Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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Israel was weak enough to need white men to contrive a country for them, which is wrong, but they're both semitic religious zealot faggots.
But (((pol))) will never say so
posting random pics of settlements
it would be interesting to see what would happen if we just gave them greater israel and let them rebuild the temple. i wonder what they would do if nothing happened and no messiah came and they realized it was all just bullshit
Palestine. /thread
Reminder that American tax payer money is going straight to those settlements
I see no problem.
Might makes right
Me neither it's not my money. Still it's better than giving money to niggers in Africa so each woman can have more than 5 niglets
What's wrong with your country?
That map is incorrect. We captured much more land. Whay about the six day war eh? Give some credit mate.
>bunch of based hard working conservative jews
>bunch of mudshit ackbar terrorists who hide their weapons caches in schools
>in less than a week
I want Israel to exist as a Jewish containment state, but it isn't helping to continually build settlements. Although at the moment, it doesn't make sense for them to give the Palestinians anything--the Pals would just try to destroy Israel.
I like Israel more but I feel sorry for Palestenians.
Most of them just want to live off of farming and selling the produce and it's hard enough already since the ground is infertile as fuck. They really can't do much to Israel who keep taking the little land that remains for them. HAMAS is evil and shit but I understand why they exist and people support them.
>all that empty barren desert
Sure is some Holy land blessed by God himself.
God Arabs are incompetent.
I read you have away the Sinai peninsula since it's just a waste of money. It's a completely useless area and your economy would have tanked in trying to maintain it.
Honestly I don't give a shit about Muslim barbarians losing land.
>actually thinks Trump is pro-Israel because of Twitter even though what he cares about is international jewry
Great Britain.
i give up. these instagram pics from ppl there are boring as shit
if anybody wants to see
Israel doesn't exist, only occupied Palestine
looks comfy. Give this goy one of those apartments and a jewish qt.
sluts stuck on guard duty in alon shvut
This is a 10/10 in Israel
T. Mehmet
He's right you know.
Palestinians are fucking subhumans, there was never a Palestine in history just like Ukraine is anartificial country. Everything was either under the control of Jordan, Egypt or Syria, noone called themselves palestinian, it was just a bunch of arabs living in shacks and when Israelis started transforming this useless desert into an actual country they all chimped out.
If you see videos of palestinians living not only in the west bank but in the rest of Israel then the only valid complain they seem to have is that they have to show an id when going into a major city or out/into the country. Fucking trash should be genocided, those who served in the IDF can be spared
t. Spic
Palestine has more legitimacy than Israel. Israel has not existed in millennia you dolt.
Just like half of poland is russian and the other half is german
Israel clearly. They attacked a US navy ship thinking they could false flag an Egyptian attack and thought they could get us to intervene directly.
Consider this our first 9/11 but it backfired.
oh please tell us about those poor Palestinians and how there land was taken.
I have a whole ton of fucks to give.
The Jews didn't even take ""their"" own holy land back, which is pathetic enough. Israel simply doesn't exist.
I agree, sucks that you are one, eh Muhammad?
Now persians and arabs are the same...
Leafs how can you even criticize burger education?
Iranians are Persian you fucking retard.
Their language is an Indo-European language.
Nothing close to Arabic for fucks sake get an education.
Jews are always in the wrong and are fucking shit, Israel is no exception
Doesn't mean the Arabs were stupid and weak as fuck though
LOL except they did. They fought a war for that land and took the Sinai and other land. They even gave it back to shut you idiots up. They should've kept them.
Might is right.
>American education
All they did was fight British rule and bitch forever afterwards about us.
>inb4 muh six day war
Americucks are so loyal to Israel like an abused wife is to her husband. You're bitches.
Zoom out. Make a proper legend. Mark invading/defending forces, numbers and geography in time through history. Say, last 500 years.
Make another graphic. Detail Israeli/Palenstine history. Mark moving geography through millennia/century. Bonus legend for including war mongering tribes such as the Philistines.
Take a step back. Consider cultural advancements by both parties. Consider cultural setbacks.
Make a decision.
They killed our sailors you dense fuckhead.
But might is right then?
The USS Liberty lost 34 US navy lives in a deliberate attack.
gaurd duty is shit but not as much as working in a military kitchen.
Here are the people you are so eager to defend: instagram.com
They're literal Arabs LOL, fucking cuck
Not saying Israel is holy. of course we shouldn't support them with tax payer money. But the argument that Israel doesn't exist is nonsense. Look at the fucking map. Jews have enacted their right to self determination. To deny them that is to deny anyone else the right to self determination. Can't see why nationalists can't see their inconsistencies.
