[They are SLIDING] aluminium in air


Suddenly so many sliding threads, my last thread was just archived

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bump for chemtrails are bigly

They put aluminum in the air to get rain retard

It isn't delivered by "Chemtrails" either

do your fucking homework, back to

not realizing chemtrails are real is one of the most retarded things ever.

Aluminium is dangerous to the body.

>to get rain
Why would they want rain?



Yes goy that dosent cause any health defects at all! Just like how aluminum deoderante isnt unhealthy at all!!!

Indians dont put in deoderante. So they are giving them their dose

have another bump

RIP humanity

What am I missing here?


Did anyone catch the part at ~9:00 to ~9:35 where the guy says that the nanoparticles of aluminum can be absorbed by trees during their growth and basically become tiny thermite reactions and lead to dramatically hotter forest fires.

Personally I buy that premise. I am a microbiologist and I have never been taught anything abut the biological activity of aluminum, in ionic form or 'free' as the video is referring to.

Gravity Well Poisoners

Aluminum deodorant isnt unhealthy though, read something besides clickbait links

Wow water condensation created by plane engines.
better post this on Sup Forums

What would they have to gain from putting toxic particles in the air where everyone, even (((them))) would inhale them?

Have you stopped drinking out of aluminum cans or do you not really believe this?

Because they don't have Precious Bodily Fluids to protect.

>stopped drinking out of aluminum cans
Yes, I did actually.
See this part.

And aluminium is only one of those compounds

We the people! It's not a conspiracy!

chemtrails and flat earth are the two hot topics that trigger shills the most. It should tell everyone something.

Wiki says there are several effects on plants

chemtrails and contrails are very different beasts.

What is it?

Okay, I take this a bit more seriously then.
Thanks for the warning.


They could avoid this quite easily I think. Knowing where and when this happens

Oy vey, let's all clear out of New York City from 4:00 pm to 7:30 pm on January 12 because a plane is landing.

Why clear out? Just do the needed measures, I'm sure it's not so hard to do. Or more easily just don't spray around the places they live.

Yes it is. Kept getting miagrains until I started using this purple aluminum free deoderant.

Doesnt last as long but better than a miagraine.
Read something besides the CDC they pushes diversity and vaccinations

this is the gayest conspiracy meme in the long history of man's faggotry

Not a conspiracy when it happens.

All NASA related conspiracies are most probably to outshadow this one. I could sense that there must be some big NASA related shit going on, behind flat, hollow earth, behind antarctica aylmaos, and I guess this is it.

And this guy died a few months after this video, could be a coincidence but still.

bump for interest.


your skin is porous as hell to chemicals... that's why nicotine / fentanyl patches work.

aluminum is toxic but we're usually pretty good at removing it. that takes an active process though, which is kind of fragile... many things can interfere with it or overload it.

slathering some ambiguously-labeled aluminum salts all over the thinnest and most sensitive skin on your body every single day (and letting it just hang there, literally 24/7) just sounds like a bad time, brah.

HAve you considerd maybe you got migraines from something other than you stupid cheap deodorant

This thread belongs to Sup Forums because it is political. Your post doesn't belong anywhere because announcing your reports = violating the rules of Sup Forums.

Why do you think that would have been the first thing I tried?

Dumb question

>Why would they want rain?
It's California mate.

Well it is still strange.

To make the existing clouds produce rain it doesn't require metals and salts, in fact you just need to spray cement dust (at least it's how it's done here in Russia).

But to form new clouds you need to gain water somewhere. So it's not possible to form clouds this way, you don't need these chemicals to make clouds rain => must be something else. And they don't even use this as an excusse. They say it's against global warming.

fucking lol


They deleted the counter shilling thread
Mods cant delete off topic posts but can delete us doing their jobs

Bump. What are they doing to india tell me!

They're using a new scatopheric vapoorisation technique. they down side it that everyone inhales feces and dies from lung-born tapeworms

No jokes please. I want good guy OP to answer.

It's LITERAL mind control.
heavy metals in the brain.
It's time to butcher the people in the government.
This isn't a joke. They are literally murdering you.

If you see the trails on the sky after planes that don't escape for a long time the air might be dangerous for your health after it settles down. If there's such a thing you should track it and learn the schedule when it happens.


Are the kikes trying to put down the world because Trump is about to btfo their pedophile rings?

Alright i will try to track it. Any advice on optimizing the tracking procedure, tools and stuff are helpful.

Thank you you opened my eyes

Dangerous only if it comes inside the body of course. And when you breath it in it comes directly into your blood.

I would make the time-lapse videos of the sky to see when and what's happening and how long it takes to dissipate. Then make the schedule, including the days and hours it happens, how many planes, days-off, how long it takes to dissipate. If you have a long focus camera you can try to identify the planes, might be very useful in identifying how it's done compared to other countries (usa air force in US for example).

image looks like pepe

POISON, crim. law. Those substances which, when applied to the organs of the body, are capable of altering or destroying, in a majority of cases, some or all of the functions necessary to life, are called poisons.

If the thing you would use to notice that you're being poisoned is the part of your body being poisoned, it would be hard to tell... wouldn't it?

