
I want him to be Canada's next prime minister SO BADLY. He's running for conservative party leadership.

Lietch = good but not charasmatic.
o'Leary = He's from quebec, and he isn't even fucking bilingual.
Chong = Dunno.
The rest = Don't care.

I think he is our Canadian equivalent of a Rand Paul type of politician, and I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing when it comes to winning. And I think he could beat Trudeau.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Lietch = good
She is an establishment candidate running to look like anti establishment
Everyone running for conservative party leadership is garbage and Canada is fucked just like the last election

Solving a gun wound with a bandaid isn't going to stop the problem

O'Leary is clearly the best option

This is a shill thread.


>tfw guaranteed at least 7 more years of being cucked thanks to a shitty conservative lineup

He's outright exposed himself as a gun grabber

Libertarianism is very unpopular in Quebec though, I doubt he'll do much better than Harper did in Quebec

Well exactly they re all liars, so we should either pick the least likely liar the ones who is furthest right hoping they aren't lying.
O'leary is objectively the worst option.


Fuck Canada and fuck black people

You are more optimistic than me
Ive watched the debates, I think they are all liars equally
I think they are all controlled opposition who don't give a Fuck about the Canadian population and are just as fine as weed man to sell our country to the chinks

Oh they probably are, I just don't see the "just grab a gun and do something about it faggot" spouted here to be very useful, I am not sure what to do now. I guess you must be thinking somewhat the same; What the fuck do we do?

Canada is fucked. Just remember....our enemy is China.

China has mobile execution vans where they harvest organs.

The solution is to boycott China.

Yes, exactly that

To be honest I'm planning on moving to the USA in the next few years if trump actually does what he says he is going to do

I feel like I'd have a better life there instead of just waiting for the enviable crash that fucks our whole country

And I'm all for hard work to turn our country around but when our government doesn't give a Fuck why should I? I'll just go to a country that wants to better itself

This one, fuck French anyway

Also, this conundrum has really made me understand why the second Amendment is so important

A White Male Doctor set up a scholarship for straight Caucasions. After he died, an Ontario Female SJW judge overruled him and stated that minorities would be given preference.

You can now legally rape animals in Canada.

We import 750k 3rd world non-whites a year for a population of 35m, 10m+ of which are non-white. By 2030, 95%+ of babies born will be non-white.

The economy is complete shit, we get nothing for our natural resources because we give the shit away for free for (((globalism))). Nestle pays literally $3.79 for 1 million litres of fresh water then sells it to California for $40M USD. Canada gets literally

Even the public doesn't give a fuck. It's hard to be patriotic when your populace aspire to be captain Sven.
Id move out but I am poor as dirt, and honestly even America seems like a dodgy bet very long term. Eastern europe may be somewhat of a shithole but the people are decent and it's unlikely that they will cuck themselves anytime soon.

Our tax-payer funded SJW national broadcaster openly advocates for White, Heterosexual genocide:youtube.com/watch?v=Wb55teb1gJ0[Open]

The largest housing bubble in the world-- $100k bungalow costs $600k-$3M.

Yeah, thanks to Chong investors.

Look at your feet, you are not in a free country

I for one want to be in one that at the very least wants to fight for that

Dear sweet fuck all of THIS.

This country is a post national state because it's over. The die was cast decades ago and the game is lost. The Dominion is dead - time to leave. I would rather be a hated white exile in Japan than a white man here when the pogroms start.

Apparently those statements where made after he fired an automatic AR so Im not sure if his statement applies to all guns or just automatics.

If just automatics: meh, whatever
If all guns: he can fuck right off and Ill vote libertarian or something

O'Leary is a globalist kike who wants to increase immigration, take our guns, and insults our military vets. He's not even white, he's a Lebanese-Irish bastardbaby with sandnigger blood who's a closet jew.

O'Leary the potato nigger

Running is not the answer.

this country is FINISHED there is nothing anyone can do. Demographically we are FUCKED and there is no way anything can be done to change the course we are on with the current culture and hate speech laws. Trudeau will most likely be elected again and even if he isn't even a full 100% stop to immigration tomorrow would still leave us minority white by the end of the century. WE ARE FUCKED.

I can only hope that there is some kind of economic depression and/or collapse of the government or something heavy duty enough to either shock people into reality or make it simply impossible for this to go on.

At least learn from us, learn what not to do.

if you really think people would EVER gonna go full Nazi in Canada you're fucking out of your mind. All that's left for whites in Canada to do is sit around and wait until we are totally erased culturally and genetically.

Ya the problem is China and not our government allowing them to fuck us. Do you blame the scorpion for stinging a child or the parent that put it in his hand. Don't be a fuck wit.

You don't have to go full fucking NatSoc to win your country back, leafbro. Running is definitely not going to help though. Neither is your defeatist attitude. Those who will not fight will perish just the same, and lost only are those who take themselves for lost.

Fucking bitches, and banning pokemon is the answer.

I agree Bernier is probably the best choice. Tbh I would like to see some more policy material from Scheer who seems like a pretty great guy/politician based on what I've seen previously.

Canadians need to learn that yes, resources are valuable and we have a lot of them, but we need to ADD VALUE to our resources if we are going to diversify our economy and become a real player. If you carve a branch into a hockey stick, you are ADDING VALUE to a resource. If you want jobs in Canada we need to stop spreading our asshole for plunder. Our economy is literally DUDE BEAVER PELTS LMAO tier 400 years later.

you don't know what Canadians are like we are by far the most blue pilled country on earth. There could be two white people left in the entire place and one would still probably be telling the other that immigration isn't a problem. There's hardly anything to "fight" for here anyway, we are dead on our feet for sure.

