Do you like it when someone speaks your language in a strong American accent?

Do you like it when someone speaks your language in a strong American accent?

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i don't like it when americans speak american with an american accent

What a cute haircut.

Insert mildly funny but probably just rude comeback about Australian stereotypes here

That mother's voice is obnoxious.


it is really patronizing

You don't like it because it means your girls are about to get starred and striped.

Hearing an American in the wild is like tuning antennas in the ears. You guys sound fucking ridiculous.

Oh yes, aussie, WE sound ridiculous.

If any foreigner at all manages to speak my language, I don't give a fuck what their accent is.

Why do women talk to little kids like robots imitating happiness? I remember all of my teachers up to 2nd or 3rd grade sounding like this. Pisses me off



As a half poo in loo that's been my experience when attempting to speak Hindi. They are happy that you just attempt nevermind accent.

>Why do women talk to little kids like robots imitating
Because they don't have real emotions like people do.

It's something you pick up because your mom did it, her mom did it, etc. etc.

I try not to do this but I still catch myself using the 'mom voice' when talking to my younger cousins who aren't so little anymore.

>speaking German
>not arabic
absolutely haram. Stone this bitch

Once seen some dude
>Tu-tu-tulaling laik dees
I though it was a literally downie potato retard that cant speak for shit. It took me a long while to figure out it was a foreigner who is trying to speak Russian I thought it was a legit retard or stroke victim.

Actually broken Russian makes me cringe a lot.

That's what they are literally doing, but the point is that kids at that age don't notice when you are faking emotions so you can utilize that, e.g. to give them positive feedback and encourage good behavior / support the learning process.

Imagine how your English sounds to all burgers around here then.

>there are "people" that weren't born American
>there are "people" that have a first language that isn't English


As far as non-American "people" go, Russians are pretty good.

You don't know much about us, do you.

I wipe my ass with the American flag and there is nothing you will do about it

I know enough to know you're better than most non-Americans.

That's probably not a good idea, since the flag was probably made in China and has all sorts of chemicals and manufacturing residue in it you don't want anywhere near your boyhole.

Same thing with the nasty shit they have in the burgers you scarf down after sitting on your ass six hours a day watching football

I thought the same as you friendo, then I visited the place. I think every Russian has within them some innate ability to be a con artist. I used to wonder how a white country is in such a state, then I understood.

>every Russian has within them some innate ability
This alone puts them above 90% of non-Americans.

Don't mind accents. Just get the grammar right, that gets under my skin.

Probably not. They say we talk with a nasally accent.

So, imagine if everyone talked with Minnesota/Michigan/Upstate New York accents.

That is how sound to them.

I had a russian friend once, he was pretty cool
He was REALLY passionate about his country though, not like it's a bad thing

does this include Randomly capitalizing?

That's pretty brutal.

Russian women sound pretty hot.


Was he the 3rd person you saw on your island? Where the fuck are you from

I kinda like it when non-whites speak with a strong Australian accent, especially if they know how to swear and banter like a suck cunt.

Only because you still have those teen Russian spy bdsm fantasies :^)

Really sweet little girl. Too bad she will become a roastie in the future. Well, a bilingual one.

We Americans have money and cash literally up to our eyeballs. Our poorest state, West Virginia, has a higher median income than Britain.

We are in the same league as Switzerland and Norway. And it's even starker when you consider our huge Nigger problem.

>overpaid, over sexed, and over here



Me no speak inglishh

I prefer it. Anything else makes my penis mad.


Yeah but you're an American

When I hear Aussie kids speaking with an American accent it really bothers me.

How do I not fake emotion, lads? I am really self-conscious of how fake I am desu baka

> Aussie kids speaking with an American accent

How do you know it isn't an American speaking?

Because they speak with a regular Australian accent but some words are pronounced with a murkin accent. If I had to guess I'd just say its a result of consuming too much US media.

Also they say "zee" instead of "zed".

just speak genuinely

that make sense. All the good TV shows are from America. Maybe you should make better TV shows and movies

>just speak genuinely
But then I'm a cunt.

When I was a kid we had more British stuff on TV than US stuff.

I dunno, take acting classes. the woman in the video probably took no classes

I know, it was awful. I had to use subtitles on everything

oh you

British TV was infinitely superior

The girl is cute. CUTE! Would adopt.

Actually speaking of subtitles let me ask you and your countrymen something.

Lately with US TV and film I've found myself having to use subtitles more and more because so many cunts mumble and try to do the deep, low talking, edgy bullshit and I can't understand a single fucking word they're saying.

Is it just me?

i don't mind it

Not really. The languages are very different.

>counts her anglo fingers
Helmut, get the gas.

> so many cunts mumble and try to do the deep, low talking, edgy bullshit

I can't watch British television without subtitles because of this. Actors will
> mumble their lines very quietly to seem ACTORY
> speak very quickly to seem INTELLIGENT
> distort their voice to seem QUIRKY

it doesn't help if the soundtrack is REALLY REALLY LOUD so you can't even hear the voices

> so many cunts mumble and try to do the deep, low talking, edgy bullshit and I can't understand a single fucking word they're saying.

Are you me.
That shit is literally the only reason I use subtitles this days.

It's funny when an American tries to tackle the way we say our R.


please don't make fun of people learning languages

I don't hear an accent tbqh senpai

Yes, it's very cute and American girls are extremely easy.

i once saw an iraq vet trying to speak arabic and i laughed so hard my sides ran away

The only language people need to know is the American language of do what we say or we will topple your nation

>Anglos fucking Anglos
I don't see the problem

Listen again at 'Ich', 'deutsch' and 'sprechen'.

The numbers are also with a slight accent, especially 'fünf', 'sechs' and 'acht'.

So anything with the 'ch' sound and 'ü'.

Disgusting accent

Its hilarious. Look up Keith Baker

Straya cunt

>American accent
Which one?

I doubt many Americans know we exist or what our native language is called.

some American gamer?

Jerais, or something. Only know because my area has/had its own French dialect in a similar fashion.

It's flattering if they are genuine about it

Correction- it's Keith Bakker

That's a kawaii accent


What a weird language, sounds like a The Sims version of german.

I didn't know the Boltons were real

King Nigger put a dick in our economy. His war on coal took away 80,000 six figure jobs in 3 years. Mine included..

Obama says you should get a job in computers or information technology. Your rebuttal?

What the fuck are you watching? And do you mean like Christian Bale Batman tier deep mumbling, or just deeper than normal day to day speech? I haven't noticed it.

I've heard it tons of times, our language is very easy to learn.

I got a job in a refinery. I would like to have a compsci degree though desu

Complacency is death. Besides, isn't spanish the fastest growing language in your country?