Why is Styx self destructing?

>alright youtube

>unsubscribe from my channel

>thats about all, peace out

cuz he's a faggot

stop making threads about yourself you ugly retard

Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

real answers pls

>charles manson was a good goy

He misses his grandpa and his family is going to sell his house and he has no marketable skills. I feel bad for him. Hes good guy

What do you mean he's a good guy? He literally worships satan???

how do you go from THIS


>He literally worships satan
No he's not a Satanist. He does perform Satanic incantations though.

Even if he is a satanist he doesn't worship satan lol

You must be new to Styx's channel. Styx has always had an eclectic channel. His oldest stuff was Manson, hallucinogens, religion and some politics. He only recently stopped talking about the first three and focused on politics, as well as beginning to talk about occultism.

it would be great if he started talking again

doing a 'lets play' of minecraft like an autist is a whole other ball game

When Styx made his Trump victory prediction, was the prediction in whole or in part a product of his occult practice?

he'll get bored of the minecraft shit in like a week. Same as Vic 2

He reminds me of that deadpan kid from freaks and geeks

Donald Trumps in power, now he has enough deditated wam for a seuveu.

Had to stop watching when he started doing videos with his shirt off or showing his bare chest.

Like i get that your eclectic my dude, but i just want to her your opinion on the news, not see your fucking nipples.
Until he gets over this phase of trying to be sexual in his vids I'm not watching.

Also fucking lift if your gonna do that shit, christ...

How do you know about the house? I thought Styx said that he owned it in one of his videos.

His most recent ones he's back to wearing a shirt.


Just tab away and listen to it in audio form, why would you want to look at Styx sitting in front of a camera for 8-20 minutes anyway?


I generally listen to Styx when I'm doing housework or just chilling outside with a beer and smoke.

Shoo Shoo christcucks

fuck you styx is a legend


Cut your fag hair you look like a woman.

He's not, He was just at an all time high during the election season, he was on point. Now its like meh happenings, whatever he's still good, I just don't really tune in all that often like during the election cause that was Styx spitting hot fire.

Anyone who attacks Styx is a shill!