How do MEN who saw the most fucked up shit during war come back to this fairy tail bullshit and be sane

How do MEN who saw the most fucked up shit during war come back to this fairy tail bullshit and be sane

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They don't. That's why they kill themselves or crack and go on murder sprees of the indoctrinated NORMIE sheep

>how do men who got high on opiates and fucked prostitutes as part of their daily combat experience ever recover

My grandpa fought in WW2, my dad said he would wake up screaming even decades after the war. He saw men be eviscerated in the worst ways possible.

We don't.

Ypu mean from the meme war?

>a whole generation of pol/lacks scarred for life

>fairy tail

Platoon was based on experiences of real soldiers. The only thing that was wrong with the movie was that all of those things happened in a short time frame to the same people.

My question is this: Men need conflict as a cheap and easy source of purpose. War tends to bring out the best in men. But yet, war also destroys men, or at least wounds their minds deeply. So we are like moths to a flame.

It seem cruel, but I believe evolution rewards us for a high sex drive and desire to fight - but expects us to promptly fuck-off and die in our mid to late twenties. It seems like the happiest men are the ones that fight, fuck, fight some more, form brotherhood in arms, and then die instantly from a bullet to the head.

WWII I hardly ever heard anyone bitch about. Same with korean war. Vietnam war veterans and onward are pussies, relatively.

best lesson I learned about war was hearing about my great grandfather dodging WWI and how for the rest of his life he had prodigious amounts of pussy because all the other men were dead or crippled. He was a profiteer in WW2 when that rolled around and died a wealthy man. I even read about how he got arrested for blackmarketeering and how he came in with a briefcase full of cash and paid the $10,000 fine (1944 dollars) in full and walked out the door. My most redpilled relative. Anyone who fights in a war is an imbecile. Same shit happens whoever wins and they just use you to get money and power anyway.

Thought about both m8. Spent the first four months subconsciously planning what I'd do if the people around me started trying to kill me, like where I'd move for cover. It took me over a year until the shooting adrenaline wouldn't come from seeing a trash bag or something in the road.


My grandfather didn't.

He always did his duty but when he came back, he was very different.

I'm adding you to my collection.

yeah. all these faggots talking about "love" trumping hate, where is the love for white men who fought for your country?

oh right, left leaning women only care about brown dick and the men are all cucks

Congrats, you and your great grand daddy are exploitative cowards
I don't really blame you though, I would feel that way if I were Canadian too

>Spent the first four months subconsciously planning what I'd do if the people around me started trying to kill me, like where I'd move for cover
Don't people do this normally? I'm not in the military, I'm just constantly thinking of possible violent scenarios and what I would do in response. IE see a guy walking towards you, imagine what gun/knife he could be carrying and how to kill him.

They don't.

Physical labor is very important. Keeps your mind and body busy. A year of physical labor can soothe most mental illnesses


>WWII I hardly ever heard anyone bitch about. Same with korean war.
That's because you weren't even born yet faggot
OP answer is that they just ignore society and it ignores them right back

There's not much nobility in war, and brotherhood is just keeping each other alive in a fucked up terrible situation. Cases in point:

Nobility was pretty far from my mind when a stupid little kid, maybe 10 years old, fired a rocket at us. Flew over our heads. There wasn't much nobility in that, and there wasn't much nobility in tearing him apart with fire. He literally looked like he was spilling his spaghetti before he hit the ground.

I wasn't happy soaked in my friend's blood, and one of the last things he did was scream for me to let him die because, despite every thing else, the tourniquet I was putting on him hurt the most.

It just sucks. You go to a terrible place, and you try to keep each other alive. You do boring things, and nothing happens, but at any moment you can die. Or you hear artillery, and you know that any moment you can be hit. But you just wait, and wait, and wait.

Almost none of them are ever the same again. Most of them wake up in the middle of the night after experiencing night terror.

My dad was conscripted in Vietnam. Don't know how he does it, but he watches/reads a lot of shit related to Vietnam.

Absolutely disgusting.

Human kind has never lived as long as they do now also. Litterally all of mankind's history people have basicly had a life expectancy of 28 years old. Archeologists have determined modern man has existed for 100-200 thousand years. The last say 100 years where people's life expectancy as hugely increased is totally not the norm and I have to wonder if this is why we have so many problems in the world today. This also ties into what you say about us having a hard time finding purpose in older age

Your grandfather was basically America in human form.

By America, you mean Switzerland.

You should be ashamed of him and of of yourself.

I think the reason is that WW2 was a real peoples war and not some (((military adviser))) policing mission.

