The Man in the High Castle

>TFW you will never live in greater Nazi Reich
>TFW you will never sieg heil in Time Square
>TFW you will never become a proud National socialist in this world
>TFW you always be a shitskin mexican

How can we have a national socialist world in this day in age? Like in the man in the high castle?

i'll do whatever the fuck i want, gaylord

glorify the nazis...

It's too painful to watch. It would have been so glorious, makes me sad desu...

Twf you're an idiot who can't see how they demonize nazis on that show

How much they paying you there, Schultz?

C'mon Sholomo deep down you know uncle Adolf did nothing wrong

sorry goldstein I'm not good goy

They demonize them but the CGI is amazing. Hopefully they can show Imperial Japan next.

>Muh Holocaust
>Muh 6 gorillion
>Muh don't glorify National Socialism, goym

Fuck you, Israel.