I came to this country for free thought and speech

>I came to this country for free thought and speech

Other urls found in this thread:



>Born: October 20, 1958 (age 58), Manhattan, New York City, NY

Based Warren Beatty and Collin farrell.


God viggo is so fucking cool

You do know that Vigo the Carpathian and Dick Tracy are even bigger commies than Merle right?

when did right wingers become such sjws?

lol what? why is Vince Vaughn still getting invited to shit?

Check Don Cheadle's twitter. Don King just owned him on Trump.

who ever controlled that camera feed totally fucked up. everyone knows, when you hear some liberal bleeding heart propoganda, you pan to shots of nu-males and women.

it's just common sense.

Does anybody really care about whatever meryl literally who says at this point? Republicans complained about king nigger all through both of his terms but at least they had only 1 media outlet shilling for Romney,I think normal people are going to be getting repulsed pretty soon by the constant whining of every single media outlet and celebrity under the sun.

Not women.

Anyone who didn't walk out during her speech is cucked

because he was in Riggs' new movie about Army Spiderman

I know Mel is /ourguy/ but did the other actors like Vince and Collin actually disapprove of her speech or were they just putting on a "serious concern" face. Did any of them publicly voice their opinions?

Moving to the country gonna eat me a lot of peaches

Man, he's already 58. He was relatively young in LOTR, and it feels like those movies came out yesterday.

She tried to do a shit Irish accent that's why he looks like that

We're holding them to their own standards of morality. We can't allow them to wield morality as a weapon while acting freely without consequence.


take your nu-rock faggotry music the fuck away from here

He was a staunch supporter of this guy

Though among Hollywood actors, he's one of those I could probably still have a beer with.

We don't care about her mocking DJT. We care about her being a hypocritical cunt

>tfw I only know meryl streep from a one second reference of Always Sunny where she is said to look like George Washington

>camera pans to the back maintenance door in the employee parking lot
Come on man, you gotta let me in, I'm a star!
H-hey, remember the Mummy? Encino Man haha you had a few laughs remember? haha

>It's just comedy maaaaaaaaaaan

As someone who works with disabled people, the people who think making fun of disabled people is "wrong", are those who are repulsed to the core by them and don't even consider them people.

Disabled people are just like regular people, some are assholes and need to be taken down a peg or two.

like the crip that tries to change his story 16 years after the fact

The liberals are the aggressors here though.

>Wheel of morality turn turn turn. Tell us the lesson that we must learn

They already are sick of it. It's part of why Trump won.

Just pointing out the double standard dumbass

what is this event in op?

Imagine being Vince Vaughn at that awards show and having to be all like "damn, Meryl Streep, you fuckin' insightful, all profound with your hoarse voice and weird gemstone-encrusted dress. I would totally take your opinions seriously, both all my characters and the real me." when all he really wants to do is look up another Pizzagate infographic on Sup Forums. Like seriously imagine having to be Vince and not only sit in that chair while Meryl Streep parrots her propaganda in front of you, the constant chuckles barely concealing her Jewish agenda, and just sit there, minute after minute, lie after lie, while she gave that speech. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking voice but her haughty attitude as everyone in the audience claps, telling her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MERYL STREEP SAYS THINGS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking goblin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been reading nothing but a healthy diet of right-wing literature and conspiracy theories and later alleged Sup Forums shitposts for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Illinois. You've never even heard anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her beaky, heavily made-up face as she croaks her words out at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to sit there and revel in her "historic (for that is what CNN is calling it)" speech, the speech she worked so hard for with personal writers in the previous months. And then the camera pans around the room to show more empty stares of slack-jawed adoration, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before Mel Gibson could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Vince Vaughn. You're not going to lose the rest of your acting career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

>placing money above principals
What a good little goy

One of the funniest things that can happen is when you're just hanging somewhere and then you hear those ergghhhh sounds retards make and then they appear.


American education strikes again, or is spelling also a Jewish plot?

what does this have to do with politics

I like how his publishing website has various links to news articles about US intervention in Syria.

Isn't his son autistic or something?

He's looking at some chicks feet.

Hollywood are perverts.

When Tuck was talking about this today was the first I'd heard of it, what did she say about football and MMA?

>principal: a sum of money lent or invested on which interest is paid
Oy vey, talk about a Freudian slip

Holy shit I guess I haven't seen this yet today.

If OC goddamn, 10/10

Amy (((Schumer's)) fat disgusting pig face is in the background and clapping like the worthless human garbage she is

That we should ban them and have her intelligent, compassionate Hillary biopic on instead

Oh shit, a typo. How will America ever recover?

>mfw I read sjws as jews

man Sup Forums you really have changed me

Can we meme him back in the spotlight?

Colin Farrell's a well known rayciss




it's been 24h since the pasta was put up, where's my fucking OC REEEEEEEE

They did it intentionally in order to get Mel and Vince blacklisted. They'll never work again.

Well he's no Russell Brand

Christ, you got me to reply. The two aren't equivalent. Making fun of someone in a position of power, especially if their narcissistic, will always be funny. Making fun of someone who is beneath you isn't, especially if there's nothing about them which deserves being lampooned.

Vince Vaughn is a notorious asshole. His people come into restaurants and stores and stuff before he goes in and tell everyone not to make eye contact with him. A guy once nodded at him and Vince told him to go fuck himself. Him and Kevin James (yes, Paul Blart Mall Cop) once sperged out on a waitress for speaking to them directly.

except the "disabled reporter" thing was a lie from the very beginning. you don't realize that because you believe what you're told to believe and haven't taken the time to actually investigate the evidence and context of what happened

in 30 seconds you could find a half dozen clips on youtube of Trump making exactly the same style of mockery of other people as he did of mr pitiful disabled man (BEFORE the incident with that particular person). it was a complete coincidence that his retard arm-flap actually resembled the person at the center of this so-called "scandal"

the disabled reporter guy thing is and has been from the start, 100% libshit virtue signalling based on slanderous lies

I bet he likes Milky Ways too.


links? I've only seen one where he insults Cruz (or was it rubio?) but that was after the reporter incident.

>the leaf
>trying this hard