Why should I live with libcucks, trannies, and shitskins when I could be living /innawoods/ alone with a Slavic QT making white babies?
Give me one good reason not to move right where the grey pin is
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>Pic related
No civilization for miles, nothing but me and nature.
Because it's a nature reserve and it's illegal to settle there. Learn to read, dinner.
I meant nigger.
Because the war is at home Paleface
>implying anybody would ever notice me
>Because it's a nature reserve
>Area: 6.602 million mi2
really? I may be a bit prejudice, but I don't really see Russians as tree huggers. More than likely force people to not live in the middle of bumfuck no where so they can funnel labor to the factories.
Let say you sneak in. Eventually the someone would see the smoke from your fire and you would get caught.
Also if you get sick you die there.
>implying you have enough experience to survive there
You dont even speak Russian.
You want to run away from your problems.
Have you honestly looked up the process to become a citizen of another country?
Because now I know where you live. With only one person to kill I can easily take all of your shit without anyone ever knowing I killed you.
it's -25F now
That's amazing.
I always wonder if they drop Special Ops Guy off in place like that, and he has to find his way back. With nothing.
>t. climatecuck
People were sent to this location to die from the cold, lack of food and shelter.
Well dress warmly. You won't be needing to learn Russian though, because you might find an accasional Chukchi.
You want to get fucked by a bear?
Because that's how you get fucked by bear.
1. Because its cold as fuck. I'd rather live with sjws crying about trump and stomping their feet than to freeze my nuts off.
2. See #1
3. I wont be able to make fun of sjws if I'm the only person within 1000 miles.
>Interdimensional Yetis
>ETs love isolated woodlands - no one to see you abducted
>Reptoids known to have tunnel openings throughout Siberia
Good luck fag
>wanting to live in samsquatch country
They'll smell you out from miles away and gangrape your human asspussy untill you can't walk.
Is there wifi there
>reason not to go there
What is this terrain called? Taiga?
Are there any pictures/videos taken on the ground here?
I work in -19f, its managleable so long as you have the right clothing and keep active. Not saying it would be nice to live like that but if you had a nice small cave lined with bearskins and a fire pit you might get through the nights.
Less than americans/europe but more than china/brazil/india and other developing countries.
looks like a train
Permafrost/no internet
Montana is better
>english speaking
>non slavic white
Thats in lebanon, user.
>developing countries
is like calling retarded people "special"
It's a technical term.
youll be ok until the wild cheeki breeki invasion in the middle of night innawoods.
You were warned OP
What's innawoods? I'm new.
That's the opening shot from The Shining. The camera even pans around to that little island.
Wasnt Russia giving away a few acres of land for each citizen away for free in the Eastern Provinces? You'd have to get citizenship first though
I wish all you fucking americuck retards that are in love with Russia would leave already.
t.hillary voter
Was it HER TURN user?
that's too far north
but this lady has been living alone in siberia for decades
fuck this guy has it rough
She will more likely be mongoloid there.
>i lived alone 27 years
>I receive helicopter shipment every other week
Who pays for that?!
Europe, by buying gas from Gazprom, Lukoil and so on.
then move faggot
>Polar day
>fishing 24/7