What is the political solution to the obesity epidemic?
We all know that telling people to eat less and move more is not working.
It's getting so bad that it could bankrupt American healthcare and make developing countries backslide into poverty.
What is the political solution to the obesity epidemic?
We all know that telling people to eat less and move more is not working.
It's getting so bad that it could bankrupt American healthcare and make developing countries backslide into poverty.
How do we fix obesity in america?
all sizes are beautiful. there is literally no scientific data to show that people who are overweight are unhealthy.
Why haven't these shitposting cunts been banned yet?
Meh. I don't know whether you even have any specific studies in mind but, what I heard is that that idea came from (at least) one study where they studied people /til they died/. In other words, wasting away of cancer counted as low weight = low health, and higher weight, better health. Which blurred the results. Correcting for that, I understand informed consensus is that weight is indeed bad for you.
Socialize gym memberships instead of healthcare.
There are tax benefits for employers who buy gym memberships for their employees in Canada.
Not just eat less, eat better.
Unhealthy food is a very profitable industry. But it's starting to have a large, very expensive effect.
The only objectively bad food ingredients are sugar and imitation sugars.
If you're going to talk about "eating clean" and "(((GMOs)))" just GTFO. Orthorexia is for idiots.
He's quoting a tumblr style movement motto or some shit, I've seen it before. They reject reality/
same as Women are as Strong as Men. you can change your sex! Jews are human! wait
Well, you gotta have enough of what your body needs in what you eat. Especially if you're gonna eat less.
They post stories on how they had to educate doctors on this. Male doctors who mansplained stuff at them.
On my do nothing day I typically only eat one small meal.
Over eating is a bad habit that turns into an addiction.
You only need to eat until your "full" when you know you have alot of work to do, other than that just eat enough to satisfy.
Force people over a certain bmi to display an id card when purchasing food. The clerk/waiter/whatever will enter it into their system and all their food purchases will be tracked. They will be unable to purchase over a specific calorie quota per week. If a fatbody doesn't have an id it can't buy any food.
Obviously also take body fat % into account. It's okay to be swole.
its not just moving all the food an america is made of artificial sugar and corn syrup you dont see this horrible food in europe that outlawed it corperate american ruined the food in america
Well for one thing, don't go out of your way to tell megafatties that they will look like deflated balloons if they ever get their shit together and get healthy.
Get off processed foods. Whenever I see a big fatass at the grocery store, they always have big carts of processed shit full of chemicals, sugar, corn syrup etc and soda.
Thicc and sexy everyone should look like this
no need to eat less, just eat right...
most "food" eaten these days is shit tier food.
get back to basics and stop eating garbage.
First off, remove obesity from the disability list. It's evil, but eventually people will figure out that being fat will kill you, ruin your life, etc.
Second, stop allowing lobbyists in the FDA. It's wholly corrupt. You can't even tell Americans "dont eat so much beef", or the cattle industry will have your head on a plate.
Finally, teach nationalism in schools, and social identity. It's been proven that traditional diets are more healthful, and the only way to get a traditional diet is to have some sort of ethnocentrism. There's a French diet, a Mediterranean diet, and others. We need a real, American diet based on our culture, and not adopted. Which is why we need to stop immigration en masse. It's destroying what fledgling culture we do have, and replacing it with fat fuck spics and gooks.
The world is finna end in about 15 years so who cares anyway.
I would do that. Where do I signup?
You have to eat less to lose the weight
will be your nipples and tummy look like this after you lose weight?
Dude everything a normie eats is literally
Hell even when they get protein like meat they'll slather it up with either sugar or carbs. Those two things are the cause of people getting fat as fuck. All anyone would have to do easily is eat more protein and they'll lose fat.
It's amazing how much carbs/sugar/salt people eat and they not even realize it then wonder why they are fatasses
Stop letting me buy such garbage fuel for my human machine
How am I supposed to work and pay taxes if my body won't allow for much?
t. 6'1" 215lbs
Only if you're extremely fat
You're fatter than we are, cunt.
America went on a diet.
Thats if it happens too quickly. Over time that guy's skin will reform and stretch back, but it'll be a few years. Otherwise he'll probably just get surgery.
Good advice. I dropped a ton of weight with one meal a day.
Now I have workout days where I eat more and non-workout days where I don't eat much.
I often don't even have "meals", I just eat throughout the day unless someone wants to eat with me.
There's gonna be a black market for food.
People will kill for food.
How stupid, what are ya 12?
you don't
you need to eat less SHIT
preferably none at all...
Why should we care? The whole "cost" of obesity is offset by the fact they die a lot younger. Let em eat themselves to death. Who really gives a fuck?
But the gook diet is slimming
Healthcare companies actually start denying potential risks. It's really not that fucking complicated. Let these fat fucks die at 30 for Christ's sake. Death sends a message - enablement does not.
Tax breaks for those who lift.
Depending on your gainz you get 25% - 50% of you tax back.. Huge incentive to make the country look good, and also bring down the burden on health care.
Also doctors need to educate children on carbs and proper nutrition.
The 3 square meals a day, low fat = good nutrition is a fucking joke, should be criminal that they teach people that. Fuck anyone who eats like that would be a lard ass.
Do you fucking retards not understand that it's our fucking FOOD that's doing this to us?? The sugar we use, the bread....it's making us hungrier. It's making us have a bigger appetite. THAT'S the problem....
Tackle what's being put in our food and you tackle the problem
Its that simple
Tax sugar and corn syrup. It's an actual conspiracy.
I know it's NPR but just go with it.
