Is it happening lads?
Mexico Revolution thread part 2
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Praise Kek!
It's not happening.
It's look quite bright Senpai
Hilo sin chicANOS ni gringos
Kek has brought this upon Mexico
Taco Tuesdays are hereby cancelled!
Dejen de apoyar a la Republica.
Stop looting.
>mexicanas gringas
para de mentir pf, gracias.
civil war when?
I tought that this was ended a couple of days ago.
>Captcha: selecciona las vidrierias de tiendas
Kek, last time I was in Tijuana the whitest looking girl was some random chick who was probably half breed
top kek!
demaisado tequila
Hijo de la verga kek
Mexican intellectuals señores jajajaj
Haven't been passing attention to Mexico what's going on?
Mexico confirmed 60% Aryan Germanic ancestry. Holy fuck lads, Mexico is WHITE AS FUCK.
Ayoo what yall mexican niggas pick up from looting
Son of cock?
Just mexico being mexico
>Dat picture
I am currently in mexico right now on vacation and that picture as well as me living here proves that race mixing will not end a certain race, there are black, browns, and white kids with blonde hair and blue-eyed walking around the streets, that's because Mexico has mingled with ever nation thus giving a mix population and no where can I see for example those white Aryan looking kids disappearing, I bet my as 10 years from now they will still be their with more kids, there are families here who are white as white can be who have lived and married different color people and the still produce white kids with blue or green eyes.
Que hijos de puta, tiene q ser falso eso
if there is a mexican revolution you know the (((white))) ones are going first?
it's never happening, people aren't even showing to the rallies anymore, another two days and everyone will just go back to their normal lives.
USA tier looting.
Not happening
A wild coyote impregnated my non fixed bitch and now I've a litter of coydogs, what to do?
Donde esta tu aguila culero?? Pinche puto
>assault someone
>lol its a joke bro!
i hope someone kills them and peel the mask off that guy with a machete
Unfortunately, no. But maybe another some kind of happening lesser but a happening nonetheless.
Equivalent to son of a bitch.
>White girls
Will Trump end support for cartels?
Just wait till the Peso hits 25 on the Dollar and we'll see who's who
Ya se lleno de gringos esto
cross-cultural influence is a real double-edged sword, wouldn't you say?
congratulations your the first mexican to finally clean that shit stain off your flag.
just like the white argentinians
also..who monterrey here?
why arent we organizing RIGHT WING SQUADS?
No you fucking child.
There wasn't a need for a new thread, you pile of dog shit.
Toca de aca gringo de mierda
out of all places you could have gone... you went to Tijuana and judged the ethnographics based on fucking Tijuanarco
Not necessarily, there's lots of Europeans in Mexico.
>tfw all those white girls will get spic'd in the race war
What is going on, mexicucks?
A tu jungla monito
why are there people sleeping in your streets? are siestas a real thing in mexico?
Si puto
>Mexico is as White as the USA.
Okay, this just gave me an IDEA
What if...
What if we....
What if we....
Are you listening?
What if we...
form Right Wing QT3.14 Impregnation Squads?
Someone watched the Golden Globes. Hint: Mexico isn't the racemixing hellhole America is.
Lazy cucks. It's no wonder you get paid less.
Mexico has bigger jungles than Brazil, indian scum
how do you not have any shame in falling asleep outside in the public instead of waiting until you can return home to sleep? what subhuman does that? these people in the videos aren't even homeless. disgusting.
es tiempo para que te vayas a dormir pablo, consiguete un banco afuera para el obligatario siesta del dia
yeah, it also helps the fact that over 90% of people here think that blue-eyes/white skin are more attractive
t. Gugel traductor
chicano aquí. Que rollos cabrones! Como estamos nosotros los mexicanos esta noche? Que bueno que todos somos hermanos y compatriotas bajo la misma bandera no?
t. la india maria
Pongale 0
>mexican intellectuals thinking it's edgy to post in spanish on Sup Forums
There's a whole fucking board for that, stop acting like niggerscum
>I am currently in mexico right now on vacation and that picture as well as me living here proves that race mixing will not end a certain race
Yeah sure you fucking Beaner. Stay out.
No seas así primo chulo. Cuando me dejas peliscarme a tu hermanita?
Only if we keep them diverse
Tipico chicANO querer violar a las mujeres ojala trump lo mate a la cucaracha esta
My white man loins will be after your boipucci, pedro
Es que soy mexican! Lo tengo escrito en el ADN
Trump por favor mata a los chicANOS por favooor
Nop, me van a mandar a mi tierra, México. Y me voy a encontrar a tu hermanita primero
Ya lo dijo trump son violadores
when is this guy going to come and kill your president, mexico?
>t. Oaxaquita
>People of European Descent
>counts Mexican mestizos as "European Descent" but not American mestizos or blacks with the same amount of European blood as mestizos so mexico looks as white as America...
umm ok mexican intellectuals
Looks I need go to Mexico again.
Por supuesto, violador como un mexican de verdad.
You still got your internet. So, no.
Por eso los gringos nos odian por shitcanos
no, nosotro gringos te odian porque te confundes en la diferencia de la calle y tu propia cama
Best rekt of the night.
Short and brown like a REAL Mexican. Man I'm glad I'm in a thread with my people. You guys want to go out and like commit more crime tonight or something? Maybe chop off a head or two if the night goes just right
habla de la mierda el español este chicano de mierda
Come on man, were Mexicans, were all the same brother. Hey man, I'll sneak you over the border and you can teach me how to torture a man properly. Come on, you wouldn't hold out on your Mexican brother would ya?
OC coming thru
top kek
No le digan nada
Siestas used to be normal until 15-20 years ago, now they are really rare unless you work from 8am to 8pm and get 2-3 hours in the middle to eat. However if you go to school or go to work early like 5-6am you see a lot of people sleeping in buses while traveling to their jobs/school.
> baja california secedes because of corruption, taxed and cultural differences with the south
> california secedes because of trump butthurt and superior economy
> california and baja california union creates republic of united california
>12 hr workdays
is that the standard over there?