When will white Americans wake up and allow legal immigration from white countries to the US...

When will white Americans wake up and allow legal immigration from white countries to the US? Democrats are importing their dark voters and everyone is cool with that while legal immigration from places like Poland is hard as fuck. Explain this to me. You hate Republicans and want to die out, right?

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Problem is the only immigrants we'd get from actual white countries would be speaking Russian.

You sure aboit that? I believe you would get 10 million+ republican voters speaking polish and english if you allowed free movement of people between Poland and the US.

America is a lost cause. Stay in Europe.

>inb4 Trump
>inb4 in four years 45%

If trump deports millions and makes it incredibly tough and difficult to have all of the requirements to vote in any state, he ensures republican victories for at least 20 years.

When Poles learn the only white part about them is their skin.

Or, the democrats will promise free shit to people and let 20 million mexican "refugees" in to the country 2 months after Trump dies. Trump won't save your declining birthrates.


that's how Polish people sound in an argument.

You are a white guy hating on other whites. I'm glad that you don't have more than one kid.

Maybe you should shut the fuck up and listen to some real arguments from time to time.