Atheists think this molecule assembled itself

Should origin of life studies and evolutionary biology be taught under the same umbrella in public schools?

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>rules of the universe define how things move and interact with each other
>its why planets orbit suns and how suns, planets, black holes are formed
>the same principles apply to small molecules

It didn't assemble itself, how things interact with each other formed it.

Let's just say our universe was designed. You saying your idiotic non sense is denying that a designer could have made a system like that. So you're actually insulting the intelligence of your creator.

Hope you enjoy hell.

the chances of these molecules assembling themselves by chance is like 1 in 10^120... 10^60 is impossible.

actually, that molecule is assembled by an army of helper proteins. the atheists have a pretty robust story. you should check it out sometime.

until yours is at least as well-thought-out, your ideas (opinions really) will remain marginalized, and they will deserve it.

>assembled itself
>not the high likelihood of millions of years taking place before an atypical event happened where it formed slightly differently for one reason or other depending on a host of variables

you don't understand the principles so you assume its all chance, how the universe functions doesn't create a molecule by chance.

which is why it took millions of years before it happened

>assembled itself
it doesn't have a self you fucking faggot, now or at any point.

Not unless you want to teach all 100+ rworld religions past to present so they can see all the rip offs and copying.

Pretty much.

>rules of the universe
>universal rules wrote themselves

This is what atheist actuallt believe

that's what i'm saying. we understand how it's assembled.

you want to debate the evolution of that process, it's another matter. but we know how that molecule is made, in astonishing detail.

*you* don't understand the principles.

This is not something they can grasp. These people are more or less secular non religious they are just to proud to admit mommy and daddy were idiot drunks with imaginary friends.

You'd have to have a volume of "Primordial Ooze" that was trillions of light years in volume for this to be random.

Its actually exceedingly unlikely from a statistical perspective, even given billions of years. And yes it would essentially have had to fall into place at the exact same time the entire living system fell into place. If you get a disassembled automobile and shake it around in a big box for 4 billion years, what are the chances that it would fall into place as a fully formed automobile, the box would stop shaking, and somebody would jump in and drive it out

Read my post again I agree with you, not the other guy.

>I don't have to explain how it happened because it took millions of years

This is what atheist actually believe

Wow you're retarded

atheists do the same thing with morals that are "common knowledge" and "naturally obvious", yet that same argument line can't apply to God though.

It's funny how much faith atheists will put on those small chances yet ignore the elephant in the room, that the universe had to have come from some external source

wow, you're retarded.

I can do that too.

lol whoops my bad...

It's ok to admit you're too stupid to understand the picture

and have the organic matter within that would morph into a usable petrol and randomly slip into the tank at an opportune time.


Actually they do assemble themselves.

Proteins that almost look like tiny robo insects assemble them piece in a streamlined assembly line process.

The cognitive dissonance is pretty funny

>at first there was nothing, then a big bang happened and a magical force we can't see, feel, or hear, and can't scientifically prove, assembled everything we see, including ourselves

And then they act like they're superior to someone who points out the exact same thing but attributes it to a creator

the thing is, most everything in the bible has turned out to be straight up impossible.

how many times are religious people going to walk back their literal interpretations of scripture in the face of overpowering evidence from the *secular* (not atheist) sciences?

you dipshits used to try to argue the earth is only 6,000 years old. what happened to that? couldn't keep ignoring the dead prehistoric algae in your gas tank?

You're still retarded

You remember the story of the doubting man?
He had to touch Jewesses wounds to believe. Well SCIENCE WORKS ON OBSERVATION!
Stop the bs about religion being opposed to science. Religion deals with the soul if believe makes you happy so be it but religion does not cure cancer or make my dick bigger so i will give science its place.

The universe already did that though.
It created humans which do it.

>I can't explain how it happened so god did it.


I think this is the right one.

We don't know. One hypothesis is that the universe is in an infinite cycle of expansion and rapid collapse, then rapid expansion E.G big bang.

Saying "god did it" is just moving the issue up a step. What created god? Was he always there? How is that any more logical of a position than the universe always existing?

So science can cure cancer and make your dick bigget? Do tell

Literally more of a chance than "it happened by itself LOL! What do you mean prove it?!?! *trips on cape while attempting to tip fedora*

>implying they can randomly create themselves from nothing
They just shut down when presented with the 'the first cause' argument. It's just logical that God exists. Humans figured this out with monotheism millenia ago.

So it was obviously a magical sky fairy that did it?

Let's assume for only a second, that the universe was designed. What kind of egotisical prick thinks God made the universe explicitly for us. Let alone specifically to be worshiped by us.

If there is a designer, it seems much more likely they created a system(the universe) which by design has a decent chance of life forming. Once done, they at best observe, much like an architecht enjoys his finished creation. Not by standing on the bridge and harassing those walking along the bridge, but by simply enjoying a job well done.

