Mexican protestor slams into riot police with truck
His Name? Alberto El Stain
Hope the cops beat that wetback taco-nigger half to death when they caught him desu
>in b4 bootlicker
Like I care, I value the life of a police officer more than the life of a violent criminal.
>Like I care, I value the life of a police officer more than the life of a violent criminal.
Me too.
1/4 of the cops in a riot squad like that should have loaded carbines or shotguns for if a vehicle comes at them or someone lights a molotov.
It seems a lot of the Mexican protest threads have been sliding.
I'm not Mexican, nor do I have any Mexican friends m, but it looks like shit is starting to spiral out of control there.
Once people start using vehicles as assault trucks. Protestors will most definitely be shot and then things will get worse
Are you sure that it wasn't Samuel Hydnandez?
Ban ass salt trucks
Think of the children
These aren't Cops, they're cartel members who infiltrated and run the cops, known as "La Linea", they're violent extorters who don't police criminals and defend people, they're the arm of the cartel that shoots people and robs them, and any attempt of fighting back gets them put in front of a Judge who has the Cartel funding his family.
How can the country rid itself of these cartels?
It seems that armed revolution against the government would be a good idea then since it's basically run by Narcos
Ask the mormons who manage to keep the cartels out.
Guns. Illegally owned guns.
They need to kill the cartels first, then the government will be near empty, whatever wasn't outright cartel would then be weak and crippled, without it's income, without it's strength.
The whole thing needs a purge, anything more powerful than a taco salesman needs wiped out in Mexico, They've got too much too corruption ,running too deep, with too many cartels.
Short of a foreign invasion to fix them, they just need to guerilla every time they can, and then hold a hardcore militia line to keep them out. Choke them.
Hitting the borders and ports would be the most dangerous, but most efficient methods,cutting the cartels off from their supply (Guns from America/China, Drugs and trafficked humans to America) and would eb the fastest way to cripple them.
Was the driver imitating the trucks of peace or was it a Muslim???
>autodefensas on a nationwide scale
If only they had the 2nd amendment. Europeans sneer at us, but disarming your populace only works in small racially homogeneous nations with a military paid for by another country.
But it won't work. The Mexican culture is the problem. Mexico IS corruption. Mexico IS poverty.
You can't expect the dirtiest of spics to suddenly embrace white ideals.
Those threads were awesome. Cartels BTFO.
But our stupid goverment got on breaking them up instead of the narcos :(
some pissed off guy. they think he stole the truck.
they're selling the gas and water and giving themselves bonuses
They had that Templar cartel scurrying away like rats.
yep i agree kill that yellow truck having nigger
Can someone give me a tl;dr of what exactly is going on in Mexico? Is it really one big nationwide chimpout over gas prices?
Boy, you know what the US needs? 10 million more entitled goblins
BLM wishes they had the balls to achieve what Professor El Stain did.
goverment subsidies gas prices to keep shipping down and thus good economy
mexico deregulates because it cant take lowering peso in the sight of raising international gass prices
do what is needed to save economy de regulate
people retarded dont know shit abought politicss
nigger level rioting
stopping traffic further fucking up the economy
police uselesss
nigger moments like these
why don't spics in the us who claim to love mexico so much go fight for the militias?
shitskins chimping out
[cheering in mexican intensifies]
Hadrian's wall, Great Wall of China, Israel's wall... Precedents exist to keep savages out.
>bull testicles for drum mag, goat horn for curved magazine of ak47
Hmm I wonder if the country went full blown failed state could we "invade" and wipe out the cartels on the premise of providing stability to the government.
This is prob the only situation I could vouch for nation building since they share our border
Because they'd rather get welfare in a white nation. Why fight and die when you can get free fatty food and sell drugs all day?
why are mexicans pussies. when the guy ran over the cops they just stood there and ran away like pussies instead of forming a human shield in front of the car so the cops wouldn't shoot and then let the guy run over them a second time.
instead they started throwing rocks when the cops ran away.
Well you've invaded more peaceful countries under the guise of peacekeeping, so it wouldn't be unheard of. Shorter travel too.
Well, most narcos get away with killing normal people just because they have big guns, and we law abiding citizens are forbidden its use.
As Mexican you can get tiny revolvers and hunting rifles, but they have to be registered by the army and you can't use them to defend your life, your ´property, or you get to jail for murder. Like what hapenned to autodefensas
This. Only for the memes though.
I wouldn't trust any Mexican cop.
if anything the cops are gonna turn on the state if they are expected to keep putting up with this rioting, kind of like the uprising in romania back in the 1990s
Either bloody revolution, military dictatorship or genocidal invasion by Trumpist forces
so they're saying the situation will fall back into order (more or less for Mexico) and this has to do with the nationalization of the Mexican oil companies?
