Would you wear makeup if society didn't judge you for it?

Would you wear makeup if society didn't judge you for it?

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i rly want to uninstall snapchat cuz all the stories are liberal sjw propaganda



I seem to be depressed and taking a spiral downturn through degeneracy at this moment, so at this time I probably would.
>tfw considering crossdressing in private
>tfw started getting into tranny porn for the dicks not the tits
>tfw would probably transition if I could still reproduce afterwards, if it didn't bring shame upon my family, and if I knew I wouldn't regret it
Save me Sup Forums, I think I might have caught the gay


Way too much effort.

Shaving alone kills me.

there's only one cure, user

This. I'm not going to spend time and money, especially if the goal is to draw attention to myself.

But I thought Pence had an effective cure?

i already do, i wear mascara every day and sometimes i put on some concealer type stuff under my under eyes

say what you want but i look pretty fuckin cute

ahahah idgaf what Sup Forums thinks! i'm happy while you're miserably shitposting on a knitting enthusiast board about bbc

I'd wear war paint made from the blood of dead shitskins.

no you fucking faggot delete this fucking thread

>lying about your facial structure
>lying about the condition of your skin
>lying about the shape of your eyes and color of your lips
never drop to female standards


A man makes up for flaws with his efforts. Not by applying a product to their face.

Force yourself to nofap for awhile. Then try fapping to pictures of women clothed or not. You may find that psychologically you'll feel that it isn't doing it for you....then your dick will erupt a lot harder than it did when you fapped to trannys and you will be left wondering "what the fuck?" Fetishes are psychological, but ultimately your dick responds naturally to biological urges.

t. former tranny fapper that became disillusioned by radical feminists, but ultimately realized that my physical life is not just my own, and that I must shoulder the responsibility of ensuring my DNA continues to thrive in the gene pool

You're not happy, tranny
If you were happy you wouldn't have said you were for no reason
Fuck off


I'm fairly certain that the makeup companies are pushing this to get more customers.

i can't be happy because your not? i know this is a strawman but that's all i can really respond with after reading your retarded generalization.

I just posted because every once in awhile it's good to post something outside of the circle jerk is it not?

Sup Forums sometimes doesn't realize their ways of lives aren't the only ways to be happy. everyone is different...that's all

yeah I don't use it for anything other than sending my friends something gross or otherwise incriminating

in time

>I can't be happy because your not?

You're the retard making the generalization by misunderstanding the context, because your modus operandi is to go on the defensive while being passive aggressive.

The obvious contextual understanding that you failed to grasp is that those who are truly happy, do not feel the need to announce said happiness because by announcing said happiness it becomes contextually that your happiness derives from shoving your happiness in those you see in your perspective as unhappier than you are, faces. Which is not true happiness since it depends on the actions of others.

Don't even bother replying because your previous reply already reveals your true nature, and what actually drives your happiness.

Thanks user.
To be clear I wasn't saying that tranny's are my number one go to fap material, just that when I did watch the occasional tranny video I was more interested in the dick than I am comfortable with. JOI videos are probably my biggest kink right now. Anyways, I'll try and nofap for awhile.

Maybe I can redeem myself and make the God Emperor proud one day by finding an appropriately qt slav wife and produce 2.5 kids with her.

No. I look better than 98% of people anyway.

Fucking so sick of seeing Kylie Jenner and her nig boyfriend on this shit.

No. I hate women who do it too. Nothing but a lie.


I hated since the beginning of my life to put things/creme on my skin. I cant stand it. It is disgusting. I can not imagine how one could bare to use this shit in summer and sweat under a layer of literally crude oil.

Nigga I can seek online therapy from a bunch of racist shitposters and stay informed at the same time


There's something weird and uncanny about it. Like when you see those videos of hyper realistic robots. Something is just off.

No because I'm not some poncy faggot. Reported, saged and hidden

You're welcome user. Good luck and Godspeed.
Just remember that with Trump winning, politics changes, meaning that society changes. Women will come to respect and understand the role they play in life once more, and the crazy free bleeding multi colored hair, batshit insane women will go the way of the dodo.

Ooh baby

I'm sure that most of Sup Forums don't even shower regularly. Make up would be too much effort and money.

Looks like you're bored of porn. seems to have good advice.

I heard there's a cure for that

Make ups only for ugly hags to deceive men into laying with them, so no.

you're implying a social norm but okay.

I'm not looking for gratification in places i'd never get it, i'm just pointing out a different view is all...based on one that truly makes me happy.

lol saywatuwantfgt

nice dox attempt you fucking faggot


I do, but only the kind that you can not notice.

>tfw my dream might not be dreams

probably. I've been stuck in a rut lately and nothing really seems interesting. I've just got a little more college to get through before I get a real job.

I would probably just find a non cuck therapist if Sup Forums can't help me before I lick a power line

no because i'm already beautiful

> Perennial Retail Employee

No it's not. During elections Snapchat was one of the most fair ones that included stories from both sides equally

>implies I or anyone has to go out of their way not to be a faggot
Good try goy

nah i don't even comb my hair in the morning.


This. There is nothing wrong with using a bit of makeup to cover up your blemishes.

I wear light makeup for horrible acne scars due to a skin condition which causes every little thing to scar.

I haven't taken a shower since novermber

I'd carry a handbag. All I need is space for my phone, glasses, and wallet. Sometimes I don't want that shit in my pockets, and I don't want to carry around a full size backpack just for those few things.

nor have I ffam

Fucking die crossdressing numales any man who wears makeup or supports this thread kys now

I would judge the society