Why are military blacks so based?
Something about the nature of the military gets their shit in line and makes them respectful, upstanding citizens. Mandatory draft for troubled inner city youth when?
Why are military blacks so based?
Something about the nature of the military gets their shit in line and makes them respectful, upstanding citizens. Mandatory draft for troubled inner city youth when?
because they try hard to not look like their congeners and become respectable people, defending the country that made them what they are
They're a bunch of rapists.
Wtf are you talking about. They still act like niggers.
t. Army fag
the military does wonders for a minority of blacks
most of them remain niggers though
the only two black ppl in the army i know are upstanding citizens... maybe thats because they are officers though
t. fellow armyfag
Every black person I've ever known in the military has been an upstanding, respectable citizen. The niggers are usually weeded out in basic training.
A lot of the blacks who join the military come from fine families to begin with user. They are based because they were originally based.
If you put niggers in the army, they'll still be niggers.
It teaches them the values of hard work and education. Putting them in situations where absolute precision and clear mental planning forces them to start thinking abstractly.
Why are there so many nigger shill threads today?
Collectivism is the biggest bluepill out there user. You'd be wise to learn that.
The problems are not with races but with cultures.
was stationed at JBLM, plenty of shit tier blacks there.
>clothing, food, and housing provided in exchange for labor
>strict hierarchy of authority
>you can't leave
It's essentially a return to the plantation.
Yeah, you keep singing the same tune until the very end, """civic nationalist""". Until the very end when your family has been raped and killed by brown people and you're at the end of a gun.
At least you weren't racist!
I think that's a bit of over-exaggeration user. America is great because we have strong values, we just haven't been able to defend them well.
Just wait until Trump gets into office, things will start to become great again. They already are.
Meh. Just kill yourself now. We're not going to enact a two state solution for white people and everyone else.
Just emigrate to new zealand or something already.
It's called military prison.
That's why the behave.
They aren't. They are the reason Japan doesn't want U.S. bases on their lands. Because niggers don't know how to stop raping.
>Colin Powell
You're a women.
>The problems are not with races but with cultures.
But that's wrong, you retard.
That's just their culture be tolerant user
Good luck defending your values when your country is overrun by sub-90 IQ subhumans who don't give a damn about your "white supremacist" constitution and freedumbs.
>leave whiteboi dis our cuntry nao
Lynch yourself nigger.
And now they have military training.
The chink has spoken.
You know, it is funny, but if you replace the word "blacks" with "youth" or "whites", the sentence and the sentiment still holds. Wow.
Discredited study chart posted yet again... sigh.
>Because marines don't know how to stop raping
All junior enlisted blacks are dindus. All NCO blacks are Free Masons.
Why do americucks love niggers so much?
it helps fill that mental, psychological, and emotional void of not having a father.
Stockholm syndrome of sorts? I don't know.
Some of their families have been here longer than some white families. And they're my countrymen all the same.
hasn't been the white marines, only the black ones user.
Also, air force base in Okinawa
>military black
>goes full BLM
>Kills cops in dallas for no reason other than being white
Yeah full based mate
Former 11B here.
Blacks do tend to do better in the military as a group, but that's because they have structure and discipline forced on them.
By "do better" I mean only 40% of them are niggardly, as opposed to 90% in the real world.
Where do you think my first red pill came from?
Niggers were meant to be controlled under Shlomo.
But still, the negro still has it's drawbacks. Just look at the history of Africa. There were thousands of militant civilizations in Africa , but never once they rose to power like Europe.
Hahahaha fuck off shill. Individualism is a fucking jew cuck idealogy. Exclusive collectivism is redpill.
>We're not going to enact a two state solution for white people and everyone else.
We can start by ordering strict immigration and deportation.
>if I say it's discreditted therefor it is.
>no of course I don't have to post evidence
What's going on antifa?
>destroying your country
Can you trumptards fuck off already?
We have a influx of these bastards, but the red pill will prevail at the end.
They are.
>Why are military blacks so based?