TLDR: Bible thumpers are literally the most insufferable fucks. Probably worse than niggers.

note how this atheist always ignores the open philisophical and jumps into an Ad Hominem attack on specific items of religious dogmas. The equivelant of a grade school insult. Their brains just shut down and cannot argue without insulting some dogmatic principal that has nothing to do with the overall fact that a monotheistic God exists that created this universe in which we reside.

Some one needs to explain to me why atheists are just as stupid as religions people most of the time.
Religion is about death, we are all going to die, some people have a hard time with that they need a crutch. Why not let the nut jobs pray the gay away and concede to they religions demands under the guise of teaching all religions. Most religions are cool and not as cucked as Christianity.

I think I'll take the words of some of the most intelligent men to ever live over fedora posters
>TLDW they essentially have all the evidence for biological evolution and they have proven that simple molecules such as amino acids, sugars, nucleobases can arise from nature. They hypothesize that such chemical evolution could give rise to molecules capable of reproduction, its only a matter of time before they prove it.

Theists think a burning bush God dreamt up by bronze age barbarians assembled that molecule - but only after assembling himself out of nothing.

Good troll i shall indulge you.

And what assembled the robo proteins?

>Incredibly large amount of planets in the universe
>One gets lucky after billions of years
Monkeys, typewriters.

>religitards think a wizard that exists outside of time and space did this

Nobody is defending religon as much as we're saying it is more than likely there is a creator/programmer, the two do not have to be synonymous.

>what is the first cause principle
you can't back out of it user, that which had a beginning had a cause. "something" at some point had to have always existed irrespective of time and had no beginning... or the first cause. I call it God.

And who created god?

>viagra makes your dick bigger
>chemo therapy 100% cures cancer

Wtf I'm an atheist now??

Hurr durr, I know nothing about evolution, biochemistry, or molecular biology. THIS MORECURE IS IMPOSSIBRU!!! Nice troll tho.

You sure about that?

Our galaxy is estimated to be about 30 kiloparsecs across, and there is estimated to be 100 billion to 400 billion stars just in this galaxy, most of these stars have planets and some of those planets are in the goldilocks zone. considering that, how many planets are earth-like in this galaxy alone? What about the observable universe, we have like 200 billion galaxies in the observable universe. I'd say the chance of it happening at least somewhere is very fucking high.

Hang yourself pls

ok brah the walls of Jericho came a'tumblin down.

can't argue with the truth of scripture *eyeroll*

How do you know it's more likely? Based on what?

There is no real answer other than he/it exists outside of time and space

>science is magic
go to school

> "Cure" cancer

Lol lrn2 genetics

Turbulence because without friction there could be little to no interaction.
I.e. every physical thing would in essense be inert.

science is only concerned with the things that occupy time and space (for now, anyway).

you guys can have all the make believe stuff.

Anyone who has had a rigorous science education believes or is at least a deist.
>pretending to understand the motives of a timeless being
there's your first mistake user.
>bible thumpers
literally every atheist cannot argue the general philisophical points without resorting to ad hominem attacks against specific dogma. Their brains just shut down.

>atheisttards think it came out of nothing

This argument is inherently flawed though. Relativistic probability does not work like that. Say there are a million trillion planets (number is not important absurdly large). But the ability for life to evolve is also absurdly large, it does not make anything 100%. The number of extinction events that have "missed" is unprecedented. Imagine monkeys, the writers, and the occasional office fire. The universe is, if you believe it, not that old. Life is quiet a freak occurrence.

>So you're actually insulting the intelligence of your creator.

Rhetorical judo fail.

>dummies mischaracterizing science to make their point look better

You're about as ignorant as you are retarded.

>outside of time and space
meaningless fantasy nonsense

No your stupid. Stop with the bs 100% parying to god is 0.0001%. Therefore science is x1000 more relevant.

you know, i used to hate the logical fallacies sticky (who could be that dumb?) but it's amazing how many people here need to spend a few hours a day with it...

Literally every atheist, even most "fedora fags" on plebbit btfo theists just about every single time on a very basic philosophical and logical basis, and you people just ignore it, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. It doesn't matter what people say to you because you're brainwashed. Sorry.

People always seem to get hung up on how phenomenal of a chance it was for life to being, and how we ended up here.
Except if your current theories on the universe have any truth to them then this cycle of the universe has happened /we don't know/ how many times. Perhaps this is the one time in all of these universes that life actually got started, and we've been rolling the dice for an ungodly amount of time.

God wasn't created, but created everything? Wouldn't the existence of God also show intelligent design in his creation? Or was he just put together by random chance?

And all of this complexity came out of thin air one day?

