Which drug is considered most degenerate?
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Gateway drug. Every addict who sucks dick for crack once smoked marijuana.
Turns girls into sluts faster than alcohol can
>not alcohol
I can agree that it is a gateway drug, but I'm trying to find out which makes you the most degenerate..
essentially this. i am dying slowly
Downers = absolute degeneracy
Weed = literally the whatever drug
Dissociatives = risky, but if you're careful you might just gain some insight
Stimulants = either stark-raving degenerate or the creators of civilization, we're not sure which yet; fucking godly if you keep your wits about you, not for morons or riffraff
Psychedelics = Godspeed
first time ever trips are wrong
It's 100% accurate I'm afraid.
Spend 7 days awake on a meth binge and lemme tell you, god and the true nature of this universe make themselves known very well.
Can't say I've ever sucked dick for a bag of grass though, just sayin famalam. Never had a desire to try anything harder either. The green does it's job.
PCP because more than half the time it causes you to chimp out. 100% if black. Unless you know exactly what dose you're taking, which is unlikely. Search for wetheads gone wild on youtube.
huffing imo
all of them
PCP, Ketamine, Methoxetamine, DXM, and to a very small extent nitrous oxide.
>Gateway drug.
sugar is the first gateway
Russians own that one with Krokodil
Alcohol is the gateway drug not weed, if weed were legal itd be more of a gateway. Alcohol is just as bad as opiates but more socially acceptable. I also think hard drugs arent a super huge deal cause theyre not as common
Depends on who you are:
Crack, if you're not a nigger
Pot, if you're not a wetback
Fentanyl, if you're not a cracker
Opium, if you're not a chink
Peyote, if you're not a redskin
Lol smoking the mexican JOO
They also breathed air. You're a faggot for breathing air too.
>not holding an M.Sc in orgo and owning a small lab where you can synthesize pure meth like it's nothing
only a gateway drug because you have to buy it from dealers who are usually trying to sell drugs with better profit margins as well. if and when legal it will be no more of a gateway drug than booze or caffeine. and dont get me started on the forcing of amphetamines on children under the guise of treatment for made up shit like ADD.
heroin and meth
I love me some opiates, but never went full retard. Only do it when offered which is rare and never fucking H. Meth is basically full retard.
Both can be used medically, but both are pretty fucking damning when used for getting high.
All of them
I has a question, speaking as one who has pharmacology under his belt...
What makes methamphetamine "damning"?
Bear in mind from a pharmacology standing, methamphetamine is only slightly more potent than standard amphetamine. The only reason meth has the reputation it has and amp does not is simple.
Meth is easier for dumbasses to make and when they make it it's generally full of god-only-knows-what.
Not to mention meth is usually vaped, or injected, whereas speed is either done orally or nasally.
Trips of...I'm at a loss here
>but both are pretty fucking damning when used for getting high.
Context on that one chap. I can't think of a single reason to get that stimmed out with no particular objective.
I had a buddy that used to shove ecstasy up his ass all the time
I betcha even more of them ate a hamburger at some point in their life before that. Correlation does not equal causation ya dingus.
Did MDMA a couple times last year, I don't see how it's degenerate. I guess the rave culture around it is what most people think of, but it was damn comfy to use while sitting at home and listening to music with headphones.
I shoved molly up my gfs ass.
Pot because it doesn't kill you, it just turns you into a narcissistic blob. For decades.
Well like I said you need the mind to pull it off. Otherwise you end up jerking off until your dick skin is a memory.
It takes exceptional minds to appreciate stimulants in their true mighty glory. Most people fall prey to their egos or get perved or scared shitless.
Meth, and other powerful stimulants aren't degenerate. Most people just aren't evolved enough to handle em.
Giving modern society methamphetamine would would be like handing the Romans an internet and saying "good luck."
Foul language in all caps is degenerate sir
Stims require work ethic to not be degenerate.
Essentially, if the person taking them is degenerate, the drugs are, too.
Too true.
If I hadn't been such a fool when I was younger, I'd never have had my eyes opened.
This. You can't top a drug that literally rots your flesh right off your bones
True enough.
Drugs are merely chemical compounds, the human is the only factor deciding where the road goes.
I'll say this about stims. I can totally understand why most people can't deal with them.
The thing about stimulants is they push the natural condition of the body AND mind to an unnatural level.
The body part is easy enough for people to deal with, but the psychosis and demons(and admittedly angels) of the mind are best left up to those of us who enjoy staring demons in the eye for a thrill.
>t. junkie
>not a single one of you said crocodile
Jesus Christ, have you seen the side effects?
Pic. related
Opiates are the most addictive substances with most severe withdrawal.
Basicly it was Opium that put bad in drugs are bad.
Literally everything else is child's play compared to opiates.
can u elaborate more on the kind of high level experiences possible from stimulants? any cool psychosis? ive had some pretty mind warping fucked up but beautiful transcendental experiences after days of staying up after md, ket and lsd
All of them.
Croc is a poor man's heroin substitute made of codeine pills.
Its heroin addiction that makes people do that shit. And they are pretty much aware what's going to happen.
They continue doing croc even after having lost a leg or two fully aware of what's happening to them.
I think we all know the answer to this
So to conclude, heroin is to blame for all that shit?
That isn't a side effect of the drug, it is a side effect of poor people using cheap extraction methods and leaving tons of impurities in the drug, the same kind of necrosis sometimes happens to cheap meth and heroin users too.
People start doing heroin, get addicted, blow all their money on it, start doing crocodile because they cant afford heroine anymore
>They also breathed air. You're a faggot for breathing air too.
>Implying air=weed
wew lad
I cannot give you specifics because the experiences are unique.
I'll say this much. At times under self-induced psychosis, I gain the ability to see psychopathy in people on TV/media. I can't exactly describe it, but their broken natures really stand out.
Makes sense when you consider the nature of insanity as it related to reality.
Here's a taste-
You gotta be nuts to understand nuts.
Don't worry though. THIS nut is content to just live out his days in peace while watching the world burn as amusement. No flipping out for me.
Alcohol by far
>You stink
>You're dirty
>Piss yourself
>Spend all your money on booze
Fuck alcoholics
Fucking Russians
That isn't a result of nicotine, its a result of years of pesticide and chemical treatment of tobacco before its sold as "safe to consume".
That pic is the tar in cigarettes not the nicotine you retard