Because they follow the commands of their white superiors
Most of the blacks that I have dealt with in the Army are just as shit as their civvie counterparts. That being said, those are all enlisted.
enlisted people of all colors are some of the worst people i've ever met. not sure what sort of small selection of people OP has met
did u ever notice how relatively few were 11B? they go to support jobs, cooks and shit, to stay out of combat
>blacks in the military based
Let us forget the guy who pulled "the Dallas juke" a while back. I had a cook on my JSS and he was chatting with his girl back home "baby, why you be givin me a hard time? I'm over here in Iraq fighten fo yo freedoms!" I didn't know making shitty chicken with orange as a maranade "fighting for freedom."
Blacks aren't destroying the country. Democrats are.
Why do you even have cooks? Just eat MREs pussy.
Lol. Democrats exist because blacks want them to.
I lived for month on those fucking things. I'll never take any shit for granted ever again.
>why are military blacks so based
>stock photo uniform is a literal bag of smashed assholes
Is there a tumblr safe space for vets? I'm feeling triggered
Our supply guys and cooks were total thug niggers. The infantry blacks were all stand up dudes who pretty much hated low class blacks but wouldn't say a thing unless pressed. Then we had an E5 commo guy who'd been in 18 years and called them all niggers to their faces.
Democrats have long existed. They used to hate blacks, but then realized they could benefit from their votes.
They are the ones who divide our country. Note that under Republican leadership the country does very well in regards to race relations.
he was pretty based though.
Sup Forums idolizes a little faggot like dylan roof but shits on guys like dorner and micah that waged literal war on armed police and still got respectable K:D ratios
Wrong race women.
In murica blacks and Mexicans are cool because some of them join our multicultural statist institutions!
The parties switched places in the 60s. Jesus I'm tired of this stupid conservacuck narrative
>pol idolizes roof
There's a handful of stormfaggots that think he was fighting the good fight. Everyone else recognizes him as a dipshit that re-opened the books on gun control and got the confederate flag taken down. I hope he gets the death penalty and burns in hell.
"ill have those niggers voting democrat for 200 years" - lbj
sure sounds like they switched sides alright
don't forget robert byrd, bull connor and george wallace were democrats until the day they died, and that al gore's father filibustered the civil rights act
>be in the 'stan
>where the fuck is my mail
>everyone asking wtf is my mail
>ask chicago niggers working the military post office
>"oh that convoy that got ambushed ..."
>see the exact shit i ordered for sale in the local haji shop
>two naval nigs nigging everyone's mail
>for months and months
Ever played tether ball?
Republicans are the pole. Democrats are the ball. Don't be a dumbshit with this 'switch sides' crap.
Just eat mres every day.
Tell your asshole sorry.
Was in the military and some of the biggest pieces of shit were niggers
Yep. Don't declare valuable shit on the forms. Just say beef jerky and dip. Yet to meet the black guy who chews grizzly wintergreen.
Some of the biggest pieces of shit were also not niggers though, I see.
Niggers will always be niggers even in military uniform
t. Navy fag
You're fucking retarded. Notice everywhere in the world doesn't have this problem because no where in the world has a substantial black minority. Blacks don't consider themselves American. They're African americans, a conpletelt different class from whitey with different values and ambitions. Have fun with civil nationalism when you have a major population group completely rejects the nation
This. Some are ok but, most are still niggers.
>Sup Forums idolizes Dylann Roof
Every thread on here, there is an overwhleming majority of negative opinions on his actions.
Because every time they go on leave, they go home to niggers that can't do shit for themselves.
>implying you've worked with them
Nothing changes.
The reason why blacks reject the nation is they are taught by the liberal educators to hate it. They focus so much on the bad things like slavery, but we never talk about the positive things that whites did for blacks, like freeing the slaves, and creating a nation where they could succeed.
We weren't perfect in the past but we've always tried to make things better. But you see, the liberals will never teach that, they always focus on the bad because they want to promote division.
Military blacks, if you ever meet them, love their country, love their flag, and love their people regardless of race. That's because the military teaches the sort of brotherhood that goes much deeper than race.
Military blacks are often still niggers, but the one quality the military usually cures them of is lack of acknowledgement of authority. If you've ever had a nigger as an employee, you know the vacant stare of contempt they give you when you're telling them that they can't keep showing up late. The Army can usually cure them of this.
