Blacks like Huey Freeman scare the White Man.
They dont want blacks getting educated like this
Blacks like Huey Freeman scare the White Man.
They dont want blacks getting educated like this
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That must be why there's so many state and federal aid programs to get blacks into college.
God forbid they use education to enrich their peers and give back to their community
Youre on borrowed time
How many more image micros do you have ? Time isn't the issue here lol
>implying admissions and scholarship funds don't heavily favor african americans
>implying the greatest hindrance to african americans learning in school isn't other black kids
be accountable for yourselves instead of blaming others for your misfortunes
Keep talking your shit White Supremacists, the system is rigged in your favor
>They dont want blacks getting educated like this
That's right, nigger, it's YTs fault that your kind is incapable of being educated beyond 5th grade human standards.
what is this show even about? I could never discern whether this was leftist shit or some form of malcom x tier black nationalism
I know you're a troll, I'm just debating your gifs fyi
having said that, history is naturally euroscentric because Europe has driven all innovation in exploration, discovery, science, and politics for the past thousand years
Hey Jamal go build your own system in Africa.
Oh and don't hire China to do it for you. That's cheating. Also they're going to take you to the cleaners when you can't pay up lol
it's about niggers
damn dirty niggers doing nigger shit
It's designed to suppress the minds of ALL children forced into it. Blacks aren't the only ones being oppressed by the elites, friend.
Dont worry, BLM is breeding more and more Malcom X's to fight you filth
this was one of the best shows of all time i don't care what anyone says
If the cartoon nig was as they say, "woke" he would know it's the Jew that sometimes pretends to be white that's who really runs the whole show, all the way from Issuance of currency, to nearly every channel you watch on television. Take a look at their last names, you will shit yourself.
No, definitely not.
The whole "nigger moment" thing was one of the most honest and brutal assessments of the black community ever created by a black person.
If all black men were like Huey, society would be a much different place
>what is this show even about?
The truth.
>Why isn't there a White History Month?
hurr durr every month is white hitsry month xdddd
>Okay then, why isn't there an Asian History Month?
They don't need the subsidy.
>Black peoples role model for an educated black man is a fictional cartoon character
Top kek
I wish all american blacks were redpilled like that character I'm assuming is
Huey very adamantly discerned two categories of young black men.
Furthermore, the majority of educated blacks don't buy into the fabricated bullshit culture that their lowly counterparts do.
Try harder.
He's not really red pulled but aware of his position in life. The best part is white people actually think they understand him but they don't they never will. Cue up that Dave Chapelle >white people don't know why they are laughing speech.
If all blacks were like Huey, Africa would be a first world country. We would also have better race relations and far less crime in the US.
lol id think niggers would be more afraid of educated black people.
imagine halving at least half of them telling niggers to piss off with the victim complex, none of them believe the "he wuz a good boy "bullshit, half of the black people getting a job while niggers cant find a single one, black people contributing to sociaty while hating of the nigger half for being nothing but leeching scum.
well educated black people are no threat to whites, they are a threat to niggers and gangsta "culture" way of life that they hold up on a pedestile
It's a sort of jaded latter-day black nationalism.
It looks really weird to Sup Forums types because it rails against whites but is also conspicuously missing certain leftist delusions.
Basically blacks who get redpilled without spazzing out too badly over the realization.
no, white people admire a promising child like Huey Freeman who is well spoken and educated. didn't you watch the first epsidoe of the Garden Party? they loved him.
Huey freeman has nothing on flat earthers though.
still, if the writers did any of their homework they'd realize white people are being targeted for genocide. 240 million out of 320 million americans are fat. thats 3/4 or 75%.
niggers don't even make up 15% of the population. you're small drops that are being engineered to hate the wrong white man. your only existence is to give the average white american living in poor environments a disadvantage and constant racial persecution.
look up the trading with the enemy act in 1928. and realize every american gets screwed by the rich, and the rich are many colors. Black Luciferians sell their people to lean drink, and thug culture.
nigger, you're your own worse enemy.
>Youre on borrowed time
44 million niggers in america, and they're all about 80~ IQ
you're a drop in the bucket. there are more poor white people with heart disease than there are niggers in the country. go back to africa.
really. taking all 44 million subhuman niggers in america, and dropping them in africa would be a huge benefit to the world.
Huey freeman always talks about how black culture is killing black people, white people didn't make black culture, the jews did.
at the end of the day, you support a black man that fucks children in satanic rituals.
im fine with educated blacks, more for the redpill side
Nah. An educated black guy is either leftist and therefore no threat to other blacks, or Malcolm X tier and wants to uplift other blacks. The latter might say drop the victim act, but only to help them become better.
>Cue up that Dave Chapelle >white people don't know why they are laughing speech
>cue up that why black people don't know why they hate white people speech
Obligatory viewing for all niggers. Seriously guys, utilize this in your subversion on twitter and the like.
