What is the ultimate redpill a person can take Sup Forums
What is the ultimate redpill a person can take Sup Forums
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Black dick
Kek suicide pact when?
Lets leave this scum here to rot.
There are two
Either You can choose a faith (most Sup Forumsacks choose Ortho Christianity), or you can embrace nihilism and seek your power through the state, or pursue happiness as a hedonist
The final redpill is recognizing you have a choice in your life
that red pills don't real, you've gotta find your own truth
t. commie who thinks everything is subjective
It was the jews. It was always the jews
Some truth here.
The real redpill is far too much for most people to handle. Question reality.
Nothing matters
The ultimate red pill is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That's the most important thing because after you die, that's it. So you better know for sure you are going to Heaven instead of Hell.
>The Bible Way to Heaven
we are born and then we die, there is nothing we can do to become immortal, but we can at least bring death faster to the dindus, when they hurt eachother and hurt other races, murder rape and steal, it's not because they are unintelligent or hate us, it is because they are in agonizing mental pain, unable to escape their life of being a mistake, a lesser being.
This. The left loathes Christians and Jews hate them too.
There is no bigger redpill then that, and we all secretly know it. That is why we despise it and team up with the Jews here on Sup Forums.
there are no redpills
nobody really knows what they're really doing with anything
Everything you do matters, if you don't do it that future would never happen.
Plenty of the left loathe Jews. Why is it always Jews with you guys?
we are the jews
The occult is real. 10% of the world are pedophile satanists working for (((them))).
It's a hard line to walk. The Bible when translated perfectly doesn't call Jesus the king of the Jews, it calls Jesus the king of Judea, one of the 12 tribes.
I believe the main redpill is accepting racial difference. Once you accept that, the entire liberal worldview just seems to fall apart.
The Jews the people of Israel are irrelevant.
The problem stems from old ww2 era Jewish families who's love for power and Money exceed the value of human life.
The left does not loath Christ, there is value in his teachings. What many people on the left loath is shit like prosperity gospel, something that takes faith and twists it into evil. Often, at least in the south, you have a lot of people that claim to be Christian but don't study theology and don't act like a christian. Its disgusting and perverse.
The realization that we fight against ancient demons with the help of an ancient God
Praise Kek
That Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior and no amount of >le kike on a stick memes will change that.
No it does call Jesus the King of kings, and King of the Jews as it was written in three different languages above him on the cross.
is it possible to accept the racial differences without hating the other races?
i mean most of the problems with american niggers can be attributed to (((them))). while still black, they seem to do fine when taken out of that toxic (((culture)))
The left as it is in America is the leading symptom of a global disease across the globe. I would applaud a return to old school liberalism.
As it is the left hates anything traditional, ergo Christianity.
The south has some of the MOST honest preachers. If you want to see fake ones go to California.
Your dead men now.
may appear so to some people, but there are far too many problems and that's the reason we hate it: islam takes some good ideas and just fucks them.
Also younger, not really an ancient respectable cult
The left hates Biblical Christianity.
Grow a beard
When he was in court they asked him if he was king of Judea, the Latin word of which stems from "Hebrews".
He said yes.
The naming on the cross was insultive.
If Jesus truly is meant to be king of the Jews then the only logical explanation is that the corruption of the common Jew is vastly overblown.
I die a martyr then.
There's no choice or free will
Your life, your thoughts, everything has been on a set track before there was even life on this planet
Realizing that nothing will improve under Trump. Nothing that matters. NOTHING.
Satan is real and Islam is the only truth
At least we fucking did something
It's easy to sit there cocksure when you haven't born the burden of your own countrymen calling you racist
Jesus didn't say yes, he said that is what you call me. The sign above the cross waa supposed to be insulting, but it was true.
The Jews do not acknowledge Jesus as King/Savior yet but they will eventually. This is why they don't understand and hate Christians.
Reminder that Jesus was a failed apocalyptic prophet, as documented in your Gospel.
Mark 13:30 (Jesus, after describing apocalyptic events)
>"Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened."
Matthew 16:28 (similar passage)
>“Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”
>Jesus predicted his own second coming within the lifetimes of his followers
>2000 years later
Reality as we know it is largely a lie.
Our perceptions and comprehension are confined to the limited scope of earth and our solar system; simply because the capacity to observe and manipulate matter in this region of space is what's naturally selected for. However, our particular region of the universe is relatively bizarre in composition compared to what is out there. That does not mean that life does not exist; just that it is imperceptible.
