What happens here?

Why does this county exist?

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comfy fishing vacations

Michigan looks /out/ as fuck

It's where Canada got cucked by Minnesota.

I actually read the story on this, it was a mapping error. They lost their way, and that's how they drew it. It was supposed to be a straight line.

More here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada–United_States_border

That's Minnesota.

Aye, both great lakes region and good for fishing.

Staging grounds for the Day of the Rake

mostly indian reservation iirc

they kept war prisoner nazis there in ww2

t. lake vermillion fag

The part of Michigan visible in that map is. The mountains aren't very high by the standards of the Rockies, but by Irish standards it's pretty hardcore. Also, Lake Superior routinely has whitecap waves because it's so fucking enormous. It's like an ocean without the salt smell. The first time you see it in person some part of you panics because you think your nose isn't working because you don't smell salt.

They also fucked up Point Roberts, Washington.

Oh well



fuck off, we're full

Like in Illinois? Ive been there. Tons of dead fish. The Buffalo Wild Wings has an Ohio University flag.

90% comfy cabin country

10% Twin Shitties

Also, St. Cloud is a shithole filled with somalis and drunk college kids

I actually watched a short video about it

Not much happens there

In minnesota, grew up there

Never been to vermillion in IL

>Why does this county exist?

It's Minnesota's way of giving the finger to Canada.

Fuck Leafs

most of the country is



Lake of the Woods is comfy as fuck