The Germans, Japs, etc have killed our people, but do we advocate for the annihilation of their statehood? No
I bet they are talking about mutilated penis and how much they prefer Big Goyim Uncut Cock (BGUC)
Not in millenia vs. Not ever
You were the aggressors in WW2, you mong. Israel is the aggressor against you so they deserve annihilation
The holy land rightfully belongs to Ireland.
My barber is Palestinian, he's a bro, disprove that fag
Yeah, the Japs didn't attack pearl harbor.
Read a fucking book mudslime
If the Palestinians were there before you it was Palestinian territory.
Might wasn't right when you BEGGED for independence from that evil imperialist British rule. And it certainly wasn't right when you pleaded to be saved from the "Nazi death camps". Or the Tsarist "oppression".
Your rotten, inbred, asthmatic, WEAK people have been on their knees in the ghetto sucking dick for 2000 years (a just punishment for killing Jesus) and demanded that you be given "your" clay back because "it's the good thing to do". Then the moment you get back in the Holy Land, you wanna play Genghis Khan.
I hope the rest of the West cuts your military aid off. Then we will see how you fare.
hurr durr hurr dey did it for nuthin not cos YOU got involved in WW2 or anything
Typically liberal argument.
Should America, Aus, New Z be returned back to the "natives"?
Fuck no. Might is right. If whites will die out on their own accord, so be it. If whites will garner the strength to kick out enemies and traitors on their lands and remain homogeneous, so be it.
Read a book, uk. Under your mandate Palestinian is a word that was used to refer to (us)
>referring to whites in the third person
Hi there Schlomo. Jews aren't strong. You bitch and whine a lot but don't pretend you're a people like anyone else. There's a reason why you get offended when people call you a Jew.
I think there is a resurgence of racism against black people because at this point in time
Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think Africans are going to be
part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to
be the monolithic society they once were in the last century. Africans are going to be at
the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. Israel is not going to be
the monolithic place it once was, they are now going into a multicultural mode and
black Africans will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role
and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.
You rebelled against the mandate so all of that is illegitimate and you're a terrorist state
If the Nazis actually were strong, they wouldn't have held inconsistent views.
I would be a natsoc myself if it wasn't filled with autists claiming self determination for everyone BUT the jews. Keep them out of our nations, but to mercilessly slaughter them? May I remind you jews died for Germany in WW1 carrying the Iron cross, not all of them are evil internationalists, rootless cosmopolitans, etc
Because you signed an accord that stated you would create an arab state and a kike state.
You made Jordan. Where was Kikeistan?
Read the Balfour declaration sometime. You kikes were let in, then you went back on your word. Then you chimped and threw a terrorist tanty. Just as well the Russians were able to fake up a "holocaust" for you to gain enough sympathy from the international community.
>Can't see why nationalists can't see their inconsistencies.
So you must advocate for Palestinian nationalism, then.
I am for a two state solution.
Rebel against us, the mandate/muh balfour declaration is invalid.
It's called going back to Jordan.
Why can't they just remain where they are?
Or maybe you faggots get back to Europe and get in the ovens
> why are you hitting yourself
Israel needs to be enriched by African young males. Without it Israel won't survive.
Do you trust them?
Maybe they'd set up a global surveillance state through a privately owned company working with the CIA.
9/11 created the patriot act
Send them back to Khazaria. Modern Ukraine is already yid town so they would fit right in.
Proof that man's idea of Holy and God's definition of Holy may not intersect
That's a big house. Do they pay for them or any Jew can get one for free?
Why the prison bars on the windows?
Even if you go with "might makes right" don't bitch when bigger powers step on you.
>Where was Kikeistan?
You got your Kikeistan, which was ten times the size of the land you actually owned. Of course, you had to chimp and start massacring people before the partition plan could be agreed upon.
To stop the righteous justice of Palestinians in the night
American taxpayers pay it and jews get it for free. You have been jewed dear goy
So which is it, binding words or free for all?
I think you think Im an arab.
Truly a nation of leeches. I'm glad they put sanctions on us, because damn if I want to end up paying for anything an Israeli gets.
The British Empire and all the sand niggers who decided to attack the newly formed state of Israel.
The Arabs were massacring people long before any Jews did.
Doesn't matter which way you see it. Either way if you get wiped out it's your fault and you deserve it
Israel. Arabs owned more land than jews in all districts and formed majority of the population in almost all of them.
But arabs lost and Israel won. Tough luck.