The atrocious system of poisoning, by poisons so slow in their operation, as to make the victim appear, to ordinary observers, as if dying from a gradual decay of nature, has been practised in all ages. Those who are curious in the matter may refer to Beckmann on Secret Poisons, in his History of Inventions, in which he has collected several instances of it from the Greek and Roman writers. Early in the sixteenth century the crime seems to have gradually increased, till, in the seventeenth, it spread over Europe like a pestilence. It was often exercised by pretended witches and sorcerers, and finally became a branch of education amongst all who laid any claim to magical and supernatural arts. In the twenty-first year of Henry VIII. an act was passed, rendering it high-treason: those found guilty of it, were to be boiled to death.

Anti slide bump for the good intentioned OP.
Chemtrails are a new subject for me and I think it makes perfect sense the more I think about it.

Any idea what is the deal with Antartica?

=== sliding confirmed ===



=== 100 year sperm count drop warning!!! ===


> Trace amounts of aluminium are released by planes 40,000 feet in the air
They're poisoning us!

> Billions of tonnes of lead, mercury, sulfur and carbon dioxide are released at ground level by factories and cars every single day
Who cares. Also global warming isn't real.

>what is cloud seeding


> Trace amounts of aluminium are released by planes 40,000 feet in the air
>They're poisoning us!
So you think that it will float there forever?

>cloud seeding
But silver iodine / dry ice / cement dust are used for that purpose and are applied to _pre-existing_ clouds

Go eat some sugar you fucken dumb fuck

It is unhealthy it affects your Lymph nodes.


i'm saying it disperses into the atmosphere and the levels you are exposed to are an order of magnitude less than whats already in your drinking water

there don't need to be pre-existing cloud, just a high enough concentration of water vapor

the air just needs to be wet enough, but not as thick a cloud

Fuck off brainwashed shill. Chemtrsils are real and is being used to kill off human population. We are being poisoned and they are waiting for our demise while rubbing their hands.

I see it too

Are you being ironic? I'm all for hearing out conspiracy theories but when people say things like this, it just sounds ridiculous.

Then why are you a fucking billion?


Not ironic just want human civilization to thrive. Please give me your opinion on the Antwrtica news we are hearing. Is it going to be a major false flag attack? Is it related to OP?

I also apologize for the guy for being rude.


These guys say why you need a cloud

It's chaff.

I like how they just pretend that the aluminum or what ever pollution is coming from airplanes, without caring to prove it.
>Oh, I measured aluminum in this water sample! It must be them airplanes!

You can see spectrogram too when they are still in the air

What spectrogram?


Yeah, but where is it?
And you know that Al is not toxic right?

fuck off pajeet. you don't belong here. seriously fuck off. you belong in the shitting street with your shitcovered shitskin monkey friends

you all deserve to be all killed off

drunk idiot shut up.

Why would AI be toxic? If you consume or inhale AI it would be of course

See also

In 1971, when President Richard M. Nixon initiated the War on Cancer, the average person had a 1 in 10 risk of developing cancer in his or her lifetime. Today, that's changed – for the worse. The risk as of 2005 is 1 in 2.

I'm not even a proponent of chemtrails but you are a fucking idiot if you discount the fact that there are patents that detail exactly what the whole chemtrails conspiracy is based upon. There does appear to be a geoengineering agenda at least in the works if not in some phase of testing. Barium and aluminum particles would be used to reflect solar energy back into space to reduce the affects of so called "climate change"

>If you consume or inhale AI it would be of course
You consume Al daily, it's not dangerous for you

Why do you think I consume AI daily? I consume some natural intelligence but artificial...


Feeding your discusting culture was a mistake.

You only exist because Monsanto gave you a bunch of free GMOs. You all should have died off.

Dosnt know what heavy metals are, and take "heavy" at it literal meaning.

Pretty much this. People whine about normies and sheep and such, as if they wonder how they could be so ignorant. But they're all being fucked in the brain, like we are. It's a rare thing to be blessed with the insight to see what is happening to people. This number of people is only growing. People never go back to sleep once they discover this stuff. Killing people in government wouldn't do anything at all though, hardly any of them have any idea what is actually happening. In most cases they are just as dumb as the average person and are just puppets. 90% of them have to be kicked out on their arses, don't get me wrong.

I think with clandestine operations such as this, the thing they most clearly fear is public exposure. So that's what should be the goal for now.

(((They))) Love to spray Hungary too, sometimes with really special pentagrams above Budapest, made from chemtrails. I've noticed it a lot in summer, when the winds are calm, it really is a fucking pentagram in the sky.

I really think, this all boils down to the human "construct" being engineered by ancient (((aliens))). Just think about it: once a research is finished, you need to clean the petri-dish in order to conduct different experiment.

We will expose them!

stop shitting up Sup Forums with retarded conspiracies

Bump for Truth!

Fuck the shills!


Guys I think I've found the filter that makes you see all this shit.

go worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/
And see corrected reflectance (bands 7-2-1)

You see unprecedented shit. Blue seems to be the shit we're looking for. You can see that some places, even countries, don't have it at all. Others are all in that

Russia too. I hoped there was somewhere this isn't happening. Probably only Africa so they can breed strong biological weapons to deploy once we are all autistic, alzheimer ridden dead heads who have completely lost our ability to resist.

Congratulations, Spain, you will survive

All I see.

Interesting. The green in Australia certainly seems to be concentrated around population centres, which is where they tend to spray, along with agricultural plains. Not sure what it all means though. What does 'corrected reflectance' mean?