Why are some Sup Forumsacks unironically monarchist? Why should a 3 year-old incest vegetable be able to hold any power whatsoever?
Why are some Sup Forumsacks unironically monarchist...
Somme faggot from Saskatchewan earlier was crying that we French Canadians do not love their queen.
because they think tradition for traditions sake is real conservatismâ„¢
A monarch is bred to lead. They cannot be bought or sold, like elected leaders.
jesus christ
Except, should I have the numbers and power, I can walk into Buckingham palace and kill the royal family and carry on my days uncontested as a royal who cannot be charged of crime.
Fucking retard. Rent income from the palace is the only thing making the royals worth keeping. Anyone who suggests otherwise is a dictator loving faggot who supports a false figurehead.
t. Godless burger
Our country is a living lesson why monarchist rule is absolutely necessary and why British style monarchism/rule is the only functional governing system on the planet.
Are you high? Do you understand how cancerous this country is? Do you understand how little the monarchy plays a role in the countries governing?
thinks that parliament runs anything
Wouldn't that be true of literally any government, though?
At least with a monarch you have a non-political HoS.
Someone please give the hand-body template from this meme
> he hasnt figured out that the modern (((liberal/democratic/egalitarian/secular))) state is just a honeypot for a materialist bourgeoisie
wew lad
>shades of cock
You have a popularity contest every 4 years? Obongo was able to win... He learnt how to be president on the job. He's not allowed to do it for more than 8 years?
It takes longer to get good at menial jobs.
You give the reigns of power to a glorified intern who wins the American Idol style vote and swallows the most jew cum.
You've literally been governed for EIGHT years by the Hawaiian born son of a miscegenating whore and one of our low colonial subjects from deepest darkest Africa! Obongo's mum REE-married a muslim!
If the mother of our future head of state so much as thought about marrying a muslim, the crown would arrange for her to accidentally die in some Parisian tunnel by mistake.
Any system of government other than monarchy is a profoundly jewish anti-nationalist experiment that relies on the liberal meme 'that we're all equal so MOVE OVER WHITEY!'
Monarchy is the best form of government to preserve the liberty of the individual and family
also, tradition and national interests.
Uk's monarchy is only here to maintain the biggest tax havens of the world (aka British Overseas Territories).
Thats the only job of the queen.
Because an elected head of state cannot truly represent the whole country.