A homefront actually existed and people did not forget about the war that was going on abroad (or for Europe right in front of your home).

Now Vets come back into our violence shunning pussy society and nobody understands them; we basically think of them as less civilized beings.

My grandfather killed several americans and did not get PTSD or anything

>A leaf
>Spiritually Jewish great grandfather

Colour me fucking surprised

Viet Nam was way different from WWII.

>go fight for a very clear cause
>open combat, front lines move up
>clear goals get achieved
>come home on boat ride with your GI buddies
>get heroes welcome
>settle down to awesome factory job and 5 kids

Viet Nam
>go fight for vague reasons
>guerrillas who you can't catch harass you daily, spend more days in combat than any other conflict
>no goals in sight, get orders to basically run in circles
>fly home, suddenly you go from the jungle to civ life
>get spit on and called baby killer, publicly hated
>can't settle down, it's the 70's and the economy sucks and crime is at an all time high

We sent these guys in with no clear goal, and when they got home their country was all fucked up and backwards by the counter culture. If I was in Viet Nam I'd go Travis Bickle as soon as I got home.

It's age.

WWII soldiers were averaging 30 years old; They had a decade of adult life to anchor them: wives and children, homes and buisnesses.

When we started trick... I mean training teenagers to go shoot the "wrong" democracies, they ended up normalizing war as the standard state of their life.

A lot of them adapted, some of them cracked, and a few shattered.

That's something of an exaggeration from the movies that all the Vietnam soldiers did was do drugs and fuck prostitutes.

The majority of men who were deployed to Vietnam were volunteers, not conscripts. It wasn't just a bunch of draftees sitting around base and fucking whores and doing drugs. Most of the time they were out on patrol, in the field for weeks, months at a time even. Only the most undisciplined soldiers (read: niggers) were the ones doing drugs and fucking prostitutes all the time.

I would spend 6 months in iraq or afghan over St.Athan for 6 days. I'm out now but the 8 years I was in was great.

The only people who get PTSD are the goys who use terms like 'civvie street' and 'R&R'.

lots of video games and pot. overnight/graveyard shift work. avoid everyone.

Not to mention that elderly care takes a huge part of developed countries budgets. Not only the housing and living, 70% of the people using medical services are elderly.

>my grandfather killed several americans.
I salute him.

At least from the American perspective, I think Vietnam was the turning point.

WWII was full mobilization, and people believed in the cause. Everyone walked around all day every day thinking about the war effort. Of course, the government had a tight lockdown on information, and propaganda was in swing.

In Vietnam, we started out thinking it was full mobilization, gung ho, except war video was broadcast on television. People would sit down and watch the fighting, and they'd see the blood and the hell of it. As a result, the people turned against the war and started protesting.

Nowadays, we don't do propaganda against our own citizens to a significant degree (only because we can't get away with it), and we don't want the people to turn on the government and start protesting, so they keep it under wraps. Modern America has mastered the art of fighting a war without making it apparent to the average citizen.

Wouldn't be a war thread without a salty bitchboy Brit talking shit

This no joke, relative went to Iraq, fought in Fallujah, Killed people, lost friends and was dangerously close to IED's.
>literally committed suicide

What the fuck are those?

We don't. We always remember, we get angry when people bitch about things that don't involve life limb or eyesight.

Every day I wish I never came back. There are days I'm concerning suicide but, that wouldn't help my country.... when I go it will be protecting my flag like taking a .308 to knock off hillary.

It's just another war zone for them.

He was a paratrooper, he is 91 now.

This generation was fucking tough, my grandma is 89 and both refuse to die


Iraq and Afghanistan were a big fucking mistake anyways.

German generals were hanged for this in Nuremberg.
Cheney and Rumsfeld should hang as well.

They wasted thousands of lves of young Americans for a lie they created to personally enrich themselves and further Israels geopolitical interests and get away with it. Its a big joke actually

There's also the famous study from after WWII that concluded that 85% of soldiers wouldn't fire at a person even to save their own life. They'd fire above, posturing. It's like in bar fights. People aren't snapping arms and pulling out eyeballs. They want to hurt the person enough that they'll submit without actually crippling or even really hurting them.

Rattlesnakes will bite anything except other rattlesnakes. Vicious fuckers, but when rattlesnakes fight rattlesnakes they don't bite, they wrestle. Animals don't like killing their own.

Modern training is partly real training and mostly training so that you will kill. That you won't try and get them to give up, or run away. That you'll think of them as less than human and shoot to kill.

this is bullshit. Life expectancy has increased mainly because infant mortality went down. That always brought down the average lifespan. If you lived to be 5 in medieval times, you had good odds of living to see 70 as well. Most people just never reached 5...

