Explain how you can live in country where murdering babies is totally legal and still have clean conscience.
Explain how you can live in country where murdering babies is totally legal and still have clean conscience
I am not morally responsible for the acts of my government.
>abortion is murder!
That's never going to be true. And why would you want poor irresponsible people having children who will just be neglected and abused?
This line of reasoning is silly because when extended, it lends legitimacy to the idea of euthanizing children who are neglected and abused.
reminder that a single white baby is worth 50 nigger babies.
Abortion is murder and an insult to the gift of life god gave us
Why do you think (You) can decide who has right to live?
unironicly for that
Based Argie.
Because abortion is minority/liberal population control and crime prevention in America. I would be OK with banning abortion for whites unless the babby is going to be deformed or it threatens the mom's health.
Must be sad to be so edgy in a country full of 70 IQ niggers and SJW cucks. Macri buying into the "Human rights" rhetoric leftover from Kristina's admin
Do you feel alone, user? I would
How? Easy. I get a job, buy a home, eat, drink, sleep. It's a pizza cake.
most of the abortions are niggers
Why do you think that i cant?
In Poland you can do abortion only in three cases.
1. Rape
2. Threat to mother's life
3. Very serious deformations of the child (i.e. not able to live after birth)
I think it's fair.
how is not being edgy working for you user
last I checked it was 56%, and in 2 or 3 years all those 70 iq niggers and sjw cucks will make you a minority in your own country
This one's for Columba. THE PEOPLE'S First Lady.
Jeb fan here. Pacific Northwest.
You're a fool if you think Jeb heads aren't armed. Shit man a lot of us served. Those of us who haven't have family who have, family in law enforcement, and so on. I've hunted and gutted deer. I've slaughtered squirrel in potato fields. I've fought. I've wrestled. I used to skate and I've broken so many bones I've literally lost count and walked half of them off. And there's nothing special or exceptional about me. You're a fool if you don't think Jeb heads are formidable. For every straw man pic you have of a faggy old cuck with a Jeb! sign or inflatable Jeb! balloons I have a pic of a fat virgin beta orbiter Trumpster with a weak stance who still flinches when he fires. I don't presume that Drumpfkins are not formidable. I grew up surrounded by Trump types before they became the Trump types. I know what they can do. I've hunted with them. But that's what's funny about these neolibertarian pseudofascists. They assume they're the toughest guys in the world and everyone else is soft. That's why they keep losing wars. The south loses. Every time they flex. Jeb heads are ruthless when cornered. We burned Atlanta to the ground and used rape as a weapon of mass psychological operation, disrupted troops and marched right up to Jefferson Davis front door. We designed a bomb that destroyed entire cities, then we upgraded it. We invented remote control flying guns and remote control bombers.. Don't fuck with us. Trump will run again? Fine. We'll put em down again.
Because only degenerates and niggers would get an abortion.
If the U.S. was more white, I would only be in favor of abortion/euthanasia for the several mentally and/or physically handicapped at the discretion of the parents.
My conscience gets cleaner for every baby sent to baby Auschwitz. They're like little aborted cans of conscience bleach.
How can killing not be murder? Like it or not mate feminism has been brain washing everyone to believe that allowing women to kill their offspring is somehow a rights issue.
Why stop at unborn? Why not say children under 6 months old. That was the mother get to try if she really wants this baby or not. If she doesn't she just kills the baby.
Fuck it! Make it under 18. If the little fuckers education is too expensive, or they give you lip kill'em.
Is that how you think about life?
It's difficult to explain to someone who should have been aborted, so............
Fetuses arent humans yet, idiot
Polish education
cuts down on the garbage sadly.
Life is the gift from God and it's sacred.
But in euroasian steppe culture there never was respect for human life. Never.
Little reminder in picrel. Even Chinese have more respect than you. In Russia, human is only a talking flesh.
Put the hummus down Joshua!
Only a brain washed kike would believe that it is birth that gives a baby it's humanity.
Here you can do it only during the first three months, so before his heart starts beating, his organs to work on their own, and the fetus to react to stimuli, so there you go
Just because abortion is ilegal in "le based polan xd" doesnt mean that your women cant just go to any of the bordering countries and get the abortion there.
>baby born in 8th month of pregnancy
>it's a human!
>baby still not born in 8th month of pregnancy
>it's just an object, your career is most important! abort it!
I fucking hate westfags.
Your black criminality problem is entirely separate. Why have you allowed them to cultivate a culture of gangsterism and sell it to white children and females?
Its a good thing in modern western countries religion doesent have any place in making decisions, only science and educated people
Because embryos/fetuses aren't even sentient until a specific point, and hence aren't people with rights. Fetus=/=babies
It also stops untermensch from breeding. Don't tell me you want to financially support every welfare leech or cripple.
