Hillary Clinton Actually Won

Popular Votes:

Hillary Clinton: 65,844,954
Donald Trump: 62,979,879

Tally things up and you get a 2,865,075-vote lead for Clinton over Trump.

Now is it just me, or can Drumpflings not count?? This honestly proves how fucked up your backwards American politics is. No wonder you elected a cheeto.

Subtract all the illegal alien votes then recount.

As I suggested in one of your earlier samethreads :^)

>won popular vote by 2%
>act as if she won it by double digit percentages


if the results were so close why didn't she contest them like Gore did?

Friendly reminder to Sage when responding to a Canadian OP.

lmao retarded drumpfshits make this way too easy. You idiots will respond to anything, and the best part is that none of you even sage!

Oh, and would you look at that? Even your precious god Kek is with me. Because #We'reWithHer

Are we being raided? If so you suck at it OP

I am with /leftypol/ and yes, peabrain. We are raiding you. As if that wasn't obvious enough.