They want to bring America down to Mexico levels, not Mexico up to American standards.
Those who endlessly profess their love for Mexico and hate America, these are the people who go to Tijuana on weekends for the raves and concerts, and that's all they think Mexico is, one big party that's all good times with lower drinking ages and 12 year old prostitutes.
They do not care for the slums, the black outs, the cartels, they don't see it, or if they do, it's just "Because America took the rich part of Mexico" even though Mexico sits upon lots of oil, gold, and silver., and prime tourist spots.
Growing up in San Diego, I met the four generations of Mexicans.
1st Gen immigrant was often a decent guy, knew Mexico was shit and that's why they left. Worked hard to provide for their family.
2nd Gen was a wild card, they could have second hand experience through their parents, and regarded Mexico as "Not great", but to a lesser extent, or they could be like...
3rd gen, often goes to Tijuana to party, hates America, blames America for all of Mexico's problems, and will often scream "The border crossed us, my family has lived here longer than you!" even though they have roots in Mexico city. Demands America give back land to Mexico, promotes "La Raza" and cheers when cartels kill Americans.
Then there's the "Been here since California became a state" Mexicans, who are often bros that hate the 3rd gen Mexicans. Actually lived here longer than most people, and votes red because they like America, and does not want to go to Mexico to live. If they do visit Mexico, it's usually to Mexico City or further south, to visit family.
They gonna topple this government before wall building commences?
Mitt Romneys Mormon family is in Mexico holdin it down
Hype this is getting a sequel.
No armed proxy army btw.
We need to send real troops with accountability to end Narco tyranny.
It would be a bad move to arm Mexican militias as they would just fight each other and have no accountability.
Secure and fortify the border and push south.
Drive the cartels out
I hope they shoot the fucker, let him burn for its sins.
> 80% of Mexico will burn for this desu
Defund the cartels
Sicarrio was a great movie.
Mexico can be a stable developing nation if the government would do its fucking job.
Narco cartels are equally as bad as ISIS and a real and present Danger in all the border states.
It absolutely can't.
Mexico is lost and anybody sperging a child out there directly hates its firstborn by letting it grow up in a country that is lost beyond ever saving.
Reset before rebuild.
well hello guise wuts happening here
Just stop making children of which people KNOW they have no future.. These kids are the ones ending up in such cartels.
My grandfather used to say it: "For one who wants to save a country like Africa should send condoms instead of food / money"
I hope the police are alright but this has been a long fucking time coming. Trump coming into power and telling everyone America isn't going to take their horseshit anymore means the powers that be are frightened.
Gas prices are soaring and the government is crossed between keeping the narcos happy and trying to appear in control. No longer can Mexico funnel their shitty economic situation into the US as a relief valve. Now they will have to stand on their own feet and defeat the corrupt leaders in power.
The most ironic thing is Trump will not only make America great, it will force Mexico to become great or wither and die.
autodefensas just turned into a cartel once they kicked out the old cartel
Mexico is corrupt as fuck. What they really need is a selfless leader who will clean out the shit without trying to enrich himself the whole time. Basically they need a Mexican George Washington. Instead they keep ending up with Mexican versions of Trump which is why the country is so shitty.
So I should not have childrens? Maybe I can go to your country and get a waifu there
Now is the perfect time to invade, push all the Mexicans south, start mass deportations, build a wall and demilitarized zone.
Rough few years but let's do it!
So I'm raising a black children?
>How can the country rid itself of these cartels?
Mexico is diseased, rotten to the core.
Do not get kids if you know they will live an unsafe life, du'h.
If you love children so much then you should at least consider in what kind of world you are putting him/her into.
And I do not mind Mexicans coming here, I have met a bunch and they were true bro's.
But I do hate cartels as much as I hate ISIS. My unreachable wish is to torture a guy like Chapo to death by bare hands how much I fucking truly, deeply innerly HATE such inhuman gar-bage. There will be no hell bad enough to store its trial of a certain 'soul'.
the same way USA got rid of the mafia, you don't we need cisen to control them or takeover another solution would be to legalize all drugs so degenerates can pump in tourist money
Look at this article from 2012, these guys are literally an insurgent force and the Mexican army and government has been incapable of defeating them and it is to our detriment.
The daily reminder, that Race is just a Social construct.
Sup Sup Forums, am I white?
As white as me brother.
literally this.
the way dutch dude feels about el chapo is the exact opposite of how mexicans feel about him. el chapo is seen as an anti-hero and they love him.