Times you revealed your power level in public
>go to Chinese take out after working out all day to prepare for the race war
>as I'm waiting in line, see woman talking to black man
>that coal burning slut, fuck her for not wanting me. Seriously, fuck her. She can go fuck herself. Fucking slut. I'm a fantastic white supreme being, what the fuck is her problem? Fucking bitch. Fuck her. All women are sluts. Fucking Jews. Fuck
>get my food and glare at them angrily
>they keep going on with their conversation, clearly too afraid to even look back at me
>go home and eat food while thinking back on said moment for the next 5 weeks
Times you revealed your power level in public
Who is this
Steph Kegels
Stephanie Kegals
Don't worry, the black guys won't fuck your sheep.
man! i want that woman to shit in my mouth
This is a post of comedic nature because sheep an abundant resource in New Zealand which means that the male inhabitants resort to having romantic relations with them and since sheep are white the joke makes sense. Truly The Australian is no novice to comedy.
this might be the worst thread on Sup Forums
i hate big butts
Honestly, sounds like you just sperged out to me lol, heres mine:
>on city bus reading a book
>father with 2 kids gets on, but bus is full so they stand
>kids were like 8-9, not that young
>hipster feminist cunt gets on bus
>starts getting all hot and bothered, telling people to move further into bus so everyone can fit
>she sees the father and kids and spots a potential (((victim))) situation
>starts lecturing everyone on my side of the bus to get up and give a seat to the kids
>no one gets up
>she says something like, "ya that would require one of you people to get up and give over your seat"
>mockingly, I say, "its good exercise for them"
>I say, "yeah and you're not the bus dictator so you can shut the fuck up and stop talking at me"
>hipster bitch starts shaking and gets off at next stop, lol
My God... A Canadian says something sensible.
you didn't reveal shit faggot
>saged and hidden
No I'm saying they prefer fucking burger women
>not calling the coalburner a monkey fucking whore
>not picking a fight with the nigger and beating him, warning him to stay away from our women
>not claiming your reward and breeding that dumb slut so she will never produce a half nigger
leftist beta cuck. I've beaten 3 niggers before I even hit 16 for lesser reasons.
Ah, the master has spoken. Such figurative language can only be shown through cleverness only an australian master race can decipher. Enlighten us.
doesn't sound like you did anything except act like a beta
How is your holiday to America going, Hans?
Nice meme amerifat
what's with the ray gun sound?
You sound like a fellow Mississippian.
Fucking retarded thread.
Baconrider. You're not canadian...
>be me, last weekend
>with friend from my club
>get drunk af
>pass out, dont remember much
>next day, get fb video in PM
>me totally wasted
>at the last seconds of the video I say:
>"The nazis were right..."
Alcohol and power level is a bad mix