Foreign Chinese General

ITT: We discuss how the chinese have been buying houses in foreign countries like the UK, US, and Canada and rising housing prices for the locals, then not living in the houses.
How their tourists go to other countries spit everywhere, shit everywhere, don't care about adhering to other cultures, vandalize everything, and are basically just as bad as sand niggers.

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Same in nz

after trump and putin are done with china, expect that to happen on syrian refugee tier levels.

oh god, is there no where safe from shit bags anymore?

Just dropping in to say fuck Chinks.

in America if you break into a home and squat long enough you can end up with ownership of the house. Even if this isn't the case, many times the courts decide in the squatters' favor and they can live there lgelaly for some time.

Can't you try something like that? Not like anyones gonna come and check.

can't you try that?

I hate them so much OP Vancouver has been over run. REEEE

Yeah they've totally taken over the SF bay area and only fucked over the housing prices more. The part that bothers me the most is their inability to assimilate.

Average house price in our largest city is now over a million and its affected the rest of the country with the exodus. Hope trump fucks em in the arse