a powerful shared history and actual unity instead of division.
Republican governance can do a lot of good for America. I think we will see a lot of racial wounds heal under Trump, and hopefully strong job creation.
This is a disaster. Fuck LBJ and post-JFK Democrats. There is literally only one solution... a final solution.
You should leave and let the rest of us get on with it.
No country besides America places the emphasis on free speech that we do, and since freedom of speech is freedom of thought we must fight to preserve it.
the american people always do the right thing, once they've exhausted every other option
Leave to where?
No, USA is a country of immigrants and will always be a country of immigrants, nothing will change that.
id be worried but im too busy jacking off to interracial porn
If you bring up the fact that whites are going extinct to a liberal they will give you the bullshit that race isn't real so whites can't go extinct because they don't exist.
However race exist when whites are accused of being racist.
There's no negotiating with liberals, this must be done on our own
America is a country of British colonists who decided to allow almost exclusively peoples of northern European descent immigrate.
Latin America is much better than Mexico, those guys really know how to play terrorists.
Well if you believe jew propaganda it is.. Either way, don't vote for anyone who supports Israel. Never vote for a jew period. The problem fixes itself if we do that and build the wall and send them back. now if we could also send (((them))) back, the fix would be permanent. jews are like cancer on the ass of scoiety.
Right, but we allowed other people after that.
Look, the only solution is to kick out illegals, and perhaps reduce legal immigration. Birthrates will have to work themselves out.
Reform welfare so that good people of all races can have kids. White trash having kids is just as bad as niggers having kids.
Let's stop focusing on race, and focus on goodness. Don't forget many minorities voted Trump while whites voted Hillary.
We should just move to Iceland and start the world's first stateless society.
This misinformed faggot again. I won't even beging to explain to an imbecile just who exactly was admitted and under what conditions were they admitted prior to the immigration and nationality act of 1965.
Ted Kennedy:
>“First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same…Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset… Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia…
Now go be a dumb nigger somewhere else
Shut the fuck up you dumb racist, we should be uniting with PoC not trying to outnumber them
A country is its people, not a set of ideals. Make America more diverse and you don't still have America, you have Brazil. It's like claiming Germany will still exist once ethnic Germans have been replaced with Achmeds.
There's just a lot of old white people dying. Who gives a shit about them? Once they've died out, the balance will shift again. Don't be so easily triggered some fucks.
Germany is a different example because their nation is explicitly tied to their race. Whereas America has always been a country of immigrants of people from around the world.
An American is anyone who moves here and assimilates to our values. A German can become an American, but an American cannot become a German. Well maybe a German-American could move back but that would be about it.
Hopefully it's a bunch of Boomers, but this is probably the unfortunate reality.
>pic related
Trump is getting rid of the immigration act, plus white birth rates are still high in 33 states.
Maybe a white baby boom will happen.
And what happens when whites become a minority? Do you think those 'pics' will be as benevolent to us as we were to them? Or will they seek our destruction and complete displacement seeing how generation after generation of shitskins in this country has been brainwashed to hate whites from their birth? You stupid naive idiot no wonder this country is going down the drain with morons like you at its helm
this post doesnt make any sense
there are plenty of far whiter countries
here you will die a minority, and your kids are minorities the minute they are born
American whites are fucking dying hahahahahaha!!!!
TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP HE'LL FIX US except he's a 'civic nationalist' LMAO
lol you bunch of sad sacks of shit your fucking screwed
They lied to us, ted Kennedy lied to us. We only ever allowed immigration from Europe and some trace immigration from Asia. Kennedy had to trick us in order to displace us.
i will
White genocide isn't a thing goy, don't ask questions.
Where else is freedom of speech as fought for as in this country? More importantly where else are whites better armed than in this country? Does it make sense now fruitcake?
I heard trump said he would dismantle the immigration act. He maybe a civic nationialist but at least he's ending immigration. Hopefully he can allow European immigration again.
being a minority makes you a fighter
europeansa re too complacent because they are still 90% white
People will start having kids again when jobs come back and the Marxist get BTFO
Ideally all immigration would cease until we clean up the house. Then, we only allow hand picked Europeans that can further add to our greatness. Only exception, SOuth African whites are to be given immediate permanent residencies and allow to settle in the state of their choosing for obvious reasons
Poo in loo here.
I don't mind if you guys fuck our women and repopulate yourselves. We have pleasantly of women to go around in our motherland India.
Good. Muslim intellectuals can successfully turn an advanced nation into a next-generation nation.
I'm glad he picked Jeff sessons maybe we can finally see an end to Ted Kennedys bullshit immigration act.
We should also allow white immigration from South America since there's a lot of Europeans still there.
America is a nation of British colonists that let in other Europeans and slaves. It embraced European ideals for the benefit of a European-descended country. It wasn't until the last 50 years that our lying politicians have begun replacing us with third-worlders and bombarding us with interracial propaganda. The US has been >90% white for the majority of its existence. Your utopian multi-racial paradise will remain forever out of reach. If you think Latinos, Blacks, and Asians will be as kind to Whites as we have been to them once they are in power then you are naive.
by the time you die you will be a minority in this country
and your kids are already minorities
its over
FUCK YOU. You've got guns, at least you can fight back. If America falls to the niggers and mexicans, the rest of us are fucked.
You guys always get it wrong with the birthrate issue. We aren't going extinct. The baby-boomers are dying off. That population explosion was an aberration and things are returning to an equilibrium. The same will happen to non-white populations in the future.
>Oppesses the immigration act
Keep dreaming Norwegian
He's just some butthurt cuckold, ignore him.
