Developments Jan 9 >Syrian Army inflicts heavy damage on ISIL’s defenses in east Aleppo >Large explosion rips through Qamishli in northeast Syria >Syrian government ready to grant amnesty to militants >Turkish Air Force kills 48 ISIS terrorists in east Aleppo: state media >Russian airstrikes propel the Syrian Army south of strategic east Homs airport >FSA groups capture large chunks of ISIL-held territory in northeast Damascus >Islamist rebels recapture territory in East Ghouta amid 4th assault >ISIL’s destruction of Hayyan Gas Company speeds up Syrian Army’s offensive operations near Palmyra >Syrian Army reopens Homs-Salamiyah Road after cleansing area of jihadists >Jihadist controlled Wadi Barada pocket shrinks considerably >Leader of Liwa Suqour al-Sham vows to keep fighting SAA, despite ceasefire
>nth for purge the democratic party from white filth
Dylan Morris
burger bro, this my second attempt at making a thread. first time it worked, but it died bc it was a saturday and /sg/ bros have a life. this is my second thread. other one is polack bro, which is a casual bro, so fuck him. cheers Sup Forumsack bro.
Nolan Myers
assad bombed the other /sg/ bakery this bread is fine brasilman
interesting, neither have I yet. I would host her ass in my house. I have yet to find some really good arab/syrian porn with babes that look that good, usually it's 240p garbage or it's this dutch guy who fucks poor hijabis. and i'm not talking Mia Khalfia either.
are you that turk? is it still /comfy/ and snowy?
Jacob Taylor
She would be welcome anywhere, yet she prefers to stay in Syria.
Aaron Clark
>host her ass in my house You sound like a burger. You need to up your game, or move to brazil. I think you are incapable of both tho, but that is just a first impression. If it is a correct impression tho, which I am sure it is, KYS protocol is the way.
Tyler Walker
>Can someone fill me? When ISIS fled to Palymra after Mosul(?) they had to travel like 80 some miles, and the United State/Coalition couldn't destroy them? They let them pass? Yes, they were let to escape. The PMU blocked the road later, but this wasn't planned by the US. What the US wanted was to leave the road unblocked so that all the ISIS fighters in Mosul would go to Syria instead of dying/surrendering in Iraq.
Jose Smith
>Poland Don`t get me wrong Sup Forumsack. But you are as pasty as a brit or a burger. Dima is not into pasties. Brazil suits her tho.
Cooper Richardson
>are you that turk? I am not that Turk but the original Croatian guy who made her a meme found her kikebook and the turkish guy messaged her after seeing some turkish actreses photo in her gallery. >is it still /comfy/ and snowy? Cold
Evan Ramirez
I heard that its a normal thing to hear shooting in Brazil.Is this a myth or do you wake up to gunshots.
Justin Powell
>turk You wouldn`t know what to do with Dima, turkbro. Leave her tO ME!
Carter Parker
Just because of that pic NO
Samuel Brooks
>tfw the Second Syrian War would be caused by Dima
Michael Ortiz
holy shit, I've been reading your posts for two threads as "Dilma" the entire time, and thought you were some kind of fucking weirdo, until I read it closely right now
Nicholas Harris
Can someone give me a tldr of this shit? Idk what to believe sonce the media is all lies.
Owen Bennett
a fucking pipeline
Ryan Nguyen
this goes for you, turkbro You faggots literally don`t know what to do with a lady such as Dima. You would be all like woody woodpecker faggots, trying to outplay each other like the bunch of wannabe cunts you are. You are not wannabe cunts tho. That is the role of pasty british wannabe cunts! Let them perform that shit. You two just be cool turkbros, lay low and Dima will be puzzled. In no time, you will be Brazilian bros and Dima will be long gone (with me). You guise will be pasty brit cunts from yuropee, but eventually you will learn. Peace.
Justin Lee
Kek I heard refugees don't like Poland because of the language barrier.. desu I don't think that Syrian refugees would be that much of an issue if they were like Dima, but they seem to be rural, poor, or opportunistic migrants from North Africa/Central Asia.
I have a breddy nice house, built around 1900. Is brazil worth moving to? all the brasilians here talk about how it's crime ridden and dangerous, but I think the culture is rich and the food is probably really good. we have lots of brazilian steakhouses here.
thanks for the fill-me-in. that's pretty tactical of the United States to do, although on a Kissinger level.
Question for /sg/: do we think that our foreign policy will be more isolationist or more Kissinger? do we think Kissinger will still have a voice - I thought he would after him and Hillary had their Dominican Christmas vacations, but not so sure after Trump's win. Sneaky Zionists will be sneaky though.
Luke Gonzalez
the food is really good bro.
John James
OH shit that's some subliminal stuff. Dilma the freedom fighter. Does she still have that reputation, @brasil?
obummer armed 'moderate' headchoppers to overthrow the syrian government at behest of the Zionists, the Saudis, the Qataris and to counter Iran/Syria/Russia.
The media is waging a campaign on your and public opinion in order to justify involvement, with White Helmets and other propoganda.