Because things don't tend to write or program themselves, mainly universal and geometric laws

>science isn't magic

Then where is it? Can I taste it? Can I feel it? Is it conscious?

It's the Canacuck that said that

What dictates time and space?

oh look, he ignores all the clear and concise philosophical arguments, then cherry picked his own part of the bible that nobody brought up to attack. They literally always do this.
>what is the first cause argument
are britbongs and russians this dense?

Cure also refers to the ability to remove something. Education will help cure you of stupidity, see what i did there? I insulted you while definite a word. In the next billion years you might develop a brain.

>wanting a floundering fallacy

for these goddamn theists

>Then where is it? Can I taste it
>anything I can't eat is magic
you're the reason everyone else thinks americans are retards



I mean I think in terms of the programmer of a computer game. But then that becomes an endless chicken or egg cycle. Answer is we have no answer, hence faith.

wavelengths of electromagnetic energy. it's defined by the ANSI

you're beyond hope. i'm just casually chiding you to make sure no one comes away thinking you made any kind of point here.

it's *you* who cherry picks from the bible. you choose which parts are 'allegorical' and which parts you wrongheadedly think are 'true' in the pathetically limited way that you understand the word.

>red dit
lol, please kindly fuck off back to red dit you pleb neckbeard fedora
so what was the first cause russia? clearly it's something that exists outside of time as we know it.


>they essentially have all the evidence for biological evolution and they have proven that simple molecules such as amino acids, sugars, nucleobases can arise from nature.

If things if such complexity can arise through nature, then is not nature the creator? Is random chance not the engine of all creation, of all destruction, and of all being? How can you believe such things and yet recoil at the belief of intention behind such random causality? How can you deny the truth of our Lord KEK? If everything has arisen through chaos, are we not extensions of KEK?

>He doesn't even know big bang big crunch theory

You cannot make this shit up.

Also, let's just for the sake of an argument say the universe just started fresh, since a universe didn't exist, and since the laws of this universe didn't exist (ex: reactions / cause-and-effect) nothing had to "cause" it, although is still think pic related is more logical

>you can't see it or prove it's there, just take our word for it!

Sciencefags are just as bad as religionfags, so is there really a down side to recognizing complexity within our universe and attributing it to someone/thing wildly more complex/timeless than we could imagine?

>"literally every"

Well, i'm all for staying up. Go ahead.

What defines ANSI?

Well it ain't jesus I can tell you that

>you are
Just afraid of death. Admit it to yourself. Or at the least do the Jehovas whiteness thing pray to god. If god don't answer its not for you.

>i'm a retard so everyone else should be too

No it came from the the destabilizion of gravity string followed by strong and weak nuclear plus electromagnetism strings. It all sums to 0

>you're beyond hope
ad hominem
>making sure no one comes away thinking you made a point
I see no counterpoint by you, just your ad hominem grade school insults
>it's *you* who cherry picks from the bible. you choose which parts are 'allegorical' and which parts you wrongheadedly think are 'true' in the pathetically limited way that you understand the word.
Literally proving my point, brings up the Bible yet again, remember nobody has mentioned it but him.

Atheists cannot argue philosophy, they think ad hominem is an argument.

DUDE UNIVERSES INSIDE OF UNIVERSES! Go smoke another one, Cheech >.>

i think it's an interdisciplinary effort by corporations and academia. but i honestly don't know a whole lot about them.

every country has their own equivalent... there's some sort of international standards body too.


>christfags think Allah designed proteins

Where in your Torah does it say that god was a molecular biologist?

Faith is great. Blind faith not so much. I hate the argument that God must exist because we exist because it doesn't apply the same logic to God's existence. And if there's another rule for God then can't we agree humans could possibly be the product of whatever sparked the God?

If god is everything and therefore all that is, wouldn't science the study of how stuff works without the subjectivity of human opinion be the study of god? Why do theists constantly argue with science done correctly (unbiased) rather than adapting it to their beliefs, to me as an atheist it looks like they are trying cram god a being measured in infinites by their standards, into their finite human understanding of existence. I just don't get you people sometimes.

Evolution was thought up before dna or even the sheer complexity of cells was known. They have to double down since the only other option is Creation

That's not how science works you fucking moron. There are many hypotheses about how something like this happened but we don't know for sure until more advanced technology and techniques are developed that allow us to verify them.

Saying 'God did it' is essentially giving up, why bother researching anything if we all know that the answer is 'God did it'? God damn you people are fucking retarded and probably didn't even graduate highschool.

>nobody has mentioned the bible
where are you pulling this dippy horseshit from then? some televangelist's sermon?

I notice you attack the atheists who are trying to explain science. Do you have any reason why religion and science are equally valid?

Atheists gotta admit that atleast Jesus existed and most of the historical part of the Bible is true
Christians also have to admit that adaptation exists but not full blown evolution