>Running things

Fact of the matter is, women are biologically not meant to be leaders in any way, shape or capacity. But no, somehow modern society has been deeply corrupted to the point where muh diversity has trumped reasonable assertions like I just mentioned and we are all on the path to mediocrity and failure now as a result. Thanks.

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I was going to post this exact video. Great minds think alike.

Dude, women are great leaders, brilliant, funny, and are better than you.

Get over it.


Women are dumber than men. This is why they're not as good at stuff.

The only thing made by Yahoo in the last 15 years that is any good.

Who made it?

This. Tell me one good thing Yahoo accomplished under her. Pro tip: You can't.

Haha sucks to suck and women fucking suck

they have manage to keep pic related alive which is a huge win for feminism you sexist pig

user, I'm going to cure the world of all diseases.

Does that, to quote your brutish words, suck?


How does aol still exist, but yahoo is gone?

If I look into this more and more, can I cure Marissa of her stupid disease? I think so.

by god, she is the next steve jobs

Apparently she's full of shit? I just read something about her

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I'm voting Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day.

>Holmes holds a 50-percent stock ownership in Theranos.[13] Forbes listed her as one of "America's Richest Self-Made Women" in 2015 with a net worth of $4.5 billion.[26] In June 2016, Forbes released an updated valuation of $800 million for Theranos, which would make Holmes’s stake essentially worthless, because investors own preferred shares and would be paid before Holmes, who owns common stock.
Literally a nobody

Nice copypasta faggot.


>Your browser/webpage is so bad people want to alt tab away from it

Tits or GTFO

Marissa is a total bitch but she has nice legs at least.

>I won't show you my tits
If you're shy we'll show ours first.

She's a good engineer and pretty smart, shitty leader tough, she's infamous for terrorizing those who don't agree with her

If you're so intelligent, why don't you understand statistics?

But congratulations, you're an autist.

doesnt know what bait is, thats sasha grey

>she's infamous for terrorizing those who don't agree with her

Their Finance news/app is nice and simple to use, if you have any other suggestions I'm open

>more intelligent

yes a great 'philosopher' you are.

She was a scam artist and her company is going under.

i came here to post this.

Is this a joke? Are we supposed to alt tab and not use it?

Prepare your anus.

Is this what ear rape feels like?

her biggest shortcoming is not sitting on my face


what is up with female ceo having either fucked up voices or laughs.
Elizabeth Holmes voice is jarring.

>*sniffffffff snifffffff*

how the fuck did this untalented hack get this position
wtf was the board thinking...

/r9k/ pls go.

Makes sense. Yahoo is pretty toxic since the 3 big news pieces about them hit last year.

>Caught scanning ALL incoming and outgoing mail.
>Got hacked, giving away the info of 500 million accounts
>Got hacked AGAIN, giving away the info of over 1 billion accounts; largest hack in history.

The security they were using to protect said info was cracked over a decade ago, too, so its not like it was just bad luck. It was only a matter of time before that happened.

Anyways, if you aren't using some form of encrypted mailbox at this point, you are outright retarded.


Georgia... i'm disappoint

Modern society is pretty much an inversion of everything traditional. It takes an immense amount of social pressure to uphold it because it goes against nature. That's why students are blasted with Marxian propaganda, even when they're not studying the humanities.

>women in charge of not ruining everything

>Fact of the matter is, women are biologically not meant to be leaders in any way, shape or capacity.

It's a maxim of law that women are not to hold office. The maxims of law are the tenets of western civilization.

She literally bought Tumblr for 1.1 billion dollars.
How fucking retarded do you have to be to do that???
She aquired 53 companies and they just happened to know her personally.
This is beyond retardation, you get the picture that these silicon valley nerdfucks will let an attractive "geek" become their boss for no reason.


"There is no one else in the world like Marissa Mayer.

