Brit/pol/ - CIVILISATION Edition

>IRA gangster Martin McGuinness resigns, Sinn Fein on course to batter the DUP

>"No Hard Brexit for Britain", says Theresa May

>Tories promise to tackle 'stigma' of mental health but refuse to give additional funding

>UKIP to lose huge amount of funding as Italian 5-Star Movement divorces itself from EU Parliament grouping

>Corbyn refuses to back down over total dedication to open borders

>SHUT IT DOWN - Israeli Embassy official makes vow to ‘take down’ Foreign Office deputy because of his anti-Israel views in shocking leaked video; Labour calls for national inquiry into Israeli influence of political parties as a matter of national security

>Pro-EU Tory ambassador accused of leaking Brexit plans to the EU before quitting

>Britain will be Europe's most populated country by 2050 because of mass immigration

>Take out those loans, goyim - Household debt at its highest since 2008 crash

Other urls found in this thread:

where's my thread theme song

Anime is for cunts.
Neets are scum.
No fat chicks.

Post papers because why not

what's wrong with neets, poorfag?
Give me your BTC wallet, I'll help you out.






no thread theme = sage



thanks, m'fag

Agreed on all points


Should my insecure tripcode !ZeXiY.i5UA be compromised I will use !!hn7ASgIZ1vE instead



Maube I should read some Hitchens, I feel most discussion wr have, we agree.

I'm currently workig through "Like the Roman", it is a bit of a chore past the first 1/3rd to be honest... have you read it?

"Who killed Cock Robin?
I, said the Sparrow,
with my bow and arrow,
I killed Cock Robin.
Who saw him die?
I, said the Fly,
with my little eye,
I saw him die.
Who caught his blood?
I, said the Fish,
with my little dish,
I caught his blood.
Who'll make the shroud?
I, said the Beetle,
with my thread and needle,
I'll make the shroud.
Who'll dig his grave?
I, said the Owl,
with my little trowel,
I'll dig his grave.
Who'll be the parson?
I, said the Rook,
with my little book,
I'll be the parson.
Who'll be the clerk?
I, said the Lark,
if it's not in the dark,
I'll be the clerk.
Who'll carry the link?
I, said the Linnet,
I'll fetch it in a minute,
I'll carry the link.
Who'll be chief mourner?
I, said the Dove,
I mourn for my love,
I'll be chief mourner.
Who'll carry the coffin?
I, said the Kite,
if it's not through the night,
I'll carry the coffin.
Who'll bear the pall?
We, said the Wren,
both the cock and the hen,
We'll bear the pall.
Who'll sing a psalm?
I, said the Thrush,
as she sat on a bush,
I'll sing a psalm.
Who'll toll the bell?
I said the Bull,
because I can pull,
I'll toll the bell.
All the birds of the air
fell a-sighing and a-sobbing,
when they heard the bell toll
for poor Cock Robin."

Is that Simon Heffer's biography of him? No, I haven't

You should start posting with your unsecure trip for one half the the thread then the secure one for the rest of the thread for a week, and by next tuesday people will know

Good call

Should I keep asking you guys for help on how to do UK stuff, or are you sick of that by now?


i think i'm going to sleep, this is just embarrassing


You are a subhuman

What did Sharia May mean by this?

A literal kike
A literal cuck
"I have and always will set my face like flint against making any difference between one citizen of this country and another on grounds of his origins"

Yes it is,

The first half on his early life is mostly about his overachieving in education, then his sudden abandonment of that path to lead a military carrer, an extraordinary one at that considering the lack of combat.

However, at Simons admission in the book, Powell took far less notes of perosnal life in his political carrer, especially since his parents died, so the vast majorty relies on Parliamentary minutes and becomes a bit dull.

Like I said however, I am far from done, but thats my review. If it picks up towards the end [currently at 1968, Rivers of Blood being 1967] it will be much like the mans actual carrer.

His constant and minor insubordinate is noteworthy however in the argument that he was just an attention seeker, although I personally don't biy that.

How can I get a SIM card from giffgaff if I can't have it mailed to me?
Their site only lets you select an address by post code, and my campus post office will send that shit back unless I can enter more information (residence hall, student ID, etc.).