With that attitude- yes. But if we can rally for one more time around a charismatic leader, we can have this shit sorted out in less than a year. We just need an unapologetic brilliant white nationalist to lead us
>We should also allow white immigration from South America since there's a lot of Europeans still there
>baby boomers were an exceptionally large generation and birth rates regressed to the mean afterward
>baby boomers are dying right about now
>therefore more death is happening than there usually would be
>this too, can be expected to regress to the mean in some time
nothing to see here folks
Hopefully Trump can install a new program that rewards white couples for having children. Programs already exist for nigs and spics through welfare, so why can't Whites get their own?
Fuck off. If this country stops representing me I owe it nothing.
I'll move somewhere else.
>200,000,000 Million
You do realize tons of Spaniards,Italians and even Brits came to South America and fucked all the natives and stayed there.
Do you history Sven?
Nah guys White Genocide is just a racist meme. Racist because it's white people.
Whites are doomed globally unless they wake up. Every year the population percentage is falling in every white country you can think of. In the usa whites will be a clear cut minority within 15 years. A minority that everyone else also happens to blame for their problems. The original Americans of even 150 years ago are rolling in their graves.
>mfw my YELLOW'D state is high natural increase
its almost like the baby boomers are getting old.
I think he already said something about that for marriage and childbirth. Well not the white part but come on, you honestly think shitskins are getting married?
Why us she disrespecting the flag of Imperial Japan?
And they all mixed up and became shitskin, GREAT people to want into your society. No wonder your country is so shit when your definition of white is so broad.
I guarantee they'll find a way to abuse it
just because minorities make up >50% of births doesn't mean they'll make up >50% of 20 year olds 20 years from now
they have a MUCH higher mortality rate
look at nature
octopuses have 1000s of babies at once. sharks have maybe 1 or 2 at a time
yet our oceans are't filled to the brim with octopuses, nor are we running out of sharks (if human meddling is discounted from the discussion of-course)
>wanting to raise kids in Brazil 2.0
Fuck that, I'm going back the mainland Europe
But if white people die out:
There will be no more white wimmin for shitskins to rape.
There will be no white men paying taxes for all the welfare niggers.
People who want designer babies always pick white babies or babies with the whitest features. Niggers talk about being "lite-skin", Asians get double eyelid surgery to make their eyes wider, every non-white likes to dye their hair blonde. Everyone wants to be white no matter how much they complain. Everyone wants white people to exist.
I just don't think they are capable of seeing that far into the future.
>this isn't white
Why are Latinos, Blacks, and Asians skeptical of whites though? It is entirely due to the education system.
Reform the education system by enacting school choice and we can get started on teaching young people the good things about our past, and get everyone to take pride in our nation. (Look up Trump's Secretary of Education DeVos, she is a big advocate of this).
Muh based mexicans meme. I live in Texas and 3rd generation mexicans wave the Mexican flag around, basically ruin schools and neighborhoods serving as a gateway to section 8 and blacks.
this pleases me immensely
I dont
It's not going to be Brazil 2.0. Is Texas just like Brazil user? Of course not.
We have a completely different values system from the Brazilians. So of course we will be very different. The future of America is Texas if Trump is successful. And that is a very good thing.
Texas Hispanics vote conservative user. You must be living around some shit ones.
With Trump's immigration plan, the illegals will go, and the legal ones (who really are based btw) will stay. Texas as a blue state is a liberal dream, a dream that will never become real.
No, he's Brazilian dumbass!
You guys are pure rebbit
Jeff Sessons wants to dismantle the immigration act from Kennedy.
you could always fuck off back to Europe lads
>White trash having kids is just as bad as niggers having kids.
>Let's stop focusing on race, and focus on goodness. Don't forget many minorities voted Trump while whites voted Hillary.
Fuck off, we all know that is complete bullshit. You can take your "goodness" with you to Mexico when we kick out, Paco.
Dont forget
Give it a few years once the old whites retire from politics. Our political system will be all racebaiting and gibs if it weren't already.
Too busy being homosexuals
>lol I support abortion cus dead nignogs
the only way out of this is selective breeding with genius level sperm. You have to be smart to succeed in life, and america is getting swamped with immigrants who will take all the easy jobs. So make smart babies only, don't bother having children if you're an idiot. use the sperm of someone who is much smarter and healthier than you.
I'm white and I'll probably never have children.
If you are all so concerned about this then why don't we go to the UN
..any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
—Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2
From what we can tell we apply for B, C and D, it's not like they can ignore us either, after all they did let Julian Assange have a ruling despite the US controlling the UN
So you like white liberals better than conservative minorities? What a waste, because those white liberals don't like you.
Nah, if anything, this election proves that all people are tired of identity politics and want to unite as a nation and discuss real issues. Heck, I think that's partially why Bernie did so well because many leftists want to leave it too.
Also INB4 tha jooz wont let us
No they dont, theyre the reason Texas has (albeit, slowly) been drifting blue
Nepotism is INHERENT in every race, is even evident ideologically
You should, you're the reason for our downfall. Unless your siblings have kids you need to reproduce.
You're clearly not white.
No they don't Clinton had 60%+ of the Hispanic vote. The only thing saving texas from becoming california is the low Mexican turnout because 40% can't even read English.
You might want to take a look at the taxpayers by demographic.
As a Mexican immigrant this pleases me. Fuck all you I will always vote democratic.
>tfw US citizen and federal job
They were right I am taking your jobs. Stupid faggots. Suck my big brown Mexican cock.
Because they're commiting suicide.
Boomers are full blown communists, if they're retiring that's only more good news for the right.
The authorities had a hard enough time telling if 4 black people yelling "Fuck white people!" at a guy they were torturing was a hate crime.
Good luck convincing them of genocide.
Seriously though good luck.