We're being raided again lel

Friendly reminder to all (((visitors))) that your special interest candidate lost and there's nothing you can do about it.

Whoever runs against Trump in 2020 will also lose similarly.

Other urls found in this thread:


Also, dumping )))Infographics((( because fuck you.





Friendly reminder that the only shills Sup Forums ever had were Russian, and that you're their puppet or one of them. Because you cannot think for yourself, or are being paid not to.

trump for 2020


Fuck liberal lefties and fuck black people


>being paid not to.
Damn straight.

Marxism , feminism , leftism , liberalism , it's all the same. We face an enemy that can never be fully defeated. You can Salt the fields and poison the wells but they always come back. But.. take heart !! For today we have claimed a great victory , one the cucks and liberals said couldn't be made. They said it would take a miracle, that our people would willingly disposes themselves of their homeland- that we would forfeit our posterity to an alien identity. That our children should be minorities in the lands of their forefathers. But through the unity of our purposes, our refusal to surrender , AND our faith in one another , we have overcome the all but impossible odds that were arrayed against us

We said "not this time , not this day , not on OUR watch !!!"I've seen strangers become friends and I've seen friends die for each other.

YOU of the 14th battalion !!!
YOU of the 88th meme brigade !! I saw you there when Pennsylvania was wrested from the control of the enemy. I watched the cavalry attack the enemy flanks in Wisconsin. I gazed in awe at the endless shelling that lit up the skies of Michigan. Someday you'll tell your grandchildren of the Great Meme War of 2016 and how you were part of a movement that fought for America Not the America of obama and the progressives and the globalists , but the America of your fathers !!!!!!!
So while we celebrate , let us not forget the long road ahead. It was YOU who dared to dream the memes of our forefathers and lest us ensure that the struggle was not in vain. So we will fight on as soldiers and brothers and friends

176 and counting

Eat shit, americunt

bump cuz fuck the shills

Damn when will I get my payment or will it be another one of those instances where I get paid less than my white counterparts

If there's any niggers reading this just remember, there's 50 million of us and we all want you gone for good.




Trips speak the truth.


Friendly reminder that Drumpf is literally a joke.


Hey Hillary I know you're reading this. You're a failure.

Shill's tactics

Checked and Kek'd.









To all here who served,

Thank you

Amen Brother.

agree with the first part, but one of m black kids is ok

Fucking Kek'd