Everything else, nigs gonna nig.
It honestly depends on the person. Joining the Military doesn't make you a better person and you'll retain a lot of your original characteristics after bootcamp. Example:
>waiting in my squadron admin hallway to get some paperwork done for my upcoming EAS
>there's like 5 other Marines waiting in the hallway with me
>black Cpl comes walking up from the left
>black SSgt comes walking up form the right
>they meetup right in front of where we're all sitting in the hallway
>"What up StaffSgt!" -black Cpl
>black Cpl keeps walks off
>black SSgt turns to us
>"That's why I hate black people." -black SSgt
>two different different demographics
>two completely seperate histories
Yeah no. What you're suggesting is to somehow instill nationalism in blacks by telling them how great whitey is.
Not by telling them how great whitey is, but how great America is.
By the way, most blacks and whites in this country do get along. All these talks of race war are usually by far-left extremists like BLM or the NBPP who attempt to divide the country.
>infantry blacks
Yup, all 14 of them
>how great america is
Please tell me how you get over this hurdle?
>most blacks and white do get along
Provide stats. Then provide further stats that this simple is just contemptful tolerance. Then provide more stats to prove it's mutual. And then provide more stats to show its not just white liberals englufed in white guilt self-reporting how many great black friends they have.
>far-left extremist
I like how you try to delegimize them as just some crazy small offshoot group. They are extremely large, with very large followings and do a lot of damage.
Blacks and whites are not and will never be the same and not once in history have they ever cohabited peacefully together without a strict authorotarian heirarchy with whites at the top.
We should credit blacks as being a major part of American society.
As to your other points, I can't really provide statistics on "everyone getting along" because I don't know of anyone who would poll people asking them if they like blacks or whites, most would probably lie about it anyway.
But based on my observations, most people do get along. We work and live with each other, gotta make it work somehow.
>provide stats
what? you want, like, a friendship stat or something? look, our government may be wasteful as fuck, but it isn't THAT fucking bad you dense convict faggot
>We should credit blacks as being a major part of American society.
Okay so which parts? Which parts are black and which parts are white? This idea of segregating racial acheivement completely contradicts your "WE ARE ALL AMERICAN" dogma.
>I can't provide evidence for my point
So therefore it is more likely that blacks and whites hate each other given the actual observable evidence of BLM and racial tension.
>But based on my observations, most people do get along
So you haven't observed entire cities burning to thw ground becausr blacks don't like white people?
You haven't observed a retarded white kid being tortured and killed because he is white?
You haven't observed the overhwhelming interacial violence statistics?
You haven't observed the killings of white police officers by blacks?
>We work and live with each other, gotta make it work somehow
No. There is where you are wrong and it's the core of all of your beliefs. We do not have to make it work. You simply get rid of them. Stop having to work with them and live with them. Your core belief is wrong and even is actually telling of your true feelings that you see blacks as a problem to work around and tolerate rather than actually enjoy their contribution to society.
Yes. Give facts or don't make stupid claims you can't back up nigger lover.
Look, I don't mean segregate achievements, just point out the good that everyone has done in this country, and that our work together has made America great.
Btw, most blacks are not in BLM, it is a small, left-wing organization. Seriously, there may be a few hundred people in each major city that are part of this.
What happened to that white kid was horrific, and I believe those INDIVIDUALS should be held accountable. At the same time, good black people like Ben Carson aren't responsible for that.
As to your last point, what are we supposed to do? Kick out legal citizens? That wouldn't fly even with most Trump supporters. Blacks are a core part of America, whether one likes them or not.
>i'll just call him a nigger lover
yawn. anything else to add, inmate number 5530912?
>no blousing straps on the pants
>heels not together at 45 degree angle
>hand open
Shitty salute form
I knew some blacks in the infantry. Generally good guys, with one big exception. This one skinny nigger who stole shit like wet wipes right out of your ruck. No reason for doing it.
they're smarter than the average ape. Entry into the army is determined by a de facto IQ test.