I know you think you are good and progressive, but you and your values are aligned with Satan and you are why Europe is currently going to hell.
This is number of abortion is Poland. We've made abortion partly illegal in 1993. As you can see before, during and after fall of communism, social acceptance for abortion was getting lower, even if abortion was still legal.
We've just got based after liberation from commiecuckery and we didn't fall in westcuckery. It's eat the cake and have the cake situation.
I don't think it's fair to have an abortion if she was raped. Like was it the babies fault she was raped? No, then why kill it? And as to the deformed baby, how do you know he/she isn't going to have a happy life with it? Also medical science is in its infancy, lol no pun, science can always improve and have methods to deal with deformity without any warning. I believe the only reason to have an abortion is to save a mother's life.
Amazing. Well done saving all those lives.
>blahblahsatan blahworldends muhbible
---->something bad happens
You are all doublethinking. You are programmed to think that killing animal for food is evil and killing human being is not.
You are all living in 1984.
> I believe the only reason to have an abortion is to save a mother's life
Imo rape babies should be aborted unless the mother okays it. If my wife were to be raped, it would be extremely traumatic to us both and not only would I be incredibly distraught, her feelings would be all over the place. Women are too emotional to deal with that level of brainfuck from being violated like that. Let them have some peace knowing that the death of a monster's child can be the birth of peace of mind for them, and their loved ones.
And the evil one mocks.
>Life is the gift from God and it's sacred.
>carrying a rape baby
Oh, so you would opt to carry a rapefugee's baby to term if you or your wife were raped? I hope you would be okay being reminded of that fact every day as you're supporting his child.
>that flag
>you are programmed to think that killing animals for food is evil
Where did you get that from? I have my own gun and hunting license, I regularily go hunting. Meat is good
That's cool when niggers prevent themselves from multiplying.
*teleports behind you
>abort rape babies
>muy feelings
Grow the fuck up. You're dealing with a life. Like it or not it would be your wife's baby. And contrary to popular believe abortion doesn't make you forget being raped. Those memories stay with you forever. Best thing to do is to make the best out of all bad situations. That child you aborted might become a cop or a therapist to aid with others who were raped.
*unsheathes The God Delusion*
Heh... Nothing personnel; kid.
Shut up you fucking imbecile
Yeah I would because the baby would be my wife's child. Life is important. Besides if you kill your enemy they win.
>me and my wife's son
Literally, what a cuck
Unwanted murdered babies tend to become criminals, which later kill innocent people and wanted babies. Families unable to support their unwanted babies leech from a country's resources, and have a harder time contributing to society.
To keep their freedom and their ability to survive on limited finances, poor females will coat hanger fetuses or simply kill the baby after it's born. The former will sterilize women, which would work against white genes in a multicultural society. The latter would either be more cruel than abortions.
You need to change other parts of the system before banning abortion.
But the poster brought up nothing about religion. You just strawmanned his argument. Flase dichotomy.
When does life enter the fetus? I agree that a 8 month fetus is = to a 1 month premature baby. So what's the difference? It's really a philosophical question.
Meant "the latter would either be more cruel than abortions, or be another drain on society". This only applies if orphanages are given tax benefits.
Looks like someone doesn't like logic and goes straight to name calling, without even providing a point to further the conversation. Shows how mature these pro-abortionist are.
Look at thread, its filled with christianity and its rotten values
>Like it or not it would be your wife's baby
Yeah, to a fucking rapist. You're pro-cuckoldry.
You have no right to call the left cucks if you're okay with your wife carrying a rapists offspring to term. Especially if it's with mudslime.
Polish abortions are the only way we can keep our economy afloat.
Dont the latvians come to lithuania to get cheaper alcohol?
>make it fully legal
>still done less than other countries where it is restricted
Laws do not define morality
I'm a cuck for not murdering a baby?
This is logically consistent. I don't agree with it, but if you believe that euthanizing children in bad situations is a good idea then I really can't argue your logic.
>wife is raped and impregnated
>"Oh, we should definitely carry it to term and raise it as our own"
Yeah, that actually is cuckoldry. It would be less embarrassing if you put it up for adoption at the very least.
Ruski's 35's knows best
But you're the bigger cuck for giving them the right to murder infants. Besides I can't help you you already are brainwashed from feminism and the left when you said fetus isn't a person.
People have always and will always kill their children.