I want to know how Canadians fell for the multiculturalist, multiracialist Canada meme.
I'd have to talk to a redpilled 50 to 60-something man but, as you said, there aren't many around.

Americans were sold a lie, but what did the Trudeau government tell us?

I think it was a steady process starting with Trudeau Sr. that has ramped up to the insanity we have today, tight control of info and non-stop CBC propaganda is all it took.

The baby boomers fucked us when they decided to massively expand the government and then not have kids and the banks that run the world will make sure there are people here to pay them their due shekels and be good goy slaves.

You must be in Toronto. Rural Canada is racist and pro-white as fuck.Manitoba is littered with anti-abortion shit and churches, even, and Manitoba is Ontario-lite.

The GTA and Vancouver need to be wiped off the map, though.

much like our seattle ohh i hates me that seattle


its her turn

Canada is becoming slowly redpilled, at least in my community. Fucking Milo has my chick friends all buying into the idea that feminist is fucking bullshit, and girls are getting angsty that there is no masculinity.

Its coming to a head, at least with the feminist shit.

He posts mises and Hayek memes on his Facebook page.

I am 100% down for this guy

The reasons for immigration are largely economic. However," the first study on the economic benefits of immigration in Canada done in 1985 by the Macdonald Comission concluded that "immigration did not contribute to economic growth, but in fact caused a decline in per capita income and real wages in Canada" Source: pg 6 "The Current State of Canadian Immigration Policy" (2008) by James Bisset

>In July 2009 the C.D. Howe Institute warned: "For Canadians to expect more, younger immigrants to counteract the effects of a low past fertility on workforce growth and aging would be a serious mistake"..."Only Improbably huge increases" to the tune of 600,000-700,000 per year could have any chance of offsetting the consequence of lower fertility.

>A need was shown for a future Canadian population ranging between 60 and 200 million people before the current aging and falling fertility factors were neutralized.

>Projections relying on immigration flows to improve the economy tended "to produce explosive population growth, with ludicrous terminal numbers"...In the year 2050 Canada would need 7 million immigrants.

>The conclusion was that better and faster results could be achieved by raising the age of retirement from 65 to 70, boosting natural fertility from 1.5 to 2.1 and increasing productivity by 1%

>A similar study in the EU concluded that "Immigration could do little to mitigate the challenges created by low fertility in the EU"

>In his survey of Canadian immigration research, Martin Collacott points out that "the government's own research" indicates that immigration plays a minor role in boosting the oconomy. "Overall economic performance of newcomers," he writes, "has fallen blow that of earlier immigrants and people born in Canada. A major reason for this is the priority given to family-class immigrants," none of whom is required to bring any marketable skills to Canada, nor to speak either official language.

>Frank McKenna of the TD Bank financial group said that the immigrant illiteracy issue is "sort of like a boiling frog, it's not...something that would alarm people, because it's not all that evident; we just gradually become poorer as a nation as a result of this loss of potential."

Bernier is the only candidate who actively supports gun rights.

That said, the Cons have set their new firearms policy recently, and it looks pretty sexy. Simplified classification means ARs innawoods, and non-restricted AKs and FALs. And the provision for eliminating mag caps.

Fuck yes. If this happens I may stay in Canada instead of moving to the us.

With the mandate given to the rcmp by the current government it's only a matter of time before the rcmp attempt to grab guns.

not in Toronto but a close enough guess

I am well aware that rural areas hate this multi-culti shit but with more immigrants coming and the birth rates of those arriving these rural areas will likely not have enough political weight to stop, let alone reverse anything that's been perpetrated against us. Rural areas will simply become white enclaves for the dwindling populations to flee to as the big cities become giant brown toilets and even liberals will see that the multicultural utopia they have been waiting for was all a big fucking lie, then they will all flee to the country but it will be far too late.

We will dwindle away under the endless hordes of Chinese, African and Muslim immigrants most of whom will likely hate our guts and want to take us for everything we have, and with the little political clout we will hold in the future legally pillaging us wouldn't be hard to do.

In my view as it stands now the west and the white race in most western countries is pretty much done, the white nationalist movement is pitifully small and in many places the children being born today are already majority non-white. Yet nobody seems to know about any of this and half those that do see no problem at all with it. We were born too late to save the west, caught up in the typhoon of retardation that is humanity all we can do is shitpost on this dumb ass autistic chinky fucking POS site and flail about like fish in a river bed about to go bone dry.

Best case scenario for Canada is that is dies fast and hard, providing an warning for the rest of the world.

Spot on man. It's sad that we're witnessing the decline of the western world and the white race.

I only hope that when we do become the minority and atrocities are committed against us people will wake up and push back.

I doubt it though. The brainwashing runs deep all perpetrated by (((them)))

It's disgusting to watch humanity regressing.

South Africa should have served as a warning to the white race.

This will happen on a much larger scale as we are outnumbered.

Just look at the toxic rhetoric from groups such as black lives matter calling for the genocide of white people. This is only the beginning.

We'll need some pol-fu. Calling right wingers cucks has been a good start. No right winger will tolerate the idea that they aren't man enough to fuck their own wife, and christ-fuck, did they ever shift this year with t_d, even bringing along some left wingers working class people.
fuck bitches, ban pokemon, and have kids.

the last year has been crazy and I hope pol can prove me wrong

god knows ill be here shit posting with you, but people here need to keep their expectations realistic