What do you think about my country, Sup Forums?

What do you think about my country, Sup Forums?

Impressive, has a High HDI, has a lot of Germans.

Texas? It's nice, lots of energy, national parks.
Keep it up, OP.

Thought you joined us after leaving the spics?

Not Texas.

These germans and whitest people are in some places on the south. Most of the people in center and most of the country are white with a few native american features, while in the nort, in the border with PerĂº and Bolivia, the people is just as the rest of latin america.

Texas is independent now?

>W-what do you think about me

I hate these fuckin threads. Damn betas

Your country should really focus on maintaining a free market, or otherwise that socialist president of yours is going to fuck it all up. There should be a concerted effort to make sure your country doesn't economically decline due to the creation of more wealth siphoning socialist policies.

A bit thin for my American tastes.

i will move to texas when it becomes its own country O.P.

I've motorcycled thru San Pedro atacama and arica... I liked it, like going back in time to old Santa Fe NM. People were friendly a little backward but not tards like the kechwa or Latinos from Ecuador or Brazil. I really want to see Santiago and south into Patagonia.

The only first world country in Latin america.



Best commie deleter senpai

Well, our president ins't really socialist as you might think. Bachellet is similar to Allende in ideas, but not in actions. So you don't need to worry of it.

And actually, yes, free market is nice to us. But at the same time, the inequality, thanks to that free market of Friedman, is pretty high. The 1% more rich people literally owns 30% of all the wealth.

So, personally, I don't really think that free market is our greatest strength.

The Nicaraguans threw commies out of helicopters and into volcanoes

I love Texas. Lived there for years, can't wait to go back once I'm done here.

Socialist shithole that will never experience the wonder of an Ancap paradise such privitale owned road and multiple privitate transport services for every route in the city

i love texas, my gf lives there, and when i finish school we are getting married and i will live there

Nobody cares

this 2bh

fuck bachelet, disgusting commie pig

Redpill me on ancap, have no idea cuz muh freedoms

I want to visit your country one day. Have any recommendations on what I should do?
I'm thinking about visiting the different famous churches spread across Chile, and I want to check out some of the European influenced towns.


I hate texas

Why did you slaughter your neighbors over an actual pile of birdshit

It's always been you silly leaf

Not so shit south american country


Too bad Argentina didn't step up their game during the Dirty War. Although they crushed record of throwing Commies out of helicopters by sheer volume.

texas is prettybased

Everything is bigger there. ;)


936 reporting in, anyone from the woodlans