"Life", defined as any self-propagating force, could very well be wide spread across the universe but operating in frames so large/small with metabolic processes so quick/slow that we'd be unable to recognize it within a single lifetime. This makes us as lonely as ever in the long run as discovering there is no life like ours.
It may even be possible that matter itself is self-propagating and memetic, which leads to an even more bizarre and horrifying revelation; that the laws of physics themselves are even less immutable than imagined and change based on whatever matter is located within it. Granted this contradicts the cosmological principle, the cosmological principle itself operates off of the assumptions that our region of space is a prime example of an isotropic evenly distributed universe; but in the face of empirical data, even that falls under scrutiny.
To this extent, we can never make any claims regarding whether everything matters or nothing matters.
well, what is it faggot? You can't just leave me hanging
Start knowing the waters.
is this was this election was really all about.. racism? I think there are much deeper things going on in america and also europe. Our fiat currency fractional reserve system is slowly dying. Economic inequalities is just the symptom of the general process that more and more people get poor and hence radical on the left and the right. Because we are not satisfied with our lives. This turns to hate. And hate let to trump. Hate for the establishment, like shillary. Understandable. But voting an unpredictable guy like trump into the most powerful position on earth is more than dangerous. But at least you did something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
guess we eurofags are next
There are no red pills, the Matrix is just a movie.
See picture instantly think
>faggy fish
>fuck salt
The ultimate redpill is to study history and realize that Christianity and pagans ism are foils of themselves with their own benefits, but Christianity ultimately causes out problem as of now. Contrary to popular belief, pagans were redpilled as fuck , were fine with genociding (((desert tribes))) and lobbied against and executed homosexuals.
The Roman Republic was basically a more redpilled form of the modern nation state.
Also Christians were quiet literally the Marxism of their era and helped destroy Rome.
>Either You can choose a faith (most Sup Forumsacks choose Ortho Christianity),
>or you can embrace nihilism and seek your power through the state,
kinda accurate
>or pursue happiness as a hedonist
not so accurate
>The final redpill is recognizing you have a choice in your life
on the money
You can pursue joy in life, and using multiple blends of philosophy create your own personality. You are living in the world's best videogame, are the the strongest, best player. Be shit or don't be shit, there's no guide to help you. Just fucking play.
This channel is full of truthbombs like this.
The best video to redpill even the most bluepilled on genetics of IQ with indisputable, easily understandable study (5 minutes):
A study that cleverly proved some cultures are more violent than others (7 minutes):
A clip that shows the insanity of the current migration policy and offers a proposal on how to fix it. Excellent to redpill even the most bluepilled on the current migration madness (3 minutes).
World Becoming More, Not Less Religious: The Future Of Demographics And Religion (7 minutes)
Fundamentalism Is As Modern As Secularism: Demographics And Religion Of Muslims, Christians And Jews (2 minutes)
Religion, Demographic Shifts And Why More Countries Will Resemble Israel (6 minutes)
Walter Benn Michaels On Paying Lip Service To Diversity While Ignoring Economic Inequality (3 minutes)
Why Behavioural Genetics Is Important And Ignoring It Is Immoral And Dangerous (1 minute)
Should We Protect The Public From Genetic Explanations Because They're Discouraging (2 minutes)
Oxford professor Savulescu gives mindblowing examples of brain stimulation, genetic manipulation and mind altering medication (9 minutes)
age aitn nothing but a #
3rd path best path, paganism is the redpill Sup Forums needs.
Nothing really matters, BUT it's still okay to pretend like it does.
The Codex Astartes,
Flesh is weak.
watch any debates on youtube and look at a few videos about why its fake.
the holocaust myth has no backbone other than bizarre stories from survivors.
Nuclear weapons are real.
Jews control the world, Hitler did nothing wrong and the white genocide
3 strongest red pills but not necessarily in that order
You will probably die in your 50s after living your life with the worst diet a human has ever had.
Look at all that poison that we consume that didnt exist 30 years ago. Shower gel, Shampoo all the same thing. Remember the Georgia Guide Stones?
