Sup Forums YLYL thread
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Fucking gold
Red pill thread normies get out REEEEE
I lost edition
>next big terrorist attack
>MSM plays clips from Die Hard
Damn you Bruce Willis!
haha it says nigger
OC ancap do not steal
That happens when you get replaced by a jew.
Its almost as if the difference between a government and a business is the element of coercion... but i suppose libertarians wouldn't know anything about that...
This guy gets it.
Eventual laughs.
Here is ''her'' first interview, guys.
Jesus Christ.
jesus christ how horrifying
This is obviously because of white supremacy.
Google search teratoma, look under images.
is that all pus coming out of that?
Who is this guy and why is he such a meme?
This is so dumb. What would have been a better way to depict russian hacking? Should they have actually gotten russian hackers to hack something? You guys are seriously retarded sometimes.
He's a youtuber called Jontron,
What is that supposed to be?
It's a type of rare tumor called a teratoma. They're quite horrifying. Inside are all sorts of tissues, teeth, hair, etc. that have partially developed. Think of stem cells gone mad. They've found these with eyes, cardiac tissue, malformed brains, hair, bone, etc.
Jonathan "jewsplitter" Jafari
half persian white nationalist who when he found his best friend was a tranny he knocked his teeth out and few across the country so he would never see him again
i wonder how bad that thing exploded on election night
Usually, a teratoma will contain no organs but rather one or more tissues normally found in organs such as the brain, thyroid, liver, and lung. Sometimes, the teratoma has within its capsule one or more fluid-filled cysts; when a large cyst occurs, there is a potential for the teratoma to produce a structure within the cyst that resembles a fetus.
The tissues of a teratoma, although normal in themselves, may be quite different from surrounding tissues and may be highly disparate; teratomas have been reported to contain hair, teeth, bone and, very rarely, more complex organs or processes such as brain matter,[1] eyes,[2][3] torso,[4][5] and hands, feet, or other limbs.[6]
''Intelligent'' design, indeed.
also accurate for POC
>cyst that resembles a fetus.
Awwwww, little tumor babies....
the fuck thai, you dont speak for all of us
>I mean, you are a REALLY major figure...
>in your world...
I am!
>and an inspiration to a lot of people
>particularly young women
He is as white nationalist as pewdiepie is. You shouldn't screw with weaker countries, m8.
Weird Al s running for congress?
I'm sure ''she'' had an erection walking off that set.
>you will never suck and jerk your shemale best friend off in a restaurant
some girls(male) have all the luck
This was hard to fap to.
But not impossible.
>tfw a week later and your screencap is still being reposted
Feels good man
>She fought the Alt-Right and Won
The delusion on these leftist trannies. Time to remind """her""" who really won.
I am hysterical right now
Hell if he runs in Massachusetts he might even win.
He sounds like a more masculine Todd Howard
>crying while in bed
That is exactly why they need a father so they don't become fucking triggered by mundane activities.
Make it look credible then youre on sonnyshoshimbo
Oh God, here we go!
This was satire
>White Supremist
Why haven't I noticed this before?
Original content I made.
got me
Kangz DLC
what is wrong with these """people"""?
Underrated. Period.
Gas them.
>show fags didn't know this was going to happen