I love you goyim

I mean sure you can call me cheap, evil, subversive and JIDF shill and I probably am

but this board is amazing for both educational and entertainment purposes
I absolutely love all you fucking NEETs and cucks and stormfags and wouldn't replace you for all the gold in Tel Aviv

So in case we don't survive 2017
I will say it has been an honor and a privilege shitposting with your goy asses

gtg now oven's on.

> oven's on

love u too senpai

You khazars sure are humorous!

This is why political incorrectness is worth fighting for.

Have a nice tripping in 2017.


he's returning back to the sea.

safe journey.

the actual fuck is that thing

i know not all jews are (((jews))), and you seem based. but we will still gas you just to be sure


Germans would rather gas themselves tbqh.

Get gassed you filthy kike.

Ha ha ha ha!

I like you!

Go to oven now.

ty rabi

Dont play stupid

your illusion of flesh does not fool me!

Oh, jew!

Alright, be honest with me Sup Forums -

What are the chances most if not all of us will be dead by the end of 2017?

I need to know so I can live accordingly.

I love you too, kike

About the same as last year

move to a less threatening country if you want to live

well, either obama starts the 3rd worldwar before trump gets in office to stay in office, then depending on where you live i would assume 40-50% chance of survival. if you live in russia or eastern/middle europe i would assume around 20%-30% since here is where shit will go down. northamerica probably 40-60% with a large gap between rural and big cities. middle east is a shithole eitherway so it will probably not change to much, 50-70%. australia probably wont be involved and will mostly have to fear shortage of foot and such stuff since they cant import as much anymore since everyone else is busy fighting each other, i would assum 70-90% then. east asia i feel tricky to judge. they will be involved but are still off the scene. maybe a bit worse than north america so i would assume 30-50%

if that doesnt happen i would assume >95% of survival

>itt. Drunk Ivan larps as a Jew

Goodspeed Oven Dodger.

Feels good to be irrelevant.

We might watch the world burn from afar without being hindered

gonna make lifeupdates from the battlefield when shit hits the fan. lets just pray internet will work