That has to be surgical results. I've been obese most my life and am losing it now and I'm tightening, not sagging. Not sure why I didn't a long time ago as It's jar willpower to portion control until you're used to it and light exercise. You don't have to be a body builder, just a light sweat every day or even just most days.
mandatory basic training
better physical education, not learning how to play hundred games
Exactly what I'm saying
It's also our bread. We put wheat in almost everything, including our candy
If yall serious about this, watch this video. Changed my perspective of what's going into our body here in the u.s....and it makes complete sense
This. It's obvious.
You regulate sugar and all other artificial sweetners like they're alcohol, you solve the problem. Not hard.
That's not the solution, retard
Sometimes I wonder if vidyas are considered by our governments as providing the youth with a certain basis that could make them military useful if need be.
I bet tons of CoD kids would be thrilled to run into a combat zone if given a real gun kek.
make your own food....
No, wheat is a huge problem. Watch the video I posted. It's wheat and sugar
This is the best solution I can think of.
Remember, America was a drunken nation before the regulation of alcohol (early 19th century).
The solution is to move all the fatties here.
Ban sugar in products where you dont need them. Also milk products are degenerate
Remove taco
How are you this downsy
Its what's IN our food....
Lifes too short not to live deliciously.
>Also milk products are degenerate
Fucking lactose intolerant Mongols.
You can eat 3000kcal of celery and you'll still gain weight dumbass. I've lost over 100 lbs, have about 70 to go for "ideal" weight by bmi. it's not all fat, and I'm not saggy like op pic because I did it slowly through regulated portion control.
You're life is a lot shorter bevause of it, leaf. McDonald's, candy, coke, huge sandwiches are not the only delicious things
I make my own food, excluding the copious amounts of sugar and wheat, and my shit is good
Cut sugar/fructose whatever you wanna call it.
Which is hard considering its in everything ...especially in diet marketed products.
...It was never the fat in the food... it was always the sugar :|
>tfw the years go by and the skin just stays loose
You can go and buy raw vegetables, cut them up, eat them or cook them... Go to a butcher, and ask for meat.
You can get hormone, antibiotic, gmo free all the shit if you want to pay a bit more too, so what are you talking about.
How are you fat? I'm the same height and weigh 10 pounds more than you and look really good
Sweeteners are just as bad as sugar because they make you overeat. Ever seen a thin person drinking diet Coke?
Put them into camps or comas
Make obesity illegal
Even whole wheat?
I always wonder how people manage to get so fat. They lose control or something? Compulsive eating?
I do all that shit but there's still home made shit thay kills people.
Communism, you cannot over eat if there's no food.
Wrong. No one tells people what they can and cannot eat. That's fundamental to the right of liberty. People choose to be fat, fine.
>McDonald's, candy, coke, huge sandwiches
Mmmmmmmm fuck ya making me hungry. Brb going to grab a Big Macâ„¢
Kill all fatties.
Ideal bmi for that height is 180.
We can only hoope
>I always wonder how heroine addicts manage to get so dead. They lose control or something? Compulsive use?
also regulate how much sugar etc big compagnies put into their food, these are highly addictive and ruin people
Yes. North American wheat is genetically modified in a BAD way. The bread we eat is totally different than the bread in Europe, which is why it tastes totally different. Watch the video I posted. It will blow your mind on North America wheat crops
I'm hungry ALL THE TIME. This doesn't seem normal
This picture motivated me to lose weight
Obviously by telling everyone not to feel bad for being fat or for having diabetes. Because the worst thing in the world is feeling bad, not whatever the problem is
It's compulsion. It's a habitation like most drugs, I never thought about how I was eating likely 3k+ calories a day until I was very unhealthy and knew I needed to change or die very young.
HAES is less than 5 years old. The obesity epidemic is like 30 years old.
Food isn't addictive like heroin though.
honestly 1 bigmacs not that bad if its right before or after a lift. Just get a salad instead of the fries and a bottle of water. Good times and cheap too.
Stress, boredom and hunger (lots of food is unsatiating (not to mention unhealthy) even if high-calories).
And they stop caring. What's a little bit fatter? You get fat slowly.
This. Take Maduro's advice to eliminate the fatties.
i'm not even lactose intolerant.
Try again
The way it's modified adds shit that binds to your delta 4 neuro receptors in your brain and gives you a 'high', much like coCaine. It makes you want more. This 'gluten free' diet shit is both fake and gay, and also real. They feel better not bevause they aren't eating gluten but bevause they're not eating the rest of thr bread, thag contains the modified portion. People here shit their pants bevause their bodies can't process the wheat germ agluanin, the modified
wheat stimulates an opiate receptor which causes hunger
You don't have to move more or eat less, you simply have to eat well.
I think you americans should try mediterrean diet. It works.
It's too much to ask to don't eat sweets and meat every fucking day?
Nigga why would i go to gym when i lift heavy as fuck boxes at work all day.
Fuck off you limp wristed little nu male degenerate. Fight me right now where u wanna meet.
Should we ban wheat?
This just isn't true. Certainly heroin is more addictive than food, but anything that causes changes in endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, or any multitude of other neurotransmitters can be psychologically addictive. The difference is you're not going to go into physical withdrawals from food.
Should ban the way we modify it
no we should stop subsidizing people for being fat fucks
and legalize opiates
If I weighed 180 I'd look like a starving African child, ~200 you can have average sized muscles, and looks best imo for 6'1". 225 is a little overweight desu senpai but even at this weight I'm not fat
Dunno man I have seen heroin addicts tweaking. Never seen this same from someone addicted to sweets.
No reason to fix it imo. If you don't want to be obese bad enough you'll find a way, and people dying from it doesn't bother me a bit.
"Free" nationalised healthcare for everyone who isn't a fat cunt.
>and legalize opiates
Are you aware that there is an opiate addiction epidemic in the US and this would just make it worse?
Shut up. Your country can't even feed itself. You don't know what we're talking about.
Socialism solves the obesity crisis through mass starvation.