The pipeline meme has merit, but I think it is lesser in terms of the geopolitical mess with the Syrian-civil-proxy war.
Charles Bell
So-called rebels are a bunch of Jihadi terrorist shits.
Assad and the Syrian Arab Army are fighting a justified war against them. Virtually everyone here supports him.
Kurds are a bunch of treacherous militias just out for their own ends. They'll work with whoever they think will give them what they want, their own state or autonomous region.
Media is pretty much correct about ISIS.
After the Battle of Aleppo Assad controls all major cities in Syria and rebels are reduced to rural regions. With the incoming Trump administration likely to cut off supplies from the 'Moderate' Jihadists, an Assad win is quite likely in the end. But a long way remains to get to that point as the rebels still hold a lot of territory, especially in Idlib province.
Noah Ross
No one really knows for sure what Trump will do. He literally left every single door open for himself. He can be the anti-Obama, or he can just as easily be Obama's 3rd term.
Carson Long
Correction. Assad controls *most* major cities in Syria. ISIS still owns Raqqah and Dara'a is split between the sides.
Anthony Hill
>I heard refugees don't like Poland because of the language barrier.. Language wouldn't be a problem, if they stayed around Polish families they would speak it in a month, but in asylum center they'll never learn obviously. The real problem is that there's no large social benefits and that's what they were promised in Europe. Also anyone slightly different (black, arab) can be randomly beaten for no reason at all, so that's another thing.
Grayson Myers
Right now, for instance, I am eating japanese abobobrinha (jack o lantern veggie). And it is amazingly tasteful. This is a light snack i prepared earlier. We have lot`s of good veggies and fruits. Meat, there is always meat, but I fovus on veggies, bc so much veggies. Tomorrow I have aipim manteiga, for ex. We eat well here, if you know how to.
Austin Ward
There is a pipeline meme but forget it. There is Kurds Backstabbing cunts There is Isis they just kill everybody There is Saa and Assad They are just trying to recover their country from bunch of islamist retards There is Fsa islamist retards %70 is Isis There is Turkey went into Syria to kill kurds but for now kills Isis because western relations and shit There is Russia supports Saa and now ally with Turkey.
John Ross
this is outdated but still true, fyi
Leo Reed
>No one in 2017 /sg/ has the our tl;dr img S M H
David Barnes
Yeah in another thread a Sup Forumsish guy said he beat up a black guy... just for being black I guess? Maybe just internet lies but after the whole Kebab shop incident I think that is plausible.
He's the wildcard. Honestly, I think it will be interesting. I don't know how the deepstate will react - will it adapt, manipulate, or try to continue their own. They (C,I,A) were overwhelmingly in support of Hillary, F,B,I was for Trump. Muh 16 intelligence agencies are still pushing back against him. We will see.
Good analysis buck lacking Zion and Iran
Luke Wright
Goodnight /sg/. Let's hope we have more gains soon.
Dominic Wilson
Goodnight Leaf
Brayden Ortiz
Most of the Brazilian exhange students who come to my small state school come to play Tennis; they are also really mixed, one white guy, one arab looking guy, one Japanese kid and a Chinese kid too. What is the jack o lantern veggie? Did you prepare it or just straight fruit? I love food and Brazilian insecure must be so diverse given the many regions and culinary traditions. What is your regional cuisine like?
Jacob Long
I am posting this shit for so long now and no one has cum over it. desu, i think it is pretty cumming. i mean just look at that. LOOK AT THAT. Beautiful, I say.
Cameron Baker
What about Egypt and Zion?
Christian Morris
There was some military advisors from Egypt And Jews they support Fsa Is this the visual proof of Russian Air Force making air strikes in Al-Bab???
Charles Flores
Abóbora japonesa is the best. (best abobora is japanese abobora, bc we have japanese immigerants up the ass) But srsly, find this pumpkin, cut it in smal pieces (taking away seeds and shiiieet), throw it on top of a cheddar slab of burger if you must, or eat it pure, bc it is delicious.
Aaron Ward
Nope just a SU-27 vs F-16 dogfight
Jaxon Harris
It's taken above Area 51. The USAF is doing some tests with their SU-27 and F16
Robert Bailey
What kind of guns are those?
Dude. I bet having Brazilian-Japanese immigrants are great, good work ethic, cuties , yet laid back. Looks delicious
Very nice guns, never seen them before. Shot my .22 rifle today, my grandmother's 9 shot .22 revolver (felt like fucking mcree), and my pap's Glock 19 and Smith and Weston .38
What a good day!!
do you think the new star wars is anti-white?
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Hehehehe You are weak i have shot a l/44 120mm Smooth bore gun.
Dominic Bailey
Visit Brazil, bros.
Aiden Cook
I think the new star wars is pro autists.
Caleb Gray
Wew lad. Is that usual military service or were/are you in the army?
Juan Bailey
Fuggoff seljuk I have to wait to have my own property to purchase my 2nd amendment, constitutional right.