>Look, I don't mean segregate achievements,
Doesn't matter you have anyway and you have created a racial divide which is why interacial societies don't work.
> most blacks are not in BLM, it is a small, left-wing organization
Yeah no shit. Most people are part of ISIS either. It's the support and attention they gather that matters. Show evidence to suggest most blacks don't support BLM.
>At the same time, good black people like Ben Carson aren't responsible for that.
Therefore allow free immigration and open borders. Judge people as individuals.
>Kick out legal citizens?
>That wouldn't fly even with most Trump supporters.
I don't care nor do I see how it's relevant.
>Blacks are a core part of America, whether one likes them or not.
So America could not exist today without blacks is what you're saying? Provide evidence for your claim.
If interracial societies don't work, America would have failed from the beginning.
BLM rallies are generally very small compared to the amount of blacks in the city. Like I said, you get a few hundreds and some of those people are white liberal agitators. Most older blacks want nothing to do with it.
Third point is silly, being an individualist doesn't mean I want open borders.
Fourth, you are not being realistic.
Fifth, I don't worry about "could-haves". America has had blacks here and they've played a big role in our history. Maybe we could've done without them, but we didn't.
Also he is a 2nd lt. And black and not a chaplain
We need to have military schools in all hoods in America to get them in line
Literally in the process right now of kicking out one of my black troops because he acts exactly like a nig.
>If interracial societies don't work, America would have failed from the beginning
How? America had slavery and up until the 60s a very obvious white heirarchial structure.
>BLM rallies are generally very small compared to the amount of blacks in the city
Provide evidence like I asked. You keep naking claims you can't substantiate.
>Third point is silly, being an individualist doesn't mean I want open borders.
Yes it does. If not generalising groups of people means you're an individualist, then stoo generalising literally everybody outside of America.
>Fourth, you are not being realistic.
Jesus christ, we're not arguing practicality, we're arguing logic. And your logic does not hold so you immeditaly change the argument from a "this is how the world should be" to a "this is how the world is" argument.
>America has had blacks here and they've played a big role in our history. Maybe we could've done without them, but we didn't.
Provide evidence that America today could not exist without blacks. Again it's blantantly apparent you don't like blacks but you're too damn much of a liberal pussy to say it and too much of a cuck to do anything about it.
1. We were still an interracial society. And blacks had freedom from slavery since 1865 with little issue.
2. Watch videos on YouTube of BLM rallies. Seriously, most blacks are not in these groups. It is mostly younger blacks and a lot of white liberals at these rallies.
3. Actually, supporting limited immigration means you don't generalize. You are open to everybody, but you want assimilation to work so you don't bring all in at once.
4. Practically is a key factor in politics. Please tell me how you are going to kick out legal citizens. You think most Australians favor kicking out Aboriginals? Probably not, especially liberals in that matter.
5. How is it that I don't like blacks? There are some black people I don't like. I don't like a lot of liberal race-hustling blacks. But I do like conservative blacks. I'm a big fan of Dr. Carson, Sheriff Clarke, and many other greats.
Lol what the fuck are you smoking? the military does not instill nationalism. As soon as their is a group of two or more they start speaking ebonics and begin acting like niggers.
Why do military members vote more conservative then? I think it plays a big role in instilling nationalism and brotherhood.
>We were still an interracial society. And blacks had freedom from slavery since 1865 with little issue.
Yes and I provided disclaimer to that. Unless there was an overarching authorotarian heirarchial structure. Which there was until the 60's.
>. It is mostly younger blacks and a lot of white liberals at these rallies.
Again provide evidence. You have a serious problem of saying things and then not having any proof.
>Actually, supporting limited immigration means you don't generalize
Yes you are. Explain how you're not generalising? You're generalising that all people who come into the country will not assimilate and therefore you must stop those people with an immigration test.
>Practically is a key factor in politics.
We're not discussing politics. We're discussing the logic of the idealogy of civic nationalism.
>How is it that I don't like blacks?
Every post you've made about blacks in society has simply been "well they're here, so deal with them." You can't bring up a single objective point about the total benefits of having blacks.
They arent.
Beloeve me, ive served woth their kind.