The ultimate red pill is to realize that everything that has happened has happened over and over and over again throughout the entire history of men. The ultimate red pill is realizing you are a part of this...process of...something. The ultimate red pill is to realize that you are a small, yet vital part of this process. The ultimate red pill is to start a family and have children and raise those children to the best of your ability. And hope they do the same. The ultimate red pill is doing the best you can in this reality and relinquishing your soul, your very being, everything that you are, everything that you were, and everything that you will be up and, hopefully, be at peace, before you pass on to the next reality. The unknown. Giving up your soul to the unknown.
There's a reason Pride is the deadliest sin, user.
The ultimate red pill is ultimate humility.
The ultimate redpill is that reality itself doesn't exist. It is merely a construct of a dream, and whatever is causing this dream is unfathomable to even imagine. This dream could just be something that has always existed, with nothing to even cause it. Once you accept this, and you put all of your being into believing it, you supposedly disappear from the dream, and where you'll end up is something no one will ever know.
Who's dream?
No. As we can see with most 1st world countries, in a society with equal opportunity, racial and gender differences become more pronounced. This causes the underperforming groups aka blacks, women to become resentful towards the successful and they invent a monster to explain their inadequacies(racism, sexism, homophobia...).
I saw some faggot on the vegas strip with a sign that had pizzagate and rothschilds on it. He probably knows.
>t. Just discovered nihilism
repeating numerals are the only thing in life that truly matters
Ideology is a bluepill
The realization that history is mostly lies.
a thorough understanding of quantum physics. it is a pill swallowable by only the most intelligent and driven. also spinoza's god.
Human nature inherent is fatally flawed. In addition childhood conditioning destroyed most of us before we could resist or comprehend. Most of us are not smart enough to undo the damage.
Women are incapable of loving men, hypergamy, female solopsism, women as low level narcissists by nature all true. Men are just as flawed.
Human civilization will probably collapse and never recover.
Perhaps because the unit of selection is the gene and civilization and the environment is as far away from that as possible, we are doomed. We are not designed to ultimately collaborate in the long term.
We will exhaust fossil fuels, many metals (rare earths, silver, tin, tungsten etc) will be gone in mere decades, phosphorus gone, top soil will be compromised. There is no energy tech currently in existence that could hope to replace fossil fuels.
The oceans will acidify and die, biodiversity will collapse to a level that will not recover in tens of millions of years. If anyone remains they can look forward to millennia of an empty planet with endless records of the living wonders that have been forever lost.
Climate change could potentially fuck all of this into a complete hell, think the return of deserts so hot you could not stand outside for mere minutes (as existed in the Cretaceous). It happened in the Permian.
Nothing short of magical energy tech, genetic wizardry or AI could save us. None of this will come in time.
The global economy is a ponzi scheme, and our current political and social order is utterly incapable of meeting the challenges of the future.
Our population will peak (the global middle class will triple in just 14 years or so) at a time when resources start to deplete.
Africa will hit 4 billion at some point at a time where aid will be withdrawn as the west experiences waves of economic collapse. It is going to be an absolute cluster fuck.
We are going to eat each other alive fighting over what is left.
We will never leave the solar system.
That's not nihilism
delet this
Alternatively we take the vote from women, elect some strong leaders, and systematically unfuck ourselves in a fashy way.
10% chance.
>There is no energy tech currently in existence that could hope to replace fossil fuels.
your whole post gave me cancer but this is the one you're most wrong on and you need to really dig in. Jesus awaits you at the end of your research. the glass is full, you're empty
Like what? Thorium reactors? Solar?
I fucking hope someone can do it, but it needs to happen soon and I keep getting disappointed when I read into each claim of next generation energy.
Checked. Kek has spoken.
delet this user, knowledge of CHIM without preparation is dangerous.
Tell us, you whore!
It's just a projection machine on Saturn, it's not really that special tbqh.
They had to start blanketing noise to stop people like me from altering the projection.
dude, this image! fucking kek
No, just... no
You can do what you want but Kek followers must live to insure chaos and praise
Tesla was fucking brilliant and easy heavily suppressed. Also, fucking water car. I'll dump some shit here
>mfw Sup Forums zero sums the universe
Put it on your Christmas card for next year it's a timeless classic
Another one
>2 trillion dollars divided by 9
This a good one for rethinking our prison system
Edison is a faggot
A permavirgin who fell in love with a pigeon will save us.
most words ending in "ism" are meant to confuse rather than clarify thought
Palpatines witch twin sister architect of latter day postmodern economic insanity.
We experience a three dimensional projection of a two dimensional digital universe.