Should women be allowed in the Armed Forces?
Should women be allowed in the Armed Forces?
Only in the catering corps.
someone has to make the beds and clean the toilets. i guess we can let the women take that role from the men
In the current world, yes.
The military serves as nothing more than an extension of the welfare state, providing thousands (millions in some countries) of jobs to otherwise useless people.
Since there is no serious risk of death for the majority of people serving in Western militaries, women should also have the privilege to pretend to do noble servitude.
Now in a world where soldiers have an actual purpose (e.g cannon fodder), females are too weak and far too important for reproduction to be allowed what is essentially a position of suicide.
if women want equality why arent all sports unisex?
Comfort battalion
no faggot they have pussies and can make babies.
we can get by with a 1:4 m/f ratio but we cant get by with a 4:1 m/f ratio retard
their role is making babies and tending the home
not killing shitskins
jesus fuck learn the natural order of things
No problem with them as non frontline troops such as snipers maybe, pilots, logistics, and maybe tankers/drivers. Too weak and cant jump high enough due to sexual differences, and got help you if you get captured
Yes, as it promotes social equality and a broader sense of community among citizens.
However, physical and training standards should not be changed, and they should not join units where they would disrupt cohesion.
They are.. women just suck at them.
Kek.. "one dollah"
no they're fucking useless, keep them at home barefoot and pregnant
Not in combat arms
In phsical combat only if the requirements are the EXACT same as for man. I dont need someone who cant even carry a bag on the frontline. I want someone who is able to kick in a door and carry other soldiers with equipment.
However if military service is compulsory than woman have to serve in the technics/medic department but hardly in physical combat.
If they aren't mixed into battalions with men then yes. I don't care if they want to go get themselves killed, but I am not ok with pretending that it is possible for a woman to have a man's back on the battlefield.
Only the baddest of bad bitches should see combat.
Otherwise, yes.
>t. Virgin
As someone in the military - no. They shouldn't be in the military, period. I'm not saying just not in combat arms, I'm saying not anywhere in the military. Just trust me on this one.
There are two types of females in the military. Only two. There are females who are shitbags who are in to get as many of the benefits and do none of the work as they can. Constantly relying on men to do their job, and constantly flirting with and/or hooking up with men to use it against them. These are the types that will get pregnant just prior to deployment in order to not have to go.
Then there is the other type. In the Army, we call these the full-hooah types. They are the super high speed ones with something to prove, that want to get as far in the military as fast as possible. These are the really dangerous ones. If you, just in trying to do your job, are seen as a roadblock for them in trying to get to the next level, they will destroy your career and your life to get you out of the way. They will accuse you of SHARP violations, EO violations, anything. SHARP would be sexual assault and EO would be sexism in this case. When a soldier has a sexual assault accusation, they are ineligible for favorable action (promotions, awards) while they're under investigation. This means that she can get the promotion you were fighting over by the time they clear you. Then, you're shit out of luck. This, along with the fact that the Army loves females right now in general, means that these full-hooah females will go very far for minimal effort. The advice I have been given by many of my mentors is to stay out of the way of these full-hooah females.
So no, they should not be in the military. You guys can talk about theoretical bullshit all you want, but what I've told you is the practical reality of females in the military.
only if they manage to pass the very same test as man have to
i have deployed with some bad ass chicks. they would ask to go on missions with us, a couple even took gunner.they loved getting off the fob for a few days and do shit. i never saw one ask for help except to cover her while she pissed.
did they let you watch them piss?
>asking the important questions