I didn't think it was that bad. I rewatched the prequels though and didn't realize how fucking terrible Jarjar binks was.
Hunter Davis
this is me in my father`s 27th birthday
Dominic Butler
Topkek that's hilarious, trooper. Where are our /sg/ friends
Wyatt Baker
i was a'rocking. pretty fun desu.
Brody Martinez
We have contacts.And we work with the Usaf in Incirlik.We have visited the leo 2 tankers who went to Syria. Its Ozan not selçuk.Selçuk is a millenium year old name.What are you planning to buy??If you can afford it i would suggest you m9a3 the new beretta.Its a very nice caliber for starters and the gun is really cool.
Carson Gonzalez
We were on a green bus, tbqh
Tyler Stewart
Everyone decided to stay home in California because of the rain today. I was just at Costco and it was nearly empty which is very unusual. Anyway here is a fantastic video of Army Air Defense troops of the Russian Military (note not the Air Defense forces of the Russian Air Force). A lot of good footage here of intercepts and various systems.
I need to graduate school first, then figure out laws when I move. I figure Glock but have any other pistol recommendations? I am happy, I live in the same state as Gulen, so we have lax laws. You know where PA is?
Also I know, I just remember learning about the Selçuk when I was studying middle east history. My ME professor is an Edward Said type Turkish guy, really leftist, probably had to flee Turkey. I guess he was participating in a workers parade and an offical told him he would tell his girlfriend's family if he continued his activism.
Colton Myers
I like the TorM2 other than that Strela-10M4 or something like that is shit.
Snow here in North Carolina, and rain in California. Weather is all fucked up.
Tyler Evans
Well for starters glock and the m9 is very cheap and easy to use.Other than that the left in Turkey is the kemalist people and the secular ones but the very left is full commie kurds.That place is scary.
Ian Cooper
This tiny place is run by a portuguese merchant called Alfredo. He is the ultimate portuguese merchant. Best musicians in town, also. This recording does no justice to what is Bip-Bip. (literally, bip-bip, as in horn-horn, coming through). Great place to hang out tho. beautiful women come by. Dima would be at home, next to my cock.
Gabriel Reed
He's secularist, atheist he told me. I forget what uni he went to (economics) but one day he came in all upset after the bus station he used everyday was hit with a bomb - remember that one?
Be real, turkbro, do you fear for your family? Are terrorist attacks really that common there?
Leo Jenkins
Yep you got it right, Strela-10M2 were also present but I haven't had the chance to dissect the video yet. Yep, tell me about it. Thankfully the whole Bay seems deserted because Cuckfornians are scared of rain.
Ethan Fisher
>when dima will never suck your cock >when you and dima will never make hummus in the kitchen >when you will never fall in love with dima >tfw you'll never hear her beautiful music
Daniel Peterson
>dat launching on the move Great video! Thanks for posting it!!
Daniel Russell
No actually i am not scared.Well usually after a bombing there is no bombing happens for 2 or 3 month expect last week after the shooting in the Reina club which was done by Isis.Pkk tried one but failed miserably.They only killed 1 person.Well i have first aid training and weapons training so i know what to if something happens near me.But i usally get headsup from intellegence officer if there is some reports that there might be a attack on
William Fisher
There are no applauses. Only snapping of fingers. Dima would appreciate this. Bip-Bip history would get Dima all wet. WATCH:
Easton Russell
Yep glad you liked it. Has a lot of cool stuff like the Verba MANPAD.
Nice picture of the August 1st pilot who crashed too haha.
Thomas Davis
Cool man, stay safe. Do you think there is a solution to Kurds, sort of like blacks in america, with civic nationalism? Can they be integrated; do you have any kurdish friends?
Austin Edwards
this post is meant for the Turkbut anyway, Dima would. She is a beacon of light, in a dark, dark world.
Bentley Gomez
A lot of the kurds cool.They are just outbreeding us and we are just hoping they will not revolt.But if they do we probably will kill 5 million of them.But for now only cancerous kurds are Syrian Kurds.Iraqi kurds are our bitch.We own all the companies in the north iraq.And yes i have some kurdish friends they are cool people.
Christopher Reed
what's up with oblonga and le russian hacking
Joseph Bailey
Luke Price
Dima might play her violin in the mix. Bip Bip is the most democratic musicians place in Rio. She would prolly have fun too. All syrian musicians would love and fit in Copacabana like a glove.
Jaxson Martin
Goodnight guys keep on with the shitposting lets not let /sg/ die.
Isaac Morgan
did you get gas yet, any shootings in town? hows the civil unrest going? ready for le drumpf?
pls no genocide, good to hear you have based kurds. how do you feel about the battle between the Australian/New Zealand forces versus the Ottomans? Also, do you think Iran is a rival?
Nolan Bennett
How do you guys feel that Russia is leaving Syria
Colton Williams
here where i live nothing has happened
Juan Murphy
because it's msm bs
Carter Nelson
>New MANPAD Now I understand why those "IGLAS" looked very strange to the eye!