The Romans tossed them out to die of exposure. The Greeks threw them off cliffs. There's compelling evidence to suggest the Carthaginians sacrificed unwanted children by throwing them into the burning maw of their god Ba'al Hammon, represented as a bronze statue. In China until very recently it was common practice to just leave excess children out in the woods to die, and throughout human society mothers murdering their offspring is a relatively frequent occurrence within the context of child murder.
At least abortion is somewhat humane. If we outlawed it, the bloodthirsty cunts would just resort to less desirable methods of child disposal.
>freedom is cuckoldry
>listening to state authorities is not
I do not support abortion and try to educate people about the moral evil of abortion when given the opportunity.
Rotten values like not murdering babies. Horrific.
well, it certainly does have a cuge correlation/causation. however, I am agnostic, taken university philosophy, and i think that the fetus really becomes a baby when it's viable outside the womb. like all its feelings and conscience are there, just literally still on the other side of some meat. so it seems extremely wrong to kill a viable fetus/baby. also, women have plenty of time to get an abortion before its viable and thus more human.
How liberals reconcile the idea that abortion should be 100% legal and women's choice, while also worshiping countries where abortion is illegal while wanting to import people from countries where abortion is illegal?
Where's the intellectual consistency?
It should be
>murdering kids is good, therefore I love the western world
>foreigners don't agree with me on child murder, therefore I hate foreigners and don't want them here
>child murder is great, wtf I hate western world now
>foreigners think killing babies is bad? wtf I love foreigners now
Then bleach the world's conscience and kys
It's the same rationale behind the left's Islam fetish. As a religion, Islam is opposed to all liberal values. Muslims throw gay people off buildings and those freaks celebrate them. Feminists are pretty silent about rapefugees as well.
The left only celebrates these groups because they want their vote. And because right-wingers hate them.
In morea you can do it if you just dont want it as ling as both parents agree. I saw it in my dramas. Also Poland and Ireland are so backwards. Even Tunisia is more progressive.
Only if they're still babies then sure. Kids can say they don't want to die.
Because it's my baby?
If I kill a bug it's not murder. A fetus has the equivalent cognitive ability if that bug if not less. Children under 6 months old would be fine. They can talk by 18.
Holy shit you can't make this shit up. Bugs are at the peak of their life and do not have the ability to grow and mature to a human being. Wtf possessed you to equate a bug to a fetus.
>Cognitive ability
No. Scoentist do not know the full extent of a fetus every few years they end up with a different conclusion.
UK should be green. Socioeconomic reasons can include "It would be an inconvenience."
All those unaborted Poles left Poland and went to UK/Germany etc. Just think, if Poland hadn't banned abortion the UK might still be in the EU.
Feels like shit my fellow Polak.
Because you can't, idiot. It's only the females who end up deciding who gets to live or not. And among all the shitty decisions they make, these are the worst.
Fuck off with your jewish propaganda. Abortion already is used as a weapon. Feminists want those sluts to use it even more. It's bad enough, but going to get worse if we don't ban this shit.
Sadly in Australia it's without restriction. The law technically says only to save the mothers life, but baby murdering doctors just say all pregnancy carries the risk of death during childbirth therefore every pregnancy meets the criteria.
People in comas have no cognitive ability.
You don't kill an infant, you kill a potential infant.
It's a more advanced potential than a spermatozoid, yeah, but abortion is only allowed during the first 2 months, where the foetus isn't a child yet.
You also kill potential children if you don't impregnate women. Or if women don't get impregnated after every pregnancy.
>caring about grammar on an Indonesian sock enthusiast website at 5 am
Regardless it cant survive on it's own.
I'm not murdering them, nor am I supporting them in any way beyond what I am forced to do, while voting for people who want to ban it.
>without restriction
bad map
severely underrated fpbp
What? You prevent potential children by not impregnating. Wow that's some mental gymnastics. But no I'm talking about murdering a baby. And no a fetus is a baby no matter the time. Your logic is saying a fertlized chicken egg is not a chicken. But it is and that's why vegans/vegetarians don't eat chicken. However sperm is sperm, it has only half of the human genome and cannot become human by itself. Again your saying masterbaiting for men and having a period for a woman is killing a child. Completely untrue.
True, but take this scenario.
If in the future, when medical science creates a method to abort a fetus and implant them to an artificial womb. Would it be considered surviving on its own and would it be morally unjust to have a fetus die and not placed in the artificial womb.
Retarded/deformed children suffer less and create less suffering to society when they don't exist.
we have niggers poland. one day, when you get niggers, you will understand.
Abortion was introduced to reduce European birth rates and turn us into infertile cucks.
Have you ever heard about leftists pushing for abortion in Cameroon?
>Too many people
>Too many poor people
Let it happen
It's no wonder Hitler wanted to exterminate all Poles... You guys are like vermin. Catholic vermin.