Powell was CIVIC

But I believe he saw civic nationalism within number less than 5k to 60's pop. I think he would disagree with islam in UK.

Are you the Warwick suicidal American? Stop assuming that "Yookay" is one place where everything works the same

She will levy war upon the people. The downtrodden, dare I say, people.

At least she doesn't snow on you like a certain foreign leader. She is an assertive hag, that I can say.

>She is an assertive hag
She is genuinely one of the most indecisive and vague Prime Ministers we've ever had

I never thought that we'd have a PM that makes Dave "Mr Slippery" Cameron look like a straight-talker

>Like I said however, I am far from done, but thats my review. If it picks up towards the end [currently at 1967, Rivers of Blood being 1968] it will be much like the mans actual career.


Not at Rivers of Blood yet

No, I'm not him.
I thought you were offering to respond, not just crispposting.

>Allowing subhumans in
"Keep England White" (c) W.C.

>She is genuinely one of the most indecisive and vague Prime Ministers we've ever had

Literally why she was hired.

Because she was the choice of Michael Heseltine and other high-profile Remainers

Not saying I agree, but the climate was different.

We have the luxury of hindsight, and Powell was one of the first to predict it.

>one of the first
Hello politically illiterate pleb

I agree, but I've already bored you beyond sanity of my law fagging on why the supreme court appeal is against brexit.

I mean post war


>I was just pretending to be retarded

HaHAA! Anglo BTFOs pigshit antitrump fleshlight Meryl streep! Yes!


>She is genuinely one of the most indecisive and vague Prime Ministers we've ever had

Name one prime minister that put Britain first before global interest?

All of them were nothing but brown nosers to the long-nosed kikes.

Piss off mate with "Cameron was better". Cameron was derelict in every sense of the word in his duty to this country. Shameful man.

Fucking hell. I just looked that up a few hours ago after not thinking about it for 25 years.

Is this some kind of warning?

You misunderstand me

Blair and Cameron were very open and direct about what their intentions were, most of the time in Cameron's case and after it became clear that nobody would be able to do anything about it in Blair's circa 2002 or so, even if their intentions were anti-British

May is genuinely hopeless

It is a fair point to demonstrate thay pre and post war politics are different entities

However if you wish, I can easily argue that Powell's pre end of war anti-immigration views were well in place with his views of superiority over the indian continent with his comments on the keys of india being in London.

I agree with you that Powell was CIVIC, but I think his view of civicism was far different to the current view, but if he was alive today, then he would have adapted his view, as he did often before.

Fuck off cuck. Powell supported a lot of liberal shit


It's that horrible black spot in Brit/pol/ hours, where most of the NEETs have gone to bed but there are no wagies on either

Been awake all night again. Convinced it's fatal familial insomnia now.

>FFI has no known cure and involves progressively worsening insomnia, which leads to hallucinations, delirium, confusional states like that of dementia, and eventually, death

If you believed that you'd seek urgent medical help

Was Blair open about his objectives?

I mean I was actuallt in Afghanistan in 2011 and I would struggle to tell you why. (on a morally objective level)

I don't deny this, but I would argue he was fighting for ethnic britain's to have liberty and democracy, not mass immigrants.

I believe in Powell's view, Democracy and Free Market are workable in an

His actions as a cabinet minister was limited to support his party, this view is supported in how radical he became, almost over night, once he became shadow.

By which I mean a way to get diagnosed and be made comfortable, I get the whole "incurable" thing

>no fault divorce
Off yourself subhuman

>Was Blair open about his objectives
As much as he could possibly be considering he was an absolute idiot and was guided from the shadows by the likes of his kike overlord Mandelson. After Iraq he became a lot less "Education, Education, Education" / "THINGS" and more straightforward. By then a lot of his worst things had already been carried out though.

May is similar - Her Special Advisors guide her completely. They're more conservative than Blair's (though that's not saying much) but she's still inept as all hell

The worst part is that education and literacy aren't even good indicators for a prosperous society. Communists love education only because it lets them drone left-wing mantras into children and teach them to read the Communist Manifesto, everyone ITT should read "Spoilt Rotten! The Toxic Cult of Sentimentality" by Theodore Dalrymple, it's basically "MUH FEELS: The Book" from a conservative atheist(one of the few genuine ones I've seen)'s point of view. It has a chapter about why economic success leads to good education, but never the other way around

We all have point that we disagree on, I'm not a big dan of powells legalisation of gays, but thats diverting the argument.

