Does the FBI track /pol?

Srs question? Does the FBI/CIA/NSA track /pol, and can they see IPs and crap?

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The Internet is mostly owned by private companies which are collecting this data for the FBI.

If you do something interesting (to raise your XKeyScore) they will monitor you more closely.

They don't monitor Sup Forums specifically, rather they collect everything and Sup Forums has a (presumably) higher factor.

In all likelihood yes. Based on the leaks they have wholesale gathering of information. Whether or not they look at your IP specifically would obviously mean you're a person of interest.

Obviously yes but I think they very rarely if ever actually go after people in RL for shit they did on Sup Forums.

Remember, FBI are bros, CIA are hoes.

There are three "top secret" agencies which do things WAY above and beyond this though. They can read your LCD screen and RAM off a device without any connection. So a totally offline system can be monitored. All those little copper wires are antennae!!

Remember the CIA and NSA were classified for decades prior to be revealed. Those more advanced agencies are the actual "intelligence communities". Everyone who works for them has a cover (always obvious to see on LinkedIn too).

They monitor your internet traffic. Think of all the "trigger words" you type on Sup Forums that would have brought their attention. They certainly are watching you. For instance, if you typed the word "nigger" over 30 times...yeah, they know who you are. Your on the list.

MKULTRA monarch nigger Obama king nigger gay Michael Obama children stolen by Illuminati satanists Jews nigger

See I'm on the list!!! Come join me!!!

Of course, did you go and post something you shouldn't have? Your case folder just got bigger!

it doesn't matter unless you're a criminal