>"wrong" democracies
Democracies are wrong when they ally themselves with the Soviet Union, constantly attack an allied country, and aren't a democracy at all.

Weird that your grandfather fought and killed Americans; my grandfather fought and killed Germans; and now we're both goodposting on a Icelandic carpet cleaning dry erase board.

Let's be on the same side next time.

He didnt hate them, he was friends with an american Major and went skeet shooting (or was it trap? idk) with him til he went back to the US in the early 60s.

He just did what he believed was right, he volunteered out of school after Stalingrad.

WW2 was probably the last nail in the coffin of European people worldwide, your Soldiers could not have know if you keep in mind how many people are still ignorant today when the internet is available.

On commission one of the first things I presented to my captain was to train everyone in jujutsu/street fighting. Everyone is conditioned to throw haymakers. There is no honour in war, if you have to kick or stab someone in the balls you do it. Anything to win the situation, you can lie and make up whatever story after.

It.was and still feels odd taking someones life. How they die like people in old western films. But he would of done the same to me so fuck it.

Civvie street is where you go once you leave the army. R and r is rest and recuperation. Rarely used here. We just say leave or depending on the deployment the type of leave.

Many of them don't...

Woah, thanks for sharing

they dont. look at charlie sheen, he acted in a vietnam war movie and now look at him. the only thing positive going for him is HIV

Yes cunts. Global nationalist collective political party when

Fuggen dig it. Functional multiculturalism at work!

Yeah, my grandfather grew up on a farm in Missouri. Every thing was about the war, so he joined. You were a total dirtbag if you didn't. He was just a young rural guy who, next thing you know, was plopped down in Europe.

He fought there, and was injured when a piece of shrapnel jumped up and bit him on the ass. He never had anything against Germany after the war. From his later years after I was born, you'd never know he fought there unless if you didn't already.

I kind of wish i had their life.

Life back then appeared simple and honest compared to life of today


Real surprise.

They don't



Where'd you go? And yeah, not to go all jingoist, but they're weak. Skinny arms, frail, and just weak. I never got into hand to hand combat, but I shoved a guy off me who was getting grabby, and he fell back six feet on his ass.

Sure thing, it feels kind of good, actually. I don't really talk about it ever.

I know what you mean. His life really was simple. Left the farm, went to Europe, came back, got married, stayed in the Army, and had children. After 20 years he retired from the Army and went in to other government work. When he retired from that, he was getting two pensions.

He'd bought a house as a young man, paid it off in a couple of years, and when he sold it, he made enough from the sale to buy a condo in downtown Washington DC with cash and still have over $100,000 to put in his pocket. It just all seems so easy.

I don't know what to do. I'm thinking about joining the French Foreign Legion. Just drop every thing I know and go fight Boko Haram in Africa. Check back in five years from now with dual citizenship and see where the world is.

>trading American citizenship for french citizenship


What I wish is that there were some islands left to explore and colonize...

To me this life just feels boring and kind of like that humans or at least europeans passed their zenith

we don't.

We have church records and loads of historical documents going back to Egypt even. 70+ was no rare age. Sure, accidents and plagues hit hard, but so does obesity today.

What said is 100% true.

From communities of monks we know that their life expectancy reached todays.

> I’ve killed so many people I’ve lost count. I can never come back from this. I’m a monster. I can feel the anger inside me. But somewhere inside me, I’m still more than that. Better than that…

Any video for that gif? That was pretty amazing.

Do war survivors ever go back to there countries only to be bitched out by cucks or do they retire in other countries?

A lot of war veterans retire here

Nah, I wouldn't give up my US citizenship; I'd just have both. I like Europe and all, but I'm gonna keep this whole American thing in my back pocket at the least.

I just want an adventure. I'd go work in Antarctica if they had a job for me. French Foreign Legion seems pretty based. It's tough and would totally change my life completely.

>and one of the last things he did was scream for me to let him die because, despite every thing else, the tourniquet I was putting on him hurt the most.
Fuck me. That hit me like a brick.
I wish the best for you, user.

Honestly, they generally come back with a different perspective, and many have PTSD due to traumatic incidents. Basically, if you imagine a scale of suckness from 1-10 (10 being the absolute worst), the average American only really sees as high as 6 or 7, so their scale is 1-6 or so. Meanwhile, a combat veteran has watched people die and faced his own mortality, so he sees the world as it actually is in that 1-10 range.

They didnt.