>I'm not a big dan of powells legalisation of gays
Ah come on
I hate fags and even I concede that the state has no right in policing what goes on in a bedroom between two adults in a private sphere

There's a field and a half between making homosexual acts illegal and letting fags parade themselves and teach it to our kids, surely. The slippery slope is real but it's not that lubed-up

So you see Blair as a wilful puppet rather than a malevolent mastermind?

I would agree with that.

Absolutely. Peter Hitchens used to hang around with him and Blair seriously thought that people in Brazil spoke Brazilian

Nobody this stupid could have orchestrated, or fully understood what New Labour was doing

>no known cure
What's the point?

To stop you going mad alone and undrugged?

>I concede that the state has no right in policing what goes on in a bedroom

I agree, I was just highlight where me and powell disagree because I am essentially a powellaboo

>Brit/pol/ still not banned despite becoming more of a tripfag circle jerk more and more each day

Might be a laugh.

Unleash me on Sup Forums without my containment general and you will experience fresh hells the likes of which you have never seen

>and you will experience fresh hells the likes of which you have never seen
I think you might be going mad alone and undrugged.

>Peter Hitchens
Your hero is a jewish subhuman


So would you agree with my general opinion

Britain is beyond redemption, but not from conspiracy, but native incompetance

Eh, 60-40

Useful idiots are useful idiots but somebody needs to be using them


>not just going by Nicky or something
Some people just like things being more difficult than they have to be.

How could you " REALISTICALLY" see a redemption of Britain today.

You can't, the same way that you can't bring somebody back from the dead after they've been gone twenty years or more

Britain at the moment is a blank slate of secularism and degeneracy ripe for another culture to come and take it over, at the moment it obviously seems like Islam is going to be that driving force. A shame, but secularists who seriously thought that no religion can be a functioning belief system rather than a void waiting to be filled are to blame entirely for killing Christianity only to bend over backwards for something with far worse/more extreme traits just because it's anti-'British' in the traditional sense

The only redemption is unrealistic.

I wouldn't call Britain a "blank slate"

But I do agree unfortunately... the only major religion that has any chance, heck... a chance of taking over... is islam.

Atheism is dominant, but not authoritarian dominance, therefore if a nation is 30% Islamic and 70% Athiest, Islam will dominate.

I can't see any way today to reverse this


Just look at all the things Islam has achieved despite being 5-7% of the population. Most major supermarket meats are halal by default. Huge cultural dominance.

A majority of apathy submits to a minorty of extremism.

If this is this the case, we've already lost.

>lefties faces when they see the article just put up on the guardian saying that Corbyn agrees we're better out of the EU with controlled immigration

Glasgowfag here everyone on my twitter is already losing their shit

>If this is this the case, we've already lost.
Well then

It was always a recipe for disaster to have a 70s Old Labourite in charge of Labour while the majority of new members are 10s Green Party enthusiasts

Even though he's a cunt at least he believes in being sovereign while you destroy your country, which is more than can be said for Blairites

You agree?

Of course

buy one from one the cornershops

I'd argue you're not black pilled because you still care enough to shill

>I'm so based and enlightened that I need a jew to tell me what to think

You're thinking lebara/lyca. You have to order your giffgaff sim online.

Reckon I just like complaining
I do genuinely have no hope that Britain will ever become a conservative Christian country again

>>I'm so based and enlightened that I need a jew to tell me what to think
I bet you cry the same thing about Christians, you crazy pagan idiot
>Opinions = based and enlightened
You were a fun sideshow at first but you've turned into a right twat the last few days

Most are cucks
Citation needed

>I do genuinely have no hope that Britain will ever become a conservative Christian country again

Why do you put up with the LARPers here then?

Surely you jest? I call them out as I see them

Or rather this link is better;

LARP, LARPer, LARPing, etc etc

You call them out ns entertain in equal measure.

Lads, are the DUP fucked now?

Looks it

I never realised how third-world NI politics are, Wales isn't much better

Devolution was a total mistake