>Now 38 years old, she is a wife, a mother, an engineer, and the CEO of a 30-billion-dollar company. She is a woman in an industry dominated by men. In a world where corporations are expected to serve shareholders before anyone else, she is obsessed with putting the customer experience first.

>Worth at least $300 million, she isn’t afraid to show off her wealth. Steve Jobs may have lived in a small, suburban home with an apple tree out front, but Marissa Mayer lives in the penthouse of San Francisco’s Four Seasons Hotel.

>While rival CEOs like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Larry Page of Google wear flip-flops, hoodies, and T-shirts, Mayer wears Oscar de la Renta on the red carpet.

>Mayer calls herself a geek, but she doesn’t look the part. With her blonde hair, blue eyes, and glamorous style, she has Hollywood-actress good looks."

She was never the type to actually create anything herself and had no understanding of it.
She was good at sucking Larry page's dick clearly.

she fooled all these neckbeards good.
Jesus, white pussy that hangs with ugly geeks is a diamond ticket in life.

> how the fuck

Take a wild guess. She dated Larry Page. She soared to the top of Google while they were fucking.

They broke up after he met his (eventual) wife, at which point she was sidelined with nothing to do. She was basically on her way out when a headhunter looked her up and asked if she'd be interested in running Yahoo.

It's in a book Nicolas Carlson wrote about her, I had to read it awhile ago.

Is it any surprise that female geeks aren't actually intelligent?

Shannon Woodward (black haired midget from Raising Hope and Westworld) calls herself a geek, too. Declares it on twitter, in fact. Yet, giving it a quick scroll, not seeing anything that would be described as geeky. Trashing Trump, best friends with Katy Perry, more trashing Trump. Nothing about computers at all. Nothing about video games. No fantasy novels. No talk about Dungeons and Dragons. Nothing regarding chess.

In what meaningful way does that lady meet the term "geek?" Not saying there aren't geeky ladies, but the vast majority of women who call themselves geeks are simply going after a portion of men for attention. I'm betting that Yahoo's CEO just knew how to code enough to graduate, but not in any meaningful or creative way, and lived her life in a very similar fashion.

But previous Yahoo leads we men. And they were many times worse. Really, just read about them.

>But previous Yahoo leads we men

That's news to Carol Bartz.


At least they were smart enough to buy Alibaba stock, it's literally the only thing that kept Yahoo alive at this point.
Everything decision she has made was bad m8.
Maybe i have a bias towards women, but she was so celebrated as this genius when she got hired.

autism. Women at this level pretty all have some level of autism so they're more masculine in behavior, less emotional.

Their "level" of bullshitting is a piece of art.
Holmes is a scam artist and she lost all her billions.

you maybe are referring to sociopathy.

Pretty much every autistic woman I've met act like Holmes and meyer. Both went into technical fields, act awkwardly, feel little regard for others, etc.

Look at the story about meyer forcing her design team to work long hours with her resdesigning the logo over a weekend. A sociopath would just order them to work on it themselves, a micromanaging autist would actually join them.

Wasted trip on a bait, good job.

>Jews and women run company in to the ground while giving themselves massive payouts
Sounds normal.

I mean, who doesn't want to be filthy rich 'now', as opposed to years down the road?

Quit it John, you lost


Wow what a shit image. I apologise, I didn't have it available and had to download it from imgur

>tfw literally shitposting from my mobile

You're ok. Honestly, that Westworld girl probably only likes "nerds" because she couldn't net a real guy without him destroying her. She's like 5'2". Even a small "nerdy" guy could physically dominate her. Also, she's not hot, just "cute."

We need more Grandma Hazel's to run our stuff user's.

(((modern society)))

Whoa, Elizabeth has a deeper voice than the male host

How much time do you think she spent decorating her office instead of running her company

What an abject example of female failure

Free word of advice for any man who isn't a flaming cuck or doesn't have a really legit fair woman manager.

Transfer, run or quit if you work for a woman.
In my experience its nothing but workplace hell.