I wouldn't really mind desu, he's got some reasonable opinions.
Web lad that got the old nogging jogging.
yeah, one of the most accurate portrayals of how niggers really are.
Once this is legal making the MKUltra mind-controlled slaves will be so much easier.
t. cia
I cant back it up, but i seem to recall episodes where they do call out the jew, or at least represent him unflatteringly
yes please dont get educated
dont contribute to society
dont pay taxes
Not at all.
The white man welcomes a well educated black man so long as he's not a nigger.
Huey is calm, composed and dignified when he talks.
Niggers are all ebonics and swears.
>Leftists fight for government education over private schools and chaters
>then complain that the government education is subpar and failing them.
Black people will never find the success they seek as long as they are dependent on the gov't
Actual all we ever wanted was smart niggers their intelligence (or rather lack there of) causes most of their problems.
>Youre on borrowed time
Bait aside, you do realize if whites die out, blacks will starve to death and be re-enslaved by arabs and chinks? No one has been better to blacks than whites, including other blacks.
Talk about biting the hand that literally feeds you.
Except that Malcom X was at least somewhat redpilled on who the real (((enemy))) was.
I blame Reagan. For spreading crack, and causing racial tension to blow up in the late 80s-early 90s. Then trickle down bullshit to divide economic class further down to hell.
Just as it was cool to be brothers. Fuck you Reagan.
> educated blacks
Blacks like Huey realize other blacks are the reason racism exists
did the nigger abandon thread?
I don't dispute that the talented 10th exists.
It's just that the blacks like that character or the guy who made the show should be leading their people as kangs in Africa.
>They dont want blacks getting educated like this
Hence why they created affirmative action.
The richest black community was burnt down in 1921. People don't care about absolute wealth, just relative socioeconomic status. If poor blacks become equal to poor whites, in socioeconomic terms, than poor whites are the lowest of the low.
Yet, it's mostly middle-class white people perpetuating racism, because maybe they're more afraid, and have more to lose. They think: who cares, it doesn't effect me. While poor whites are relying on ebt cards, etc, more than anyone.
they exist.
It's simply another way of looking at the world. The great thing about something as subjective as human truth is that it opens itself up to multiple forms of interpretation, which is great for creative types.
its possible that the CIA did this all behind regeans back.
turns out JFK and Castro were secret allies against the CIA
i also advocate the possibility that the holocaust happened behind hitlers back too.
Oh please.
If anything BLM is gonna turn away smart niggers from trying. Every time a black person on social media says something smart he's "sucking the white dick" or gets comments like "it's aight white folks you can have him"
Being intelligent is being a race traitor to niggers.
Thing is the blacks were already in a terrible position, they actually needed the help of a half-decent education system. How can you advance socioeconomically without a good education?
But I like black people that call out niggers on their bullshit, it's like you spooks don't even understand anything about us.
Yeah, blacks that claim to be "educated" really just delude themselves and others into believing retarded shit like that Jesus was black and that Ronald Reagan was the devil.
We do want the blacks educated, them not getting educated is what burdens society.
And they would clearly more intelligent than you
some awful shit did happen to black people during reagans watch.
its kind of like cubans blaming Castro for saving their entire island from being turned into an oil field for pennies on the dollar by these guys.
No, only stupid feral niggers scare me
Uncle Ruckus redpilled as fuck
And then there's reality
Freeman was redpilled. He saw his bluepilled younger brother for what he was, a dumb nigger.
no, it's rigged against white men
Don't forgot ramping up the war on drugs, tha'ts why all those black guys got put in jail and their children grew up without fathers and became this .
People like Reagan make me sad that hell doesn't exist, he deserves to burn in a lake of fire for all eternity. How in the fuck do republicans idolize that war-mongering prick?
Blacks will never find the success they seek period. They are genetically inferior and will never be smart enough to compete.
No, because educated blacks are still anti white and enjoy affirmative action.
He was close to being redpilled, he fell into the trap of afrocentrisim and thinking he was being oppressed, which he actually was, but in real life he wouldn't be.
lol. That doesn't even have a source. Also, I said nothing about immigrants.
>whines about black oppression
>given a free ride
>lives in a nice house in a nice white neighborhood
>every white person is friendly to them
>the only person that gives them shit is another black man
blacks will always submit, because blacks are lazy, they would rather take hand outs than work hard for what they have. They are obsessed with instant gratification, something the Jew has exploited to his great gain.
There will never be any 'great black uprising.' When left alone, blacks have shown that they will always resort to crime to sate their hunger for instant gratification. Their malady exists in their mind, there is no way to remove habits they have learned over thousands of years.
They are literally a slave race, only good for their physical prowess, nothing else.
Seriously, if you don't like the system here, then literally go to Liberia or something. I'm not complaining about anything.I'm black. All my failures here been due to me, not the "white supremacist" system. And guess what? I learned from them and I'm still being educated. If you have a problem with adapting to your environment, move to a different one, don't expect anyone to change it for you.
Blacks like him are common.
Great monkeys who start fights regardless of the society that brought them up.
You can't beat the nigger out of a sub-human like him.
Is Huey Freeman, dare I say, Our Guy?
It's just making more stupid followers like the nation of Islam which kicked Malcom X out.
Niggers can't stand a smart, self directed black man. It's why they'll always just be paws for the jew.
But freeman was also a dumb nigger. All niggers are dumb
>inb4 not all black people are niggers meme you and the shills have obviously been trying to subtly push this entire thread to consensus crack
Dumb ass faggot obviously watched only one or two episodes of the Boondocks. Huey Freeman is an intelligent boy who rejects mainstream black culture of glorification of uneducation, degenerate music, crime (not done for political motivation), and general niggatry.
Huey starts off believing that the faults of blacks are actually the rich, and privileged whites who attempt to keep the black man down. You see this in the first episode with Huey's dream of crashing the white people's party with his "WE WUZ KANGS" political speech, which ironically results in the white people being white guilt cucks that clapped at every suppose to be life shattering thing for them. Throughout the series he evolves as a character. He essentially goes from the black power political freedom fighter to a "retired" black pilled apathetic individual.
Here Huey realizes that the american blacks who exist today are far different a creature than the blacks of King's day. That episode shows that his message is considered antiquated in today's society. In the episode where Huey goes on a hunger strike a caricature of Al Sharpton swoops in and uses his cause just to make money off of him. When the Sharpton guy seems to do political battle with Ann Coulter it turns out the whole thing is just a deal between the two to cause shit and gain money for themselves. In the episode of the Obama election Huey finds himself in the same boat as the black self hating racist. He realizes that Obama's black skin is meaningless. He's just another political cog that will carry the same shit. Every black person except for the two are tricked (as many were in real life) that electing a man because his skin was dark was going to save the world. There was even a part when a fellow black man incited a riot against Huey for daring to question the black president.
Or you know Le'Genius.
Is that also why Africa is a shit hole? Is that why every single place Africans go they are criminals. I guess the drug war really affected Africans in GB then too.
Posting Thomas Sowell ITT to simmer you cavemen down a bit.
>doesn't take shit from the eternal anglo
>knows niggers ain't shit
>recognizes the need of guns
>made a successful business at 9
Literally white
Huey realizes that blacks are just fucked because they just don't want to or don't have the capacity to unfuck themselves. It pisses me off because most blacks who watch this show don't get this message and either go full "we wuz kangs" or worse just idolize Riley cause he's a "real nigga" but is supposed to be the character who represent everything wrong with black youth.
How's about you talk about your own shitty country specifically m8. Are you really going to try and deny that locking up huge numbers of black men didn't have a devastating impact on the black community? C'mon, try and make that argument, try.
>muh not all black people are niggers
>muh black people in the 50's were great, all the jewish propaganda about civil rights says so
Kill yourself.
Literal nigger education, look at who the survey is done by.
Agree or disagree with it, that's what the programming meant to depict.
man, no wonder I can stand watching this show, usually I don't like black entertainment, but it's pretty much the ultimate red pill for blacks, showing that they will always be nothing and that is a direct result of their culture and their people.
Why are you replying to yourself shill? Fuck off back to Africa already before we hang you from a rope. I can't wait to see the look of fear on your savage monkey face as your house is about to be burned down.
Huey is my nigga. Has always been one of the realest charcters on TV period.
And not even that many blacks like The Boondocks, full of uncomfortable truths. Funny as hell too
Black people are less intelligent, less responsible and more violent than most other races. They lust for a socialist government because they're indolent and want Big Brother to babysit them instead of actually making a real attempt to make something for themselves and bettering the human species. They are incapable of abstract thinking. They have no sense of empathy or restraint. They refuse to accept blame for anything.
There are a few smart black people who see that black people fail in a white society and immediately blame it on white people purposely oppressing them, when really, white societies simply benefit people the harder they work, the smarter they are and/or the more they are willing to appease others. Blacks cannot succeed in a society that doesn't give them everything for free. Instead of leaving and being forced to give up the comfort and luxuries of living in a white country, they fight against the establishment in the hope that they can overthrow it and instill a government that'll treat lazy, violent, dumb, worthless vermin as equal to people who contribute to society. As long as intelligent white men still exist, this won't happen.
The only thing oppressing black people are their genes.
Are you really about to make the argument that the blacks would be in better shape had they not gone to prison in huge numbers?
First of all the whole thing is fucking retarded.
>nigger commits crime
>nigger goes to jail
>but he dindu nuffin it was da CIA makin my boy do dis
>he was goin to church gettin his life back togetheh
Boondocks is a good show but the third season was garbage
Uncle Ruckus and his dealings with the nigger Freeman family.
>its a direct result of their culture
genetics. Its not their culture, it is their genetics that make them savages.