What's your political ideology and 16 Personalities test results, Sup Forums?
Meyers Briggs Type & Politics
Other urls found in this thread:
ENTJ master race.
And classical liberal
Basically, I'm a late-blooming Chad semi-autist amateur sociologist who is fine being alone 99% of the time because I don't like the fact that humans make little sense.
Intp-no political affiliation
INTJ-aspie here. Anyone got the personality test meme chart saved up?
>tfw to smart two take personality exams
ENTP classic liberal
I always get INTP-A. Coming to Sup Forums almost every day for eight years sure has fucked me up
INTP - Traditionalist Authoritarian
INFP, would support trump if possible. Plan on moving down soon.
borderline sociopathic INTP-A reporting in. You're all just biomass on a rock floating through the void.
Why bother having a political affiliation when every significant political party is bought and paid for by the highest bidder.
ENFJ. Right-wing.
ENTP - Futurist, Transhumanist, TechnoFascist.
INFJ here.
>tfw too soft for this earth
Fellow INFJs, how have you managed to survive and (hopefully) not fuck up in life?
FUCK ME - I mean *INFP
ENTP-A master of bantz and fascism
>borderline sociopathic INTP-A
Miers-Briggs is retarded
You are a special little snowflake aren't you... I bet you also think you are super smart too..
fucking reddit has infected this board
You're the cunt that gives our kind a bad name. You're not half as smart as you think you are.
Well, fuck
I guess I'm autistic
Get out
ENTP-A master race, fascist
ENTP reporting in, cunts can't handle the cunning bants and perceptive shitposting
that still makes me twice as smart as you.
Socionics ILI
Ennegram 5w4
Astrology Cancer
I'm extremely far from a so-called "Social Justice Warrior."
Never taken this before because it always sounded like faggy Facebook "which game of thrones character are you" shit.
Took it now though. I'm an INTJ-T. And then it showed me which Game of Thrones characters I am most like.
Fuck off.
Ive gotten entp, and enfp at different times throughout the years. In high school, i was intp. Currently enfp, on this take.
This true intp-a here working on finishing my degree debt free and actually bringing change to people. Christen and proud NatSoc. Your first step is humbling yourself
Just busting your balls, don't get your feelings hurt :)
So which one of us master race IRL shitposters is going to bantz our way to being the next Hitler?
Also Entp master race
Why are so many of the INTPs in this thread so autistic?
ENTP, Burkean conservative is the closest approximation to my political beliefs.
I thought I was uncommon, but this board is apparently full of fucking ENTPs and INTPs? I was about to say I think Myers-Brigg is bullshit, but this is some kind of phenomenon here.
Observant master race, kys
INTP Fascist
>in this thread
INTPs are the second-most autistic personality type overall, INTJ being the first.
Isfp like a good girl
>INFP personality types typically report the lowest average salaries of all the personality types, due to their inherent avoidant nature
Is INFP the most cucked personality type?
iSTJ here. Where do I belong?
Why? What's the difference?
Same. We are literally Hitler.
ISTJ / fascist masterrace.
This whole board is autism why do you think we let 3 letter agencies steer us to do their bidding. All this thread is just a data mine
Not me. Probably has to be from someone in a relevant country, but I will become Australia's Fuhrer one day.
ENTP anarcho communist debate me
Tests say I'm INTJ, but I feel like I'm more of an ISTJ to be honest
ENTP, was INTP before I went to /pol
pls no bully
Far from autistic
Lean right
>believe in meyer briggs bullshit
>don't believe in climate change
Never change, republitards.
I make nothing, just panhandle and travel. Shit's liberating.
i'm INTJ, what makes you say they're autistic in their personality? not hurt, just curious. i go out of my way to make the least waves in public, as not to be obnoxious or attention-whoring, while still being self-aware that being modest doesn't equate to any superiority.
We can all aspire to be our nation's Hitler, no matter how irrelavent we are :^)
I fancy myself as more of a John Galt. I've taken these a few times and always get the same result. Anyone know what the -A/-T means?
Right wing authoritarian. I always get ISTJ in tests.
Math PhD student (i.e. supremo autist)
Socially, semi-traditionalist, economically, moderately left leaning.
Debate me
shit sucks
Fellow INFP
I'm in school for social work, it seems to be the only real profession for us. I hope to work public sector and never have to compete with someone else for anything in my life because I will lose.
I'm Authoritarian-Conservative and believe most strongly in authoritarian dictatorships and Socratic ideas of a virtuous life.
Stop denying your utter autism user. You're literally second in line for the most autistic personality type.
Centrist, or a little in the green quadrant
actually adolf was an unhealthy ENFP. Albert Speer was an INTP. They're were pretty close. More proof the best friend for INTPs is an ENFP/INFJ/ENFJ.
What's there to "believe"? It just spits out the answers you gave it and categorizes you based on your input. It doesn't really draw any conclusions of its own. As far as the entire pseudoscience of psychology goes, its pretty straightforward.
Here. Teaching Highschool at the moment
INFJ is one of the most painful types to have
Our state of mind makes it easy for us to consider martyrdom stunts to further our cause.
pic says all
Suck it up pussy at least we're the smart ones.
I'm not denying anything. I'm just an observation.
If you say so
yeah in raw intellect. when it come actually putting it into action, we dont do jack shit. We need and INTJ or ENTJ to help us put said change into motion.
To be fair, the most literally cucked type is probably Isfj. Infp's might be whiny but they're also far too selfish and hedonistic to let people trample on them.
INTPs have the benefit of a "here and now" way of approaching social situations which usually comes off as more genuine. INTJs have a tendency to plan out their possible social encounters to be prepared for what could happen ands how to react. More often than not, things don't turn out the way they planned in their heads leaving themselves flat-footed socially.
I though an-com had to be an oxymoron (wanting property but you can't because the state controls it still and you have to be insect within the communal scheme), but I would say its even worse then an-cap while still sticking with the "that's not real socialism" meme
>Purple quadrant
>I'm just
It's just**
You're so self-aware that you fold in on yourself. Your social interactions are marred by your habit of analyzing your social interactions as they're happening. Stop frontalizing social interaction so much, you come across as inauthentic.
I forgot about these threads. They had a mbtp post every fucking hour during the election.
Was conservative/libertarian.
Became a nationalist six months ago.
Became national socialist a month ago.
I believe in capitalism for the most part, though.
sup bitches
Yeah, that makes sense. Hitler was so grandiose and a poor war strategist.
What's the difference between intuitive and observant?
ENTP master race and you're fucking wrong bro.
INTP - The section on careers and management describe me perfectly.
>INTP managers have very high standards, and they expect others to grasp their insights instantly, and to provide their own in equal measure.
>INTPs are better than any other type at noticing logical discrepancies – their tendency to ignore others’ feelings means that their criticisms often come hard and fast as they direct projects to their own perfectionistic standards.
politically i lean towards right anarchist but usually just call myself an active nihilist