Thanks bro. I'm doing okay, better than a lot of people. About once a month I just kind of sit alone and think. It sounds kind of silly, but I think of it as like some dad in the 60s, going into his study and just spacing out, thinking about stuff. I don't really talk about it ever. "I don't know if I killed anyone. I shot at people, but who knows if any of it hit," and of course everyone I know who died "died instantly, as soon as it hit."

Guy who did restrepo and was embedded with soldiers in Afghanistan did a recent book on that. The paradox that war brings out some of the best intimacy and egalitarian brotherhood in men but it's also miserably tragic and suffering. He made a point to consider that our PTSD rates are higher than in the past despite less soldiers actually seeing combat (or even necessarily indirect combat like mortar strikes). The idea being it's that sharp divide of the miltiary camaraderie and sense of purpose and community to our current 21st century hyper-individualism with at best the internet replacing the old school ties of community vets had up until the 1960s.

If you could survive past the birth and early years you had a pretty good chance of getting to yuour 60s and 70s. If you were a woman then it was a bit less so because of the dangers of pre-modern birthing.

I'm really fucking amazed that we even survived as a species with how apparently brutal our infant mortality and how susceptible to diseases we are in our early years. I am pretty sure 50% mortality before you turn 18 is a more modest estimation for a lot of the past.

Doing heroin had nothing to do with discipline. It was largely soldiers self-medicating for PTSD or the fact that they were in such a shitty environment.

>Litterally all of mankind's history people have basicly had a life expectancy of 28 years old.
Stop repeating this fucking myth. If you survived into your teens, you could expect to live into your 60s or 70s.

But yeah. I don't know. I tried to save his life, and if I had he would have thanked me, and I would have given him shit about it. "This motherfucker wanted me to leave him there. Let me die! Let me die! Lol, yeah right, dude owes me twenty bucks."

But no, he's dead. Begged me to stop, with every twist. I told him to fuck off and kept going, because I was sure I was saving his life. And then he was gone.

Dear Sup Forums have there been any thread on the killer at ft lauderdale reporting that the CIA INFILTRATED HIS FUCKING MIND AND MADE HIM WATCH ISIS VIDEOS

KEK. Based leaf.

I do that as well, mainly if a nigger is in the vicinity and tries to get fesity, basically easiest quickest way to neutralize situation.

He jewed the jews, good one.

when these things comes out the media always run with something that seems crazy but think of youtube recommend feature if the CIA tweaked that could they program someone into having certain view

> and that just the top of my head there is more to this than some crazy with PTSD

>Socrates died approximately in his 70s
>of poison
>retarded leaf thinks people dying at 28 for thousands of years was "normal"

>Don't people do this normally?
No, but Sup Forumsacks and /k/ommandos do

name of the book?

I don't think we have a love hate relationship with war, more so that civilizations that got tired of war grew too comfortable and were later brought down by their own lassitude. Hard times breed hard men. It's a failure to use our greatest characteristic as a species: our capacity to adapt.


You did all you could that day

I don't know the book but the author is talking about is named Sebastian Junger

>his great grandfather didn't fight for the jew

Much respect user. Your a good man. Wish I could sit down and have a couple of pints with you.

Most don't. War psychologically ruins men. A few may be sociopath enough that it doesn't damage them and they can move on but they are already psychologically not 100%. Most that are damaged can get to a state of barely being able to function, self medicating with alcohol and other drugs, having a good social support network and a job that keeps them busy but they'll still have nightmares, might still have panic attacks from hearing fireworks unexpectedly (4th of july you usually expect it so it's not so bad), and if they're drunk or streseed they might have issues with fugues (take off running into the night and get lost), anger management issues, and it can ruin relationships, family, jobs, etc.

Some never get to a functional state. They're ruined forever.


They do. Pick any Sup Forums poster from ex-USSR country and ask him about his grandfathers.Imagine a huge country where, at 1945, 80% of able-bodied men were combat veterans. If they were not to recover, the society would be lost.

#1. It's the only thing that feels "real" anymore after you come back from combat. The civilian world feels fake and fragile. Things that you used to enjoy like playing sports or playing video games in competitive modes are no longer fun because it doesn't feel like real competition if they're still alive when you win and can talk trash to you. The only competition that matters anymore is war.

#2. It helps to see things from others who shared your experiences but from their perspective. Knowing you're not the only one who saw this kind of misery helps.


>WWII was full mobilization, and people believed in the cause. Everyone walked around all day every day thinking about the war effort.
Good, then you rightfully inherited this kind of society you live in today: Weimar 2.0 thanks to (((someone))).

This will totally be me once WW3 breaks out. Invest in AI startups while you can fellas.



Respect user, You're a great guy, I wish You all the best and